FTDNA Share your updated MyOrigins results

post your updated autosomal FTorigins!

FT has added new regions to their origins reports and people have commented on having significant changes in their results. Anyone checked their report recently?

here are mine, previous results had me at about 40% southern and eastern euro each, and 20% asia minor

Middle Eastern 12%

Asia Minor


East Middle East


North Africa


West Middle East


European 71%

British Isles


East Europe






Southeast Europe




West and Central Europe


Jewish Diaspora 17%




FTDNA have updated their "MyOrigins" results since early April and they now look different. What is your score? Where does each one of you come from?
Here are my results:

European 79%
Southeast Europe 57%
East Europe 17%
Iberian 7%
Middle Eastern 19%
Asia Minor 19%
Trace results
West and Central Europe <2%

I am Greek (50% from Thessaly and 50% from Thrace likely with some Bulgarian ancestry).
75% European
71% Southeast Europe
2% East Europe
2% Finnish

20% Asia Minor

5% Ashkenazi
Really strange update. Before I had -- 33% East Euro; 33% South Euro; 17% Western and Central Euro; 12% Southwest Asia; 5% Anatolia

Now it's like -- 84% Southeast Euro; 9% East Euro; 7% Scandinavia and I even got another 2% of South America (so I'm 102%...) but the system says it's a noise, normally.

This southeast Euro cluster in the Balkans is said to represent cumulative effect from local Neolithic ancestry + Slavic migrants and yet there are other East Euro percentages for some reason. It seems that these exotic 17% Western Euro are now Scandinavia+East Euro and the rest fell into the Southeast cluster.
What is east Europe & southeast europe

According to FTDNA:

Southeast Euro = Italy, Greece and the western Balkan states from Bulgaria to Croatia.

East Europe = Latvia to Ukraine, Romania and the northern part of Bulgaria, west along the eastern edge of the Balkan states to Poland and the eastern half of Germany.
Did you feel your earlier results were better representative? I'm curious about that with my own results, 17% is sizeable for Sepharic ancestry to just be noise, but as someone with no known Jewish ancestry it's likelier that it's the result of certain clusters regions being redrawn.
Did you feel your earlier results were better representative? I'm curious about that with my own results, 17% is sizeable for Sepharic ancestry to just be noise, but as someone with no known Jewish ancestry it's likelier that it's the result of certain clusters regions being redrawn.
I myself have been assigned 17% Sephardic. My ancestry on my mother's side is predominantly from Southern Italy with no known Jewish ancestry. Before I had 27% Southern European and 14% Anatolia, now my Southeast European is 13% and Asia Minor is 0%. I think if I was truly Sephardic Jewish I would have some Iberia and North Africa which I have none and my West Middle East is <2%. The new Ancestry Genetic Communities is more accurate in my opinion, which has assigned me with Southern Italian and my mother Campania and Molise which is exactly where 75% of her family is from. I think FTDNA has some work to do with disentangling population clusters.
hm, it almost looks like they took that sephardic percentage from your southern european result. i'm curious to know what they look for in order to distinguish between ashkenazi and sephardic ancestry, because same, i dont have any north african or iberian trace regions, however i do know that sephardic jews moved east to resettle after they were ousted from spain, so it's likelier southern europeans would have sephardic rather than ashkenazi ancestry. but still! food for thought i guess! I saw many albanians score 100% for south eastern european on myorigins 2.0, so i guess albanians and greeks tend to be the south euro benchmark for this revision, and any other results might be skewed as a result?
Where my family is from is the mountains of Avellino and Campobasso. I'm not aware of any Jewish people living in those areas like they did in Calabria and Sicily, but I could be wrong about that and or my family history though 17% seems high with no known Jewish ancestry. A lot of Sephardics that ended up converting to Catholicism after the inquisition that weren't totally aware of their Jewish past had wondered about their family's odd traditions of not drinking milk with meat or other traditions that kept with Jewish Law until they did some digging and realized their family were once Sephardic Jews. I'm taking this 17% Sephardic with a grain of salt until they improve it and start testing more Italians from every region.
From the new My origins

Middle Eastern 20%


Asia Minor (Turkey) 12%
East Middle east 0%
North Africa 8%
West Middle east 0%

European 80%


British Isles 10%
East Europe 0%
Finland 0%
Scandinavia 0%
South East Europe 55%
Iberia 9%
West and Central Europe 6%

Jewish diaspora

Ashkenazi 0%
Sephardic 0%


what a mix :rolleyes::)
This new update by ftdna is a huge improvement and makes them the most accurate in my opinion now. I'm 50% French Canadian, and 50% Wallonia Belgian. They now have me at 90% West/Central European and 10% South/Eastern European. Prior they had me at 40% British Aisles
It looks like the new MyOrigins is very different from the old one, but is in no way an improvement. Now people get relatively high percentages from regions where they shouldn't get anything but trace amounts. 2% Finnish in Sicily, 7% Iberian in Greece, 2% South America in Bulgaria... WTF? They might just as well get a programme to generate random numbers!

I don't know who is in charge of developing these admixtures at FTDNA, but they really aren't doing a good job.
This new update by ftdna is a huge improvement and makes them the most accurate in my opinion now. I'm 50% French Canadian, and 50% Wallonia Belgian. They now have me at 90% West/Central European and 10% South/Eastern European. Prior they had me at 40% British Aisles

That's odd, I am also Belgian but get 12% of East European with the new version. 23andMe gives me 0% and indeed Belgians should have 0% since there is no R1a apart from a bit of Germanic L664. I had about 50% British before, and now its 24% but I have no British ancestor (possibly ever since migrations went from the continent to Britain, not the other way round, and I don't come from a coastal area where there could have been some migration at one point).

I rated FTDNA last for autosomal report usefulness and accuracy in my recent review of ancestral DNA tests and I maintain that ranking for the new MyOrigins. You'd think that the oldest and largest ancestry DNA test would get one of the best reports, but oddly the opposite is true. I think they aren't even trying as they think they dominate the market anyway.
Yes, it seems they didn't managed to get their things right. Some guy Razib Khan should be responsible for all this. It's strange that these "Trace regions" are giving absurd noise results and they are added above the 100th percent, so one can be 102 or 105% something, lol... it's like they knew it's not right but added them anyway. Also I don't know how it's possible for me to have a Scandinavian cluster, I know the Goths lived here for a few centuries but still...
My new myOrigins:
(N. Italian ancestry)
- Southeast Europe: 44%;
- British Isles: 19%;
- Iberia: 18%;
- East Europe: 10%;
- Scandinavia: 6%.
Trace results:
- Ashkenazi: <2%.
There he is now. :)

Indeed :)....strange thing however that on dodecad12 I have 37 mentions to Ashkenazi Jews in the population mix, and none according to the new my origins :/

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