Since the Early Bronze Age, haplogroup R1b-L21 seems to have been dominant in the British Isles(at least in Britain).

20/21 Y-haplogroups are R1b.
5/20 are some M269 subclades that are very small, or the sample doesn't have enough coverage(ended in '1a).
But 15/21 are P312(a2), out of which 13/21 are L21(with an additional 'c' after the 'a2').
That's basically 65% of L21 by the Yamnaya invasion.
Not so far from the current 70%.

20/21 Y-haplogroups are R1b.
5/20 are some M269 subclades that are very small, or the sample doesn't have enough coverage(ended in '1a).
But 15/21 are P312(a2), out of which 13/21 are L21(with an additional 'c' after the 'a2').
That's basically 65% of L21 by the Yamnaya invasion.
Not so far from the current 70%.