The truth about chocolate

Oh, I love that too! But I can't have that too often: my ass expands everytime I have a cup. Another favorite: Cafe Mocha Valencia. I have to work extremely hard on the treadmill and yoga mat before I allow myself a serving of that. :D :D :D :D :D :D You can make your own cup of sumatran coffee, if you have a coffee maker, that is. Sumatran coffee is available in both Starbucks and Peets. You can get 1/2 pound just to try it out. Don't forget to use cold water when you make the coffee. ;)
Heheheh I am terrible... I get my coffee delivered LOL... I have a standing order at Gevalia and I get a shipment every month (Is'nt that bad) Usually I get a white chocolate, Dark roast and a vanilla bean and mix my own LOL ...Sometimes it gets rough being a coffee and chocolate freak....As for working it off I have a 4 yr old boy :)
Well, both starbucks and peets deliver coffee...anyway, I almost signed up for Gevalia's delivery service. But I decided not to since they don't provide Sumatran coffee. So guys, it's quality and not convenience, for me. ;) ;) ;)
nzueda said:
I'm not sure I have tried Sumatran coffee.... but I love trying new coffees so I definately will, when I'm allowed to drink coffee again :(
The last few days I have been craving my Mum's chocolate self saucing pudding.... yumm *drool*

Er...what happened to you?
Rosie said:
Er...what happened to you?

LOL, I can't drink coffee at the moment. I'm going to this Asian style doctor and he says "no meat, sugar, dairy, alcohol plus... no coffee" tough eh, but it's not forever and it's also not to lose weight (although I've lost 5kg) it's for my health. (I have CFS)

He did say at the beginning a coffee now and then would be ok, but I kinda drank everyday.... and now it's banned ....:p
nzueda said:
LOL, I can't drink coffee at the moment. I'm going to this Asian style doctor and he says "no meat, sugar, dairy, alcohol plus... no coffee" tough eh, but it's not forever and it's also not to lose weight (although I've lost 5kg) it's for my health. (I have CFS)

He did say at the beginning a coffee now and then would be ok, but I kinda drank everyday.... and now it's banned ....:p

What's CFS?
Rosie said:
What's CFS?

CFS is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - means I am exhausted everyday plus a whole heap of others things I wont bore you with ;)
Happily, the last few weeks I've had huge improvement :happy: so sticking to this treatment seems to be paying off YAY!
nzueda said:
CFS is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - means I am exhausted everyday plus a whole heap of others things I wont bore you with ;)
Happily, the last few weeks I've had huge improvement :happy: so sticking to this treatment seems to be paying off YAY!

I'm SO HAPPY for you. I wish you speedy recovery. I'm no better than you; I'm asthmatic. Fall is just around the corner; I don't breathe very well in this season. Worse, I hardly breathe in winter! :D I also experience chest pains from time to time. But I'm not very concern about that. After all, this has been going on for the past 14 years.:D
Rosie said:
I'm SO HAPPY for you. I wish you speedy recovery. I'm no better than you; I'm asthmatic. Fall is just around the corner; I don't breathe very well in this season. Worse, I hardly breathe in winter! :D I also experience chest pains from time to time. But I'm not very concern about that. After all, this has been going on for the past 14 years.:D

Oh you poor thing! I had asthma as a child, but definately not as bad as you. Y'know, this treatment I'm on is not just for my kind of illness but anything..... I hope one day you have the oppotunity to give it a try - it might give you some relief.

Going back to the subject of coffee..... I was doing some volunteer teaching this morning and a lady gave me an iced coffee with milk (didn't ask, just plonked it on the table beside me) me, being way too polite, drank it anyway, even though I shouldn't. (coffee and milk are both *dame*)
*sigh* now I am sick..... fever and exhausted.
Sorry stomach! :sorry:

It was delicous though :p
nzueda said:
Oh you poor thing! I had asthma as a child, but definately not as bad as you. Y'know, this treatment I'm on is not just for my kind of illness but anything..... I hope one day you have the oppotunity to give it a try - it might give you some relief.

Going back to the subject of coffee..... I was doing some volunteer teaching this morning and a lady gave me an iced coffee with milk (didn't ask, just plonked it on the table beside me) me, being way too polite, drank it anyway, even though I shouldn't. (coffee and milk are both *dame*)
*sigh* now I am sick..... fever and exhausted.
Sorry stomach! :sorry:

It was delicous though :p

Hey, if you ask me, I say it's all worth it. :D I would have done the same too! You know, I'm not all that adventurous when it comes to coffee. I don't try other blends; I don't want to be disappointed, you know? Sumatran blend suits me just fine, and I can't bring myself to try others. Those came from South America go well with fruits. Those came from Indonesia goes well with pasteries, and candies. As for those from Africa, well, go with just about anything!:bluush:
Re: Starbucks

Dream Time said:
my friend,who loves coffee
he hates Starbucks because he thinks Starbucks makes low quality coffee

That's not always the case though. I had some pretty good coffee at Starbucks. At times they just suck; the one prepared the coffee didn't do a good job. And I always give comments on the forms they provide. I just love doing that. As for Peets, I'm never disappointed. Hope it stays that way.;)
starbucks is a high dollar shop, i dont think coffee should cost that much. i can get a whole meal for the price of one cup of coffee. while im at it i might as well throw in krispy kream donuts, at a normal donut shop a dozen glazed goes for like 2 dollars. granted they are a little better but not 250% better which seems to be the price increase.

I don't drink coffee,
but I was forced to go to Starbucks because my two friends wanted to go and talk there.

so we went there,I just ordered a small cup of coffee,I think it is cappucino or something,
and it costed me almost $4,
after I got the coffee,I looked at it,
and I thought,
'I paid $4 and all I get is a cup of coffee that small??'
well I ordered small size coffee but I didn't expect it would be THAT small

the coffee wasn't too good either,and I tried to drink it as slow as possible...
I have to drink gallons of coffee just to have one krispy kream; too sweet. And I can hardly taste the dough. (eek!)
I had a dream last night that I went to my favourite cafe with friends in NZ and I had to order mint tea because Im not allowed coffee...... even in the dream I was feeling the pain.....
nzueda said:
I had a dream last night that I went to my favourite cafe with friends in NZ and I had to order mint tea because Im not allowed coffee...... even in the dream I was feeling the pain..... need any translations for this dream too, nzueda?:wave:

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