FTDNA Share your updated MyOrigins results

That's odd, I am also Belgian but get 12% of East European with the new version. 23andMe gives me 0% and indeed Belgians should have 0% since there is no R1a apart from a bit of Germanic L664. I had about 50% British before, and now its 24% but I have no British ancestor (possibly ever since migrations went from the continent to Britain, not the other way round, and I don't come from a coastal area where there could have been some migration at one point).

I rated FTDNA last for autosomal report usefulness and accuracy in my recent review of ancestral DNA tests and I maintain that ranking for the new MyOrigins. You'd think that the oldest and largest ancestry DNA test would get one of the best reports, but oddly the opposite is true. I think they aren't even trying as they think they dominate the market anyway.
Sad to hear that other people's results still seem really off. I was hoping finally we could rely on some accuracy. Most companies except Ancestrydna have me at about 87% northwest European. Problem was is that I was getting anywhere from 25-40% british isles with no known ancestors on paper. Previously I was also getting Eastern European and Asia Minor. I attribute my current 10% southeast European to Roman influence.
Western/Central European: 46%
British Aisles: 40%
Eastern Europe: 5%
Asia Minor: 4%
Southern European: 3%

Western/Central European 90%
South/Eastern European 10%
Europe: 45%
East Europe: 28%
South East Europe: 17%

Middle Eastern: 35%
Anatolian 35%

Central/South Asian: 8%
Central Asian: 8%

East Asian: 7%
North East Asian: 4%
Siberian: 3%

Jewish Diaspora: 3%
Ashkenazi 3%

North African & West MiddleEastern

I am wondering what is the new groups, like West Middle Eastern
Old results

Scandinavian: 38 percent
British Isles: 31 percent
West and Central Europe: 23 percent

Middle East
Asia Minor: 8 percent

New results

British Isles: 52 percent
West and Central Europe: 20 percent
Scandinavia:13 percent
South East Europe: 9 percent
East Europe: 2 percent

Middle eastern
Asia minor: 4 percent
Hi, I'm new posting here but I was really surprised with my new results and I came looking for help. I see I'm not the only one thinking that the old results were much more realistic.

With the old results I was 100% European: 82% Southern Europe and 18% Western and Central Europe. I thought that reflected pretty well my 100% Iberian ancestry (as far as I know).

Now I got: 74% Iberia, 13% Southern Europe, 11% Scandinavia (!!!) and >2% Western Middle East, although they warn me that this could be background noise. Also no trace of Western-Central Europe, when I had 18% with the old results.

Could someone help me understand if there is a reasonable explanation for my new results?

Hi all,
I can see dramatic changes with this new version as you can see:

Before : 100% european (65% western central europe, 35% southern europe)

Now : 97 % european (38% Iberia , 37% West and Central Europe, 16% British Isles, 6% Southeast Europe) South Central Asia < 2%, West Middle East< 2%.

Lost my 100% (not a problem as i feel citizen of the world)
But i'm still quite disappointed, especially with the apparition of the british cluster, and the increase of the southern europe.
I'm french (75% auvergne and 25% bourgogne) , with no "exotic" ancestor known in my family, even from the south of the country.
I know that France is very plurial in term of admixture. This may be more ancient (we have no informations before 1700's).

I have two questions and hope you will help me :)
a) Is the moorish influence is already included in the iberian cluster or if I had any, it would appear as "north africa" in the map ?
b) I always asked myself if i had any autosomal link to my "germanic" haplogroup (R1b-U106)....is the british isles component could explain that, or is it just because i share some DNA with the meds-brittanics (dark irishs etc...)

I apologize for my approximative english, and for any silly question.

Cheers :)
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I am Czech from Northeastern Moravia:

European 98%
- East Europe 68%
- West and Central Europe 24%
- Scandinavia 6%
Trace results
- North and Central America <2%
- West Middle East <2%
Syky, can you provide if you know such information, about the results of other Czech people in myOrigins?

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I think FTDNA was trying real hard to capture those small slivers in our DNA but ended up combining some of the larger pieces. My known German completely disappeared and they have me now as 93% European and it's all British Isles. I have 6 minor chunks of less than 2% in the following areas: N & C America, SE Asia, E European, Iberian, North Africa and W Middle East.

Glad someone mentioned that Ancestry changed too. I wouldn't have known otherwise. They are recently much closer to accurate with my known ancestors. But most of the minor dna assessments from the new "My Origins" line up with several of the Gedmatch calculators.
Syky, can you provide if you know such information, about the results of other Czech people in myOrigins?

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Unfortunately I don't know anyone from Czechia on FTDNA. But from my experience on 23andme, other Czechs should score similar to me.
I guess this new version has some problems with recognizing the Germanic factor or so.....
I'am from (North) Dutch stock but 0% West and Central Europe! My results: British Isles 49%, Scandinavia 44%, East Europe 6%. I guess these 'modern stickers' are displaced here. British Isles is partly related to the Anglo-Saxon invasion which came manly from North-Dutch, NW Germany up to Jutland. Not the other way around. Scandinavia could also be SHG, Ertebølle people. The Ertebølle people where also present in the Netherlands. Otherwise I can't explain these figures:

Anyone further suggestions? Low Countries (Benelux) or German results not recognized or....?
I have mostly Spanish background with some distant Dutch/Scandinavian (gggrandfather) and in the new myorigin
update my British, Scadinavian and West Central European % has disappeared. I now have 13 % East European?. Something must definitely be wrong here.
i think the consensus is the groupings seem pretty slapdash, and it seems to be throwing off the results. i didn't really read the brief, i suppose some of the surprises people have had in their 2.0 results could possibly be explained by it being deep ancestry, but it seems like they threw some arbitrary figures at everyone. in ancestry.com my west asian/ashkenazi totals no more than an approximate 6%, here the two figures (with sephardic instead of ashkenazi) makes up 29%? Oh well!
dear selectivememriare you also south italian ?
because some italian score sefhardic cluster
i know a lebanese christian and a turkish alwaite who score 17% and 14% sefhardic
that high in such close groups must be shared east -med signitures
with kind regards

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Hi King John, I'm macedonian, but I get a lot of East and West Med on my gedmatch results, so that could be it!


After comparing my result with my bro's, I can said that it is weird :grin:
South Indian - South American

and Where is Spanish people, why all are Sephardi?
yeah boreas, you or your brother's totally absent west europe 20% seems a little off!
Crazy sephardic percentages are everywhere in this thread.

2 percent South American for a Bulgarian? That's a bad sign.

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