Songs in Italian

Max Pezzali
Lo Strano Percorso
Tutto L'Universo Obbedisce all'Amore
Cartoon songs

Cristina D'Avena
Terry e Maggy

Cristina D'Avena
Piccoli Problemi di Cuore

Cristina D'Avena

Cristina D'Avena
One Piece

Cristina D'Avena
I loved the Italian music very much when I was a child in the eighties.

Maybe before your time, but these songs were very popular in the USSR!

Well, let's go back to the old days, back to the 80's! It were great times!

Thank you for that songs, these musicists are very famous abroad

Nice song
very good song, and expressive for the love for music
What about Lucio Dalla – Caruso? Do you like this song?

he has a good live album with Francesco de Gregori called Banana Republic

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