Politics Should Turkey Join The EU?

explain please i already talled you that people who tallk about skull shape
cand call my post racist
genetic code
explain please i already talled you that people who tallk about skull shape
cand call my post racist
genetic code
Your post is racist against europeans, calling them gook all the time, and I i've never talked about skull shape in this forum, but it is Science, it has nothing to do with racism.
not all europeans haplogroup I are not related to eastern asians what so ever
they are my favourite understand many in haplogrop r {r1b,r1a}
doesnt always mean qulity
ps. skull shape is pure racism this was the time anthropologists classified humna races like {mongolid , caucasoide, australid , negroiod} acording to there skull shape
belive me i know history those things lead later to bad things later
yeh, the islam in europe is punishment on the european gooks m9 descendents
on what they have done {with no emothions at all because they are gooks }
between 1939-1945
i was in southern france last year many muslems but i dont give a damm i prefer them over the french natives m9 -r1b they are much more warm there are 6 milion muslems in france hope in few decades they will change the genetic makeup of france
and more french will be j1e-p58 and my cousins e1b1b12 -m81 hope it will happen
france going in good direction at least in my prespective
genetic code

Racist in the extreme. Let's not even mention ignorant, there's no need. It's self evident.

In my opinion there’s nothing wrong in comparing and contrasting people of different race but when it goes pear shaped is when race is used to discriminate purely on the basis of racial prejudice, or where blatant insults are aimed at people because of their race.

You’re out of order, benffol bachgen.
But just days before her departure, Turkish PM (Erdogan) has started to move towards the demand phase of the colonisation of European nations by Muslims but in this case he’s more than a little ill-advised because all he’s doing is proving once again why Turkey has no place in the EU.

An intent to become an integrated nation? When you come out with this sort of thing?

In an interview with Die Zeit, Erdogan all but demanded that Germany establish Turkish high schools using Turkish as the teaching language for Turkish German residents.
This follows on from a recent speech he made in Köln in which he proposed Turkish-language education for those in Germany of Turkish descent.
The writing is on the wall. Trouble is it’s writ so damm large many people simply can’t see it.
Little Angie Merkel has come up with the concept of the “Privilegierte Teilhaberschaft” with Turkey rather than full EU membership.

(“Privilegierte Teilhaberschaft” translates into “privileged partnership”, in other words a good neighbour with advantageous relationships.

Turkey doesn’t want it.

Since Privilegierte Teilhaberschaft provide all the benefits that Turkey would get from the EU (which is a damm site more than I would like to see them have) the question must be why is Turkey so insistent on full membership.

For those of us who can see the answer is obvious.

And we don’t like it one little bit.
gwyllgi the only thing that i am of order
is by exposing my emotions but you cant blame me
i came from e1b1b1 the mediterreanean race we much more emotional
and hot blood but we are not evil i will never forget what m9 descendents did
between 1939-1945
not all europeans haplogroup I are not related to eastern asians what so ever
they are my favourite understand many in haplogrop r {r1b,r1a}
doesnt always mean qulity
ps. skull shape is pure racism this was the time anthropologists classified humna races like {mongolid , caucasoide, australid , negroiod} acording to there skull shape
belive me i know history those things lead later to bad things later
Classifying races based on skull shape is Science, not racism. What do you think forensics and anthropologists do to determine someones' race ?? I don't see any racism in this. Are you afraid of science ?
i have nothing against turks i have many brothers who carry th em34 marker
mainly in southern and eastern turkey the turks descendents of antolians
and the romans consider them caucasoide i already talled you that 3 antolians were militarry tribune of the twentith roman legion and many other were out there
so i dont care were they migrate germany see them as threat
i have nothing against turks i have many brothers who carry th em34 marker
mainly in southern and eastern turkey the turks descendents of antolians
and the romans consider them caucasoide i already talled you that 3 antolians were militarry tribune of the twentith roman legion and many other were out there
so i dont care were they migrate germany see them as threat

What an odd reply!

There’s a very great deal to a nation than the genetic composition of even a majority of its population.

To reduce people to their genetic markers is horrifyingly racist in the worst possible way.

The question stands.

What would most Australians response be to a proposition to allow unfettered immigration from a nation with a low standard of living, a dreadful record on Human Rights, and a people who hold to an ideology that runs counter to its own in every way?

With a population of in the region of 80 million, 99% of whom are Mohammedans, around 15% unemployment, essentially a military force required to police the nation (rather than a police force implementing law and order) and a horrendous record of dealing with those populations the government don’t like.

Then the little matter of being a global center for the drugs trade .

