so j1 arabian arabs evolved into I1 nordic scandinavians?


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ij split and i is found in scandinavia and balkan dinarics! so nordics basically came from arabians and are close cousins? ? and r1b and r1a are also connected to each other this means russians and celts basque and irish are basically close cousins? also there is e ! e came from ethiopids! so e in greeks is ethiopid in origin? it seems amazing actually
also j2 is supposed to be mesopotamian or sumerian possibly because the peoples who populated ancient anatolia and greece came from mesopotamia! so they were possibly sumerians
well, you can go back in time all you want, thousands of thousands of years, and you can find, for example haplogroup Y, the father of all haplogroups.. amazing isn't?
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ij split and i is found in scandinavia and balkan dinarics! so nordics basically came from arabians and are close cousins? ? and r1b and r1a are also connected to each other this means russians and celts basque and irish are basically close cousins? also there is e ! e came from ethiopids! so e in greeks is ethiopid in origin? it seems amazing actually

Greece has it's own E and J subclades (balcanic subclades) and not the same as in Africa for example. All haplogroups in Europe come from Asia and then difference subclades evolved in Europe but the origin is there. You could say that I and J are closer but that wouldn't be really accurate since the split happened thousands of years ago before these haplogroups reached Europe if I'm not mistaken.
If you just compare haplogroups, you could say that all Europeans and Middle Easterners are fairly close cousins. But let's not forget that haplogroups are very old... What does it mean to be cousins separated by 5,000 or 10,000 years ? What does it even mean to be cousins within 6 generations (150 years) ? You won't share much more autosomal DNA with a 6th generation cousin than with an unrelated person from your country/ethnicity.
yeah its amazing that i is related to j because i1 is found in scandiavia the people are very blonde and fair and j is found in yemen and the people there are as dark as most east indians or east africans even! i always found that weird! i think j2 can be attributed to the peoples of iraq and anatolia then it spread to greece etc
yeah its amazing that i is related to j because i1 is found in scandiavia the people are very blonde and fair and j is found in yemen and the people there are as dark as most east indians or east africans even! i always found that weird! i think j2 can be attributed to the peoples of iraq and anatolia then it spread to greece etc

Why should it be amazing ? I and J split over 30,000 years ago. At that time blond hair, blue eyes, and even fair skin didn't exist. All Homo Sapiens looked like Black Africans back then.
well my dad said blonde hair blue eyes fair untannable skin evolved in the northern climates but eskimos are also far north and they arent as fair as north europeans plus they dont have blonde or blue eyes! where did blond hair blue eyes and fair untannable skin come from then? what country did this first occur in? maybe it came with the so called aryans?

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