Reputation points

Dutch Baka said:
I cant.. you should be VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY NAUGHTY THEN... but ... mmm you aren't :?

Little do you know....... :evil: :lol: :lol: :lol:

*grabs Mycernius and runs towards the man with the straight jacket* :giggle:
lexico said:
It is the devil that is on trial, therefore we must keep posting to ward off the evil spells it tries to cast upon us unawares. When all else fails, all you need to do is to call out to Golden Skeleton, the Japanese cousin of Batman. Call out to him, chanting in unison, :nuts:

OK, everyone, all together now:

"O bat, o bat, o golden bat. The splitter's among us again.
Come and get him, come here quick. Chase him out with a whacking stick !" :smash:
Wow Lex, looks like you started a cult. Well, I can't beat you, so

o bat, o bat, o golden bat
something about his wearing a hat *can't find a bat smiley*

(or something) :relief:
I would like to ask, is it possible to retract reputation points?
I'm asking because my most recent point appears to have disappeared from my list. Did someone change their mind? I'm not bothered if they did, I was just curious, because I didn't know that was possible... :clueless: ... Or can they get subtracted by admin as a punishment for misbehaviour? In which case I would prefer to get a warning pm... :eek:
Kinsao said:
I would like to ask, is it possible to retract reputation points?
I'm asking because my most recent point appears to have disappeared from my list. Did someone change their mind? I'm not bothered if they did, I was just curious, because I didn't know that was possible... :clueless: ... Or can they get subtracted by admin as a punishment for misbehaviour? In which case I would prefer to get a warning pm... :eek:

Here's your answer


No one can subtract your reputation points. Check the same thread for the new extended rep system. :)
Performance Points for the Server

What I want to know is where I can add or subtract "performance" points for this server? Sometimes this server reminds me of my TRASH 80 days. Input a command and come back after lunch -- if you're lucky.

Oh well, what's a poor little member like me to do?
Getting Interesting

This post has not received any reputation. You currently have 58 reputation points.

Okay, my curiosity got the better of me after reading this thread and I went poking around to figure out this "reputation" system, and I must say some of the lines are downright funny. Like the one I found that read, "Add to suirai's Reputation." Now that is funny. I'd say that the use of the word "reputation" in that line is a little odd, no? Anyway, it's cute.

Then I went and found that message above. How in heaven's name I managed to con some of you into giving me "reputation" points is beyond my simple comprehension. I suppose I'm supposed to say thank you, but I'm not so sure what I did.

Anyway, I have absolutely no intention of letting this point system influence me in any way. But that little check of the system was entertaining, I must say.

But about my message about server performance points, that's a different story. I might just start my own "Server Performance Points" thread with comments for each plus or minus awarding of points. For example if this message took too long to type and disappears.
Just A Minute

I just thought about something, we modify the word "reputation" with good or bad. So are those 58 "bad" reputation points? I'd better understand if they were.

I know one "reputation" I must be getting:
"suirai just keeps going on and on and on. When's he gonna stop, for gosh sakes? Let's give this turkey 100 BAD REP points. Yeah, that'll shut him up!!!"
suirai said:
What I want to know is where I can add or subtract "performance" points for this server? Sometimes this server reminds me of my TRASH 80 days. Input a command and come back after lunch -- if you're lucky.
Oh well, what's a poor little member like me to do?

Well, sponsor our next Dual Xeon. We'll mention you as Superdonator. :)

Btw, there seem to be some issues with your keyboard, there are a lot of
in each of your posts.
i have an extra 5 year old Dell for ya... lol
No problem with the keyboard, but maybe with the keyboardist.

I sent a PM to our Dear Admin.

By the way, Carlson, I see you're still keeping that aircraft aloft even with that Red X I wrote up in your log book. I think missing a wing definitely rates a Red X.
i think it is nice to get some kind of respect in this way, and when you get a bad rep,, you can think about what you put wrong in that post... i dont think rep points are that bad, and if you dont like it, just disable it!!!
I totally agree. But my rep sux so il disable it :bluush:
I totally agree. But my rep sux so il disable it :bluush:
You can longer get negative rep from embers, so I wouldn't worry about it going down. As for getting rep, there are few members on this board and most are not familar with it.
Even if it is disabled people can still give you rep on your posts, it is just not visible to other members.
How on earth do we check our rep and see which posts were thumbed up or down?
Go to "My settings" to see if someone left you rep points. The posts that received reputation are all listed by thread title with the comments. Click on thread title to view the actual post.

Negative reputation has been disabled as it caused to many conflicts.

This thread has been viewed 61654 times.
