Rapist wins lottery...


Co-owner: Jovesca Records
Reaction score
North West England

"A man serving life for attempted rape has won what is believed to be ?7m on the National Lottery."

Hmmm, this really sucks. That is a lot of money, which could be going to good use but is instead going to a rapist... :eek:kashii:
Yes, i read this, i think its plain disgraceful
Hahaha.. Oh man.. That is so wrong that it made me laugh.. A rapist getting out of jail temporarily, and buying a lottery ticket that wins him 7 million.. That is so rare that it is laughable.. I hope they don't let him keep it.. or the rape victim sues him for all he won.. Haha that would be classic.
That Was.....

my first thought, the victim will sue and get a big chunk of the winnings.


Although he raped people, he bought it with his OWN money and he won...making him give it to charity or not keeping it would be AGAINST the law,so if they wouldn't like prisoners to play with the lottery they should make the law that no prisoners could participate in it!!!(he had a lifelong sentence...but in England that doesn't mean he effectively WILL do lifelong, so if they would make the law that LIFELONG is LIFELONG they wouldn't be in this mess would they? :souka: )He won it fair and square...so no fuzz about it :sick: (People bring it on theirselves with making laws...so it's not the winners fault ne?)
I don't think he should have to give the money away. I just think it's a shame that someone like him should win the lottery - he doesn't deserve that kind of luck.
well...he won it..so that's that...he only won it fair so nobody can hold a grudge against him for that :souka: ...But I do agree that prisoners shouldn't have so many privileges...look at Deutroux in Belgium...he kidnapped,raped,murdered children...got LIFELONG sentence...but he has SOOO many things he doesn't deserve like TV,Playstation 2...the LAW isn't fair from times to times... :eek:kashii:
jovial_jon said:
I don't think he should have to give the money away. I just think it's a shame that someone like him should win the lottery - he doesn't deserve that kind of luck.

Indeed. The random generation of numbers has nothing to do with someone's actions in the past. Although this does remind me of the South Park episode in which Cartman gets $1 million and buys his own theme park, and Kyle gets hemorrhoids.
They should put all the money into gold bars. Then they could put them in a big sack, and beat him with it. :)
LoL....now they wouldn't be better than him would they ?? :souka:
Well, there's goes all that! :balloon: OR atleast a good portion of it. Though i don't have a clue what she could be sueing for.... :?

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