R1b-U152 L2*

Where did R1b-U152 L2* in the Balkans originate from?

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J'ai fait ma généalogie mes ancêtres sont du Nord de la Francedepuis le 15 èmes siècles et peut-être même avant
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Bonjour Laurent,

Heureux de voir un Français de plus sur ce forum. Ceci dit, petite mise en garde. La langue d'usage ici est l'anglais. Je vous suggère vivement d'écrire en anglais, ou, si nécessaire, de passer par un traducteur en ligne, avant que les modérateurs ne vous le demandent.

A bientôt sans doute.
Merci hrvclv Hello my family is from northern France I am R_U152 L-2 and my son R_U152 R-Z49
Bonjour, Laurent & Buongiorno, Florere

I'm Brazilian and I'm also Z-49. My paternal line comes from Mantua.
I am romanian from Transilvania - I have U-152 L2 Z49 -

Welcome to this forum! I also have U-152 L2 Z49 Z150. My autosomal tests show me being mostly from Britain however I have around 3% native American, 1% Cameroon/Southern Bantu people and 1% Senegal. An all American Mix!

Have you done an autosomal test?
Hello yes the test gives 68,2 percent england, Ireland, Scotland, 15,8pocent Southern Europe 14,1% North and West of Europe the rest c small percentages
Hello yes the test gives 68,2 percent england, Ireland, Scotland, 15,8pocent Southern Europe 14,1% North and West of Europe the rest c small percentages
Maternal uncle tested L2+ Z49- Z367-. Paternal grandfather from Padova province, and most distant known patrilineal ancestor from Treviso province.
Geno 2.0 list my paternal lineage as follows -
P305 > M42 > M168 > P143 > M89 > M578 > P128 > M526 > M45 > M207 > P231 > M343 > M269 > P310 > P312 > U152 > L2 > L20
But the summarize it as R-L144. Where does this L144 come from or what is it ? Thx for the explanation
New here, seems we share a paternal ancestor. Although I'm 2% South Asian and from the U.S.
My haplogroup L2 Z49 S8138 Y4355 Continental Celt or as the Greeks and Romans called us the Keltoi from the Hallstatt culture developing out of the Urnfield culture of the 12th century BC
here is the map R-U152>L2>Z49>S8183>S22778>S20782 I'm building based on the 23andme V5 result's I'm collecting:
S20782 SNP could date back up to 700 BC.
In case you tested with 23andme, please check if you have any R-S20782 among your matches and in case send me a PM:
Hi.. my 1st post
Like many of you, I'm U152, L2, L20
Anyone knows which haplogroup the Turkish Galatians belong to?
My last 5 generations lived in northern Syria, migrated from 'north'
Our family used to have lot of marriages in between, in which case the children are blondes w blue eyes, another branch has black hair brown eyes,
the family (tribe) lived kinda isolated in the mountains they chose as home, hence the 'tribe' seems to have preserved iron age traits! (e.g. fierce men who loves fighting, proud, courageous, crazy individuality, ambitious, strict about accuracy and perfectionism, uptight,
superstitious ...kids are raised to be like this, even hair / facial hair style is inherited!)
I didn't know about Celts or Gauls, untill i got this DNA result and started reading about them.. it's striking how similar with Gauls -from the little description by Roman / Greek historians) even the family name (Berrou) has no meaning in Arabic nor Aramic.
Any ideas?
I heard that there are some arabian history authors who wrote that slavs refugees were excepted by arabs in middle east in early ages AD. Slavs moved to Balkans in 6. century and with roman inhabitants of Balkans. So a lot of roman population in Balkans became Slavs. Byzantine emperor moved nations threw out empire and some Slav and Serbian population was moved in todays Syria. I met some Syrians in Spain who know there origins from Serb population 1400 years ago. I am R1b u195 L2 A 19725 and know my roots some 600 years in Macedonia. We are now Serbs and Slavs but cause in history those population never moved a lot I have three options of my family origin. 1. Slav origin... Moved in Balkans with Slavs and how A19725 came to Slavs before 6. century I dont know??? 2. Roman ancestor... (Its my most common tninking) Roman veteran soldier got some land in Balkans after serving in the Roman army and stayed there and his family got slaviezed. And NO 3. Moved with celtics tribes BC and than bacame Roman and then Slavs...
southern turkey urfa u152 l2 l20