Moreover a nation that many nations rightly see as a pariah state with an unhealthily close relationship to neighboring states that either support or foster terrorism.

As I ask, what do you think the Ozzies would have to say if there was pressure being applied to them to have THAT imposed on them to fully integrate as another state of Australia ?

So why should WE have to have the horrid proposition facing us?
i only said that i have genetic brothers there thats all you want me to hate them ?
they are my brothers in australia there are also many italians , cypriotes ,greeks
and many other so yes the british australians will oposed migration of turks to australia but thats only because the racist elment m9 male descendents r1b which are the majority of the populations the same {gookish elemnt} which follow other e1b1b1 leaders like mussolini , hittler and others .
the gooks m9 descendents are the most racist no doubt in my mind about it .
i have no symapthy thowards cf {p-143} but since they are the majority in the world i have no choice but to live with them that why haplogroup as realy center in specific spots africa mediterreanean levant and mediterreanean europe
same goes fore paleo-asianids the original asian haplogroup d which we both carry the yap element mainly tibeteans and my favourits japanese which the samurai and kamikaza element rose from this asian stock
genetic code
No one is asking you to hate anyone, though your use of the highly offensive word “gook” would indicate that mindless hating is a lesson you have learned well.

What is at issue is your support for Turkey as a member of the EU given its singular inappropriate qualification and if, being allegedly based in Australia, you would comment on the Australian view of such a proposition if Australia was to be the target.

In fact I did note you commented on this and implied that it would only be Australians of British descent who would object and you imply that this would be because of racism on their part.

That is utter rubbish.

The objections would be from the vast majority of Australians irrespective of their ethnic origins who would rightly see an open door policy to Turkey as utterly indefensible, socially wrong, and absolutely not what a modern nation either wants or needs.

There’s a great deal more to a population than the genes in their Blue Jeans.
ok i talled you that i have no problem with turks thats all they want to come to australia let it be
i gusse you vote no for the join of turkey to the Eu
just remind everyone if i take lattiude line turkey ir should i say {antolia since only specific elite took the country and genetic reserach on antolia prove most of the people there are descendents from native antolians and not the elite who forced the language } antolia in the same latitude with southern greece southern italy and spain
we all know that antolia was conected to the balkan many thousands of years ago
same gose for tunisia which was conected to sicily so antolia is very close to europe
so why should they not join
genetic code
I’ve written this before, but I’ll repeat it.

NATURE provides a raw material.

NURTURE, i.e. upbringing, society, social norms, custom and practice, that takes what nature has delivered.

MEMES, “Thought Viruses” taken to be true such as religion, then go on to finally form the character that includes beliefs, values, ideology and perception of the world, of themselves, and of others.

To attempt to determine what a person is going to be like, or to judge a nation simply on the genetic make up of the population is, to be candid, bloody silly.

It doesn’t matter a rats behind if a DNA analysis were to prove that every Greek was closely related to every Turk, HISTORY has created the schism.

It doesn’t matter a rats behind if a DNA analysis were to prove that every Turk was closely related to every Welshman, HISTORY has created the schism.

And those schisms that separate us will only close when that which created the Memes and the form of Nurture is abandoned. In the case of Turkey, as with ALL Islamic nations, until Islam is abandoned those memes will NEVER end.

THAT is why Turkey should not be allowed to join the EU. We are just too different to be members of the same family. Neighbours, even good and close neighbours, yes but adopted into our family …… No.
to diffrent to be in same family why yo u say that maybe they are diffrent from welsh not from balkan people for example albanian both of them muslim the only reason you except the albanians is because they are in europe in geographical terms .
i dont hoe the turks could harm europe if they will join Eu in germany there are 1.5 milion turks they are doing the the dirty work that the germans dont want to do
is that harm germany except from the masque all across the country ?
explain why islam is no reason to avoid them
genetic code
to diffrent to be in same family why yo u say that maybe they are diffrent from welsh not from balkan people for example albanian both of them muslim the only reason you except the albanians is because they are in europe in geographical terms .

You make a very wrong assumption if you think that I, or the majority of EU people, accept Albania as being a good fit let alone welcome in the EU.

i dont hoe the turks could harm europe if they will join Eu in germany there are 1.5 milion turks they are doing the the dirty work that the germans dont want to do
is that harm germany except from the masque all across the country ?

There are 1,5 million people who happen to be Turks doing the crappy jobs in Germany. The fact that they are Turks is not the issue, their Turkish lifestyle and aspirations have thus far largely been kept under control.

Interestingly now that Erdoğan is gaining confidence as a result of seeing what he THINKS is a softening of objection of Turkish entry to the EU so his demands on Germany are stepping up.

