Smoke Pot, Yes or No?

Every smoked Pot?

  • No never have never will

    Votes: 13 35.1%
  • Once but didnt like it so I quit

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • I used to back in the Day

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • Yes, I smoke pot

    Votes: 4 10.8%

  • Total voters
Only the good old fashioned homegrown stuff, I dont like that cheap disgusting brown kind they import from mexico, or that chemically enhanced crap.
I used to smoke MJ all day, every day for a few years. I'm not exaggerating, either. I would stay up all night taking bong hits and doing shotguns, sucking on a hooka, rolling joints, loading bowls. It never stopped. My best friend had a pound under her bed at all times, selling it out of her dorm room. We lived for getting high. That's all there was.

I would even steal pipe cleaners from the drugstore to clean out our bowl. I'd buy a whole bag of screens at one time. We couldn't take a 30 minute trip down the road without packing a bowl and smoking it on the way.

So now, after memory loss(that I'm sure can be traced back to the weed) and wasting thousands of dollars on a highly expensive and quality school, after marriage and kids, I will smoke weed no more. I've been done with it for 10 years and will never smoke it again. The thought of the smell is enough to make me want to throw up and the episodes of panic brought on by it are enough to keep me away for good.

Thank goodness I never hit anything harder(unless you can count shrooms). My best friend did, and it's amazing that she survived all the **** she went through with drugs and drug dealers. She has been in a house with labs, kept company with heat-packing thugs, everything.

Anyway, I'm starting to drift.

I just know it was wrong for me. That doesn't mean I will pass judgement on anyone who does do it, though.
I tried pot a few times; but it wasn't my cup of tea. Every once in a while on social occasions I may do it. Regardless on whether I do it or not, it isn't my place to make the decision for someone else and therefore should be legalized.
Frank D. White said:
Funny, in my 56 years of life, no one has offered me a chance to? Maybe they feel I am crazy enough without it?
Uncle Frank

tell you what frank. ive only tryed it a couple times before i Joined the military. dont think your missing all that much. other then that when i do get out who knows.. i might try it with you again. lol
No never have never will
I smoked weed for about 1 year, off and on. I experienced no ill effects. There is no reason, and no right, for ANY government to tell their citizens what they can and cannot put in their bodies.
We should live in the now. We shouldn't use any substances that does the opposite.
Did you smoke something writing it?
Yes it should be legal,and NO I dont smoke pot,at east not anymore.If alcohol is legal then Pot should be also,No one on Earth has or ever will Overdose on POT,not unless it is laced.You cant die from a Weed overdose like you can from Alcohol poison,most people dont get violent from Pot alone like some do with Alcohol and I found I actually was a calmer better driver on pot than when I was sober at times.Plus whatever bad things you find with Pot,you find those same bad things with Alcohol and ever more.So as far as common sense goes,if alcohol is legal,there really isnt any reason Pot shouldnt be either.It has medicinal uses too and alcohol has none,But Pot will never become legal because the government cant profit from it,They have a monopoly on alcohol,no one makes moonshine anymore,not much anyway so the government gets all the taxes and money from all types of alcohol sold,but tey wont get that with Pot,there will be competition from dealers even if it was legalized,so because they cant make much money from it,the government will never legalize it,that's pretty much the only reason,nothing else makes sense
Never have, never will. It is a very bad idea. I don't have respect for those who say it's cool to smoke pot. It could be dagerous, if you ask drug addicted people how it all started, they would answer. "It started with some pot and were three guys and............"
But I am glad, that no one in the forum is smoking pot, and some only have tried it, but didn't like it. Well for those who did it in the old days......I don't know....hehe, I guess it's not my problem.
actually the only reason it is a gateway drug is because it is illegal but not for the susbtance itself.Alcohol is MUCH worse than Pot but its not a gateway drug becuase drug dealers dont have a monopoly on it,With Pot even though it is less dangerous as alcohol the only way to get it is illegally so it gets mixed up with other drugs that are illegal.If Pot was never illegal then it wouldnt be a gateway drug.Besides how do you know if it's dangerous or not if you never tried it?Instead of believing stupid crap you hear from others,why dont you try it once and see and think for yourself

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