Hi.. my 1st post
Like many of you, I'm U152, L2, L20
Anyone knows which haplogroup the Turkish Galatians belong to?
My last 5 generations lived in northern Syria, migrated from 'north'
Our family used to have lot of marriages in between, in which case the children are blondes w blue eyes, another branch has black hair brown eyes,
the family (tribe) lived kinda isolated in the mountains they chose as home, hence the 'tribe' seems to have preserved iron age traits! (e.g. fierce men who loves fighting, proud, courageous, crazy individuality, ambitious, strict about accuracy and perfectionism, uptight,
superstitious ...kids are raised to be like this, even hair / facial hair style is inherited!)
I didn't know about Celts or Gauls, untill i got this DNA result and started reading about them.. it's striking how similar with Gauls -from the little description by Roman / Greek historians) even the family name (Berrou) has no meaning in Arabic nor Aramic.
Any ideas?
weird i m from south east turkey urfa
our family same as you said blonde hair some green blue eyes
and other half dar hair hazel eyes like myself
i was shocked when saw dna result
saw your syria but my guess distance is no more than 200 km
at mine is same
R1b-u152 L2 L20
Maternal uncle tested L2+ Z49- Z367-. Paternal grandfather from Padova province, and most distant known patrilineal ancestor from Treviso province.

That is interesting, similar to your maternal uncle I am L2+, Z49-, Z367-, and additionally FGC22501-. My paternal line comes from Rome but I can only trace it back three generations, surname is by far most prevalent in Tuscany, though according to houseofnames it derives from Piedmont for what that's worth, sorta all over the place. Very curious to find my deep clade given I've practically come back negative on most of the Celtic branches, especially the major ones, I'll soon be getting a deep clade test (either Yseq's U152 panel or a WGS, though the latter is a bit pricy, I'd eye out for any sales) would you (or anyone reading) recommend either over the other?
weird i m from south east turkey urfa
our family same as you said blonde hair some green blue eyes
and other half dar hair hazel eyes like myself
i was shocked when saw dna result
saw your syria but my guess distance is no more than 200 km
at mine is same
R1b-u152 L2 L20

Probably you have Arabian or Kurdish (also I am) descent. Arabians, Semitic people and Kurdish (Indo-Iranian) mixed with Europeans, especially Romans. You have paternally Latin descent. Crusaders, Roman soldiers or even emperors.
That is interesting, similar to your maternal uncle I am L2+, Z49-, Z367-, and additionally FGC22501-. My paternal line comes from Rome but I can only trace it back three generations, surname is by far most prevalent in Tuscany, though according to houseofnames it derives from Piedmont for what that's worth, sorta all over the place. Very curious to find my deep clade given I've practically come back negative on most of the Celtic branches, especially the major ones, I'll soon be getting a deep clade test (either Yseq's U152 panel or a WGS, though the latter is a bit pricy, I'd eye out for any sales) would you (or anyone reading) recommend either over the other?
Being R-L2 (xZ49, Z367) is not "that" meaningful, I'm afraid. R-L2 is a bit "complicated", in the sense it's a clade with amazingly rapid expansion. R-Z49 and R-Z367 are just two branches. R-L2 is defined by a single SNP (L2). Virtually as old as the parent clade R-U152, R-L2 has "insane" 30+ branches plus many isolates that are likely to define another "dozen branches" in the future. There're still many possibilities for my maternal uncle and yourself.

As for your question, sequencing Y looks better than genotyping some SNPs in a Y Panel.
That is interesting, similar to your maternal uncle I am L2+, Z49-, Z367-, and additionally FGC22501-. My paternal line comes from Rome but I can only trace it back three generations, surname is by far most prevalent in Tuscany, though according to houseofnames it derives from Piedmont for what that's worth, sorta all over the place. Very curious to find my deep clade given I've practically come back negative on most of the Celtic branches, especially the major ones, I'll soon be getting a deep clade test (either Yseq's U152 panel or a WGS, though the latter is a bit pricy, I'd eye out for any sales) would you (or anyone reading) recommend either over the other?

houseofnames is not reliable.