His latest demand of us that in Germany we provide Turkish Language schools exemplifies this.

He’s also increasing his pro-Arab stance believing that he’s safe to do so because of his miscalculation about EU sentiment against Turkish membership reducing.

It’s actually a good thing. It shows that Turkey would not simply want to be a state within a federation, but a mover and a shaker but a mover and a shaker in a direction we Europeans don’t want to be moved or shaken towards.

explain why islam is no reason to avoid them
genetic code

Islam is an ideology that is genetic independent.

The deciding factor is not ethnic. Multi ethnicity is generally speaking good for a nation, but multi culture is not. Multi-ideological is an absolute recipe for disaster especially when, as in the case of Islam, that ideology is totally counter to the ideologies of the nations that it gets a foothold in.

Islamic immigration is actually the first step towards Islamic colonisation. It can by definition never be anything else. The presupposition that Islam is “the best” means that the votaries of Islam MUST push what they believe is “The Best” irrespective even of it being a Holy imperative to engage in Jihad to do so.

We can see this in several European countries where some parts of our big cities are now not just self sealing colonies but in parts to all intents actually Islamic Waafs, with all the future horrors that will bring.
i have nothing against turks i have many brothers who carry th em34 marker
mainly in southern and eastern turkey the turks descendents of antolians
and the romans consider them caucasoide i already talled you that 3 antolians were militarry tribune of the twentith roman legion and many other were out there
so i dont care were they migrate germany see them as threat

What does any of this have to do with the kind of country Turkey is today? The bottom line is that Turkey is a Muslim state that is trending less secular by the day and, in large measure, socially and culturally runs counter to European norms and traditions.
ok i understand your points each man and his opinions
dont you think europe wake up to late since many muslems are all across europe capital cities nowdays which steps europe do to prevent the islamic colonies inside her ?
genetic code
Islam is still not at all well understood by the vast majority of people in The West.

Most, including our politicians and even Churchmen, see it as just another religion, one that is closely aligned with Judaism and Christianity, one that is benign, and one that will sit contentedly side by side and equal to existing religions.

They are utterly wrong. Wrong because of their own inability to believe that something so fell could get away with becoming the monster that it has, wrong because they believe the lies and propaganda that is put about regarding the tenets of Islam being in some way a wholesome thing appropriate to our evolved society. And also terribly wrong when, as politicians, they use Islam as a means of gaining power.

“Genetic Code” (an odd forum identitry) asks what could be done to address the growing Islamic communities inj Europe.

One answer is to stop treating Mohammedans as being somehow deserving of consideration because of their beliefs.

We should make it abundantly clear in every possible way that the acceptable position from here on in is for them to fit into OUR world with OUR values or clear out.

NO Minaret’s, NO burqas, NO Mosques that stand out as such and offend our European architecture, and those that do be demolished.

Instead Islam tolerated so long as Mohammedans abide by OUR laws, pay any additional taxes needed to provide better or increased security because of the proven association of terrorism with them because of their religion, and at all times be aware that they are totally subjugated under OUR societies.

Seems unfair? Seems racist in some way?

Why should it.

Let’s keep in mind that for a non-Muslim to be tolerated under Islam that non-Muslim must abide by Shar’ia, must pay additional tax, and must at all times feel subjugated under Islam.

Would it ever happen?

Probably not because ours is a much evolved society, one in which people can make decisions about all aspects of our lives and not live under the cruel and inhuman dictates of a regime invented by a man who today would be locked up and have the key thrown away because of his values and actions. Values and actions that even in his day many people utterly rejected …. until forced to accept them by the sword.

Let’s keep it real though. There are places in the world where Islam still is an appropriate ideology and “religion”.

But these places are where the same barbaric behaviour of people as was taking place where Mohammed invented Islam is endemic.

Places of tribal conflict, places where there is a need to utterly control those who without the control would be committing all sorts of savagery.

Where Christian love would be seen as weakness and Christian morality as a thing to be exploited. Where the rigidity of Judaism would be simply ignored in the absence of cruel and archaic punishment, a thing that Judaism left behind nearly two millennium ago.

Where Hinduism would be simply over run because of the pantheon of Hindu Gods creating a lack of focus, where Buddhism would be simply exploited and where probably the only real confrontation would be with Voodoo.

Such places do exist, such people who need Islam do exist, but not in Europe. If Mohammedans want to live in our world then as long as they live in our world that’s not a thing to fret over so long as they bring something that we want or need. We neither want or need Islam. This is not about freedom of religion, it is about a conflict of ideology and that is a very different thing indeed.

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