The Indo-European migrations to Armenia

Some Armenians can have Balkan-Anatolian orgin (Phygian) but those could have been a minority with the majority being 'indigenous'. That's what I suspect personally. And it doesn't matter what the orginal 'PIE homeland' was.
Some Armenians can have Balkan-Anatolian orgin (Phygian) but those could have been a minority with the majority being 'indigenous'. That's what I suspect personally. And it doesn't matter what the orginal 'PIE homeland' was.

the Armenian theory is a linguistic theory that connects Germanic Thracian and Armenian,
the other theory is the Greco-Aryan connecting Greek with Aryan (Homer's Greek),
Armenian origin is urartu mountain,
The Brygian connectivity enter nowdays, is a modern possibility that connects
there is a strange and remarkable connectivity of Greek and Armenian also, but not a theory developed,
words like καρα (οστον κεφαλης) κτλ κτλ
kura-Arax depression 库拉-阿拉斯低地

* There is a very strong archaeological evidence that the most newcomers entered Armenia from the East not the West. There are two main routs from the east. The Kur valley and the Arax valley. Starting 2800 BC Kura-Arax culture started to collapse from a pressure from the Eastern side (Daghestan later they moved by Kur valley). The newcomers bring with them a culture that can be associated with early IE. Perhaps they moved also to Anatolia and founded the Anatolian languages。 I myself support this theory.


In the Chinese ancient classic "山海经‘, (not correctly translated as the Classic of Mountains and Seas ),there are two routes from China going West , one is exactly following the route revealed by the above scholar , from China to Azov
Sea, to Aral Sea, Caspin Sea and Black sea .The name of the Great Caucasos in this book is 大崦嵫山, Da-yan-zi mountain。The tribes here are herders of goats and sheep. According to a Chinese independent researcher Mr. Pulu(濮鲁), who is a geologist and engineer and retranslated the book, the book was compiled around Xia (夏朝)dynasty, which is dated variously as after 2500BC , and 2100BC. or 2070BC /2030BC —about 1600BC/. In the book’ s second volumn , the West mountains ( 第二卷 西山经)various routes to the west are described and the tribes ,their names , way of life are described in very brief and ancient text, which is a mixture of ancient Pu language (濮语) and Han Chinese language. (汉语) Other Volumns (total 18 volumns of this book )concerning the west are "海外西经‘, ’海内西经‘, “大荒西经’。[ my paraphrases:: overseas in the west , and west land , ] The west end of the book is the Causasos mountain . It also writes down the old names of many rivers , cities and mountains during that time .
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