Questions on my Y-DNA Haplogroup T


My natgen 2 marker is CTS8862 , which is another step lower in the branch than your CTS11984

Oh turns out I am also CTS8862+, I would greatly appreciate the information and source regarding these sub-branches! I am getting excited! :D
you stated you have T-CTS11984 which is downstream from L446 ( Its one of the 5 sub-branches of L446 ). Your branch is Tyrolese/Trentino/Grison group..........I do not know why you are thinking its Spanish. You ancestors most likely left for the new world in the mid 18th Century.
Y-DNA T Tree 2014.jpg
Sile, I recently found the 5 sub-branches you were talking about. This is interesting stuff! Currently on ysearch trying to investigate the genetic distance between me and other old T1b (L131+) members from FTDNA.
View attachment 6435
Sile, I recently found the 5 sub-branches you were talking about. This is interesting stuff! Currently on ysearch trying to investigate the genetic distance between me and other old T1b (L131+) members from FTDNA.

As I mentioned in other T thread ...............ftdna are wrong in SNP - Pages00113 and L25

Pager00113 is in the L group;feature_id=416;db_id=chrY:database

and L25 is in the J group

Pages00011 is correct in that it is T group .................but since you are CTS8862 , you will be negative for Pages00011 , UNLESS ftdna tree in that area is in error
And @Sile, interesting news! Fundora instead may come from (di) Fondora, a surname that seems to emanate from Lucca in Tuscany and may have prior connections in Emilia-Romagna (I think Sorbano [now Sarsina or part of it] but I have yet to interpret the translations in full yet). The Fondoras were bankers, as was the prime business of Lucca, and had connections with nearby Genoa (Lucca is very close to Genoa/Liguria). They would have spread to Genoa or simply migrated in association with them to the Canary Islands in the 15th and 16th centuries and from there to Cuba. This makes my CTS8862 marker more in line with an Alpine origin of Northern Italy. Still working out everything and getting in touch with more Fundoras but this seems to be a promising theory regarding my ancestry. :)
And @Sile, interesting news! Fundora instead may come from (di) Fondora, a surname that seems to emanate from Lucca in Tuscany and may have prior connections in Emilia-Romagna (I think Sorbano [now Sarsina or part of it] but I have yet to interpret the translations in full yet). The Fondoras were bankers, as was the prime business of Lucca, and had connections with nearby Genoa (Lucca is very close to Genoa/Liguria). They would have spread to Genoa or simply migrated in association with them to the Canary Islands in the 15th and 16th centuries and from there to Cuba. This makes my CTS8862 marker more in line with an Alpine origin of Northern Italy. Still working out everything and getting in touch with more Fundoras but this seems to be a promising theory regarding my ancestry. :)

I know Lucca as I have an aunt from my maternal side living there.

The genoese where the merchant bankers of the Crown of Spain during the renaissance. You should check spanish archives for genoese bankers in employment for Spain

only cts8862 in crimson colour which are also L446............the pink is only L446

In my opinion CTS8862 will be moved to a minor SNP marker and we will get L1322 or Pages00011 once its available for testing . These will be the only 2 lines coming out from L446+
Also, here is what I found from FTDNA based on those individuals who tested for L131 and L446:
Locations where T-L131+ (as per FTDNA):
  • Germany (Surname: Rauch)
The name "Rauch" may have several etymological origins:

  1. Rauch = smoke, fume, indicating a profession that is associated with producing fume, e.g. metallurgy.
  2. from "rau" = raw, rough. Thought to have designated people with "raw", i.e. scrubby appearance, or with rough manners.
  3. possible Germanisation of ital. roca, fr. roche (rock), etc.
Here is the name distribution map according to German telephone register entries:

Source: (a very useful site if you want to research on German genealogy, and can comprehend a bit of German).

Don't know if it really helps, but I thought I post it anyway, if only as food for thought.
The name "Rauch" may have several etymological origins:

  1. Rauch = smoke, fume, indicating a profession that is associated with producing fume, e.g. metallurgy.
  2. from "rau" = raw, rough. Thought to have designated people with "raw", i.e. scrubby appearance, or with rough manners.
  3. possible Germanisation of ital. roca, fr. roche (rock), etc.
Here is the name distribution map according to German telephone register entries:

View attachment 6447
Source: (a very useful site if you want to research on German genealogy, and can comprehend a bit of German).

Don't know if it really helps, but I thought I post it anyway, if only as food for thought.

roca, rocca = tower in a rook in chess
Rocca translated into English = fortress, rock, stronghold

rocce = rocks in Italian............sassi = stones

thanks for the link...Rauch a person who has minor links with me.........similar to the northern German named Kile

What does the map state?

I do have some genetic links with a town called Ravenstein .....IIRC the person who told me says its in Baden-Baden
Sile, a recent discussion with a man, whose wife's four-times great grandmother was named Flora Fundora Y Abad, revealed that she was born in the Canary Islands and her family was from there and have been there for as long as anyone can remember but had originated in Spain. The wife's grandmother, Flora's granddaughter, said after asking around in Spain that Fundora means something along the lines of founder or foundry but do not know where exactly in Spain it comes from.

So now my question is, how would L446, let alone CTS11984 and CTS8862. would have made it into Spain?
Sile, a recent discussion with a man, whose wife's four-times great grandmother was named Flora Fundora Y Abad, revealed that she was born in the Canary Islands and her family was from there and have been there for as long as anyone can remember but had originated in Spain. The wife's grandmother, Flora's granddaughter, said after asking around in Spain that Fundora means something along the lines of founder or foundry but do not know where exactly in Spain it comes from.

So now my question is, how would L446, let alone CTS11984 and CTS8862. would have made it into Spain?

I do not know about Spain as i cannot find any names similar to yours there, but in Italy

Antica famiglia lucchese, detta nel secolo XIII de' Bujoli, e chiamata poi dei Fondora dai luoghi di loro proprietà. Ebbe numerosi Anziani nella Repubblica dal secolo XIV al XVIII, e nel secolo XV alcuni maestri della zecca di Lucca. Il più noto della famiglia è Lazzaro de Fondora, dovizioso mercante, che fece erigere nel 1309 la chiesa di S. Maria e S. Francesco nei borghi della città, donandola ai Frati .... continua

From Lucca italy above, year from 1309..............Zecca = mint , where money is made


Le memorie di questa famiglia ricordano come capo stipite delle due linee, milanese, cioè, e veneto-dalmata, un Tommaso de Fondra che da Sigismondo imperatore con diploma datato a Milano, fu nel 1413 creato barone dell'impero. Si stabilì in Venezia sul principio del secolo XVI, ove un Lorenzo fu dal doge Pasquale Cicogna fatto conte palatino. Il primo di questa casa che si fermasse in Sebenico fu un Ferdinando cancelliere nel .... continua

Origin Milanese with links with Veneto and Dalmatia .

If you think they are bankers, check Spain archives
What does the map state?

I do have some genetic links with a town called Ravenstein .....IIRC the person who told me says its in Baden-Baden
The map displays the relative frequency of the name among all telephone book entries. Geographical base unit is the county (German: Landkreis). The frequencies here are given as x per million (Rauch is a relatively rare name), the colouring goes from 10-155 occurrences per million (light orange) to more than 620 occurrences per million (dark red).

Ravenstein is in Baden-Würtemberg, approx. 90 km NNE of Stuttgart and 70 km SSW of Wurzburg. On the Rauch name frequency map, you will note a dark red county in south-central Germany (Main-Spessart County), surrounded by a few darker orange counties. If you go to the one directly south, and a bit beyond its SW corner, that's where Ravenstein is located.
New Info

It's been a while since I last posted here but I have recently found out some interesting information.

I found out that my father's Y-STRs were tested and using the values for his 12 Y-STRs, I inputted them into Ysearch. I did not get back any 0 step matches or even 1 step matches. The closest genetic matches I got were two men: one with the surname Foster (earliest paternal ancestor from Germany) and the other Atwell (earliest paternal ancestor from Northumberland, England). They were 2 steps away from me, which FTDNA and Ysearch denote as "Probably Not Related." They go on to say that "you are unlikely to share a common male ancestor within the genealogical time frame." So does that mean we share a common male ancestor, just really long ago?

Using the patterns seen in between the generations to the MRCA for 25 and 37 STRs, I calculated that there is a 95% probability that I share a common male ancestor with them some 66 generations ago. I am not sure if the math of the whole system was predictable enough for me to go on to do that but I did it anyways. Afterwards, I then predicted that since the average age men have had children is roughly 20-25 years, that 66 generations ago is between 1,320 to 1,650 years ago (or 364-694 CE). I cannot accurately interpret what this means, for I have a tendency to go down a slippery slope of assumptions.

Also, the next closest matches (3 steps) were 5 individuals: 4 from the US (Frush, Atwell, Curtiss, Owens) and 1 German (Frush).

Furthermore, the individuals that have tested CTS8862+ from FTDNA and CTS11984+ were all 5-6 steps away from me (Pretotto, Knox, and Espinoza).
It's been a while since I last posted here but I have recently found out some interesting information.

I found out that my father's Y-STRs were tested and using the values for his 12 Y-STRs, I inputted them into Ysearch. I did not get back any 0 step matches or even 1 step matches. The closest genetic matches I got were two men: one with the surname Foster (earliest paternal ancestor from Germany) and the other Atwell (earliest paternal ancestor from Northumberland, England). They were 2 steps away from me, which FTDNA and Ysearch denote as "Probably Not Related." They go on to say that "you are unlikely to share a common male ancestor within the genealogical time frame." So does that mean we share a common male ancestor, just really long ago?

Using the patterns seen in between the generations to the MRCA for 25 and 37 STRs, I calculated that there is a 95% probability that I share a common male ancestor with them some 66 generations ago. I am not sure if the math of the whole system was predictable enough for me to go on to do that but I did it anyways. Afterwards, I then predicted that since the average age men have had children is roughly 20-25 years, that 66 generations ago is between 1,320 to 1,650 years ago (or 364-694 CE). I cannot accurately interpret what this means, for I have a tendency to go down a slippery slope of assumptions.

Also, the next closest matches (3 steps) were 5 individuals: 4 from the US (Frush, Atwell, Curtiss, Owens) and 1 German (Frush).

Furthermore, the individuals that have tested CTS8862+ from FTDNA and CTS11984+ were all 5-6 steps away from me (Pretotto, Knox, and Espinoza).

Do you have a match with surname Dalessio, or D'Alessio or Lessio or Less......he is CTS8862 states he was from south Italy ( but surname does not indicate this) and being south italy was/must used by Spanish kings in overseas duties.
his ysearch is YSU4S

I am 5 steps from you with individuals Knox, Ahmann ( Prussia), Parker ( England) Mueller ( Bavaria) Foester ( salzburg Austria). I wrote to knox and they have no record before 1500 for their T person called MASON .
Mason appears 800 times in north Italy and is prounanced ( MAh ...zon ) , There are also hundreds of a Mazzon surname in north italy
Hold on, these are the Y-STR results from Nat Geno 1.0 (which my father did):

DYS 393: 13
DYS19: 12
DYS 391: 10
DYS 439: 11
DYS 389i: 14
DYS 389ii: 16
DYS388: 12
DYS390: 22
DYS426: 11
DYS385a: 13
DYS385b: 16
DYS392: 13

When I was inputting them for the first time, I incorrectly converted DYS389i and DYS389ii using the Oxford Ancestors conversion because I couldn't find the original values in the drop-down menu. Now, going back, I realized that that didn't make any sense. I look on FTDNA and they said this:

"The second way is to show the result only for the second section that is tested by subtracting the DYS389-1 score from the original second test score. This is how the Genographic Project 1.0 test displayed the result. Some older publications also used this method.
As long as you know which method is being used, you can convert between the two. For example, you add together the two DYS389 values from the Genographic Project to get the DYS389-2 value for Family Tree DNA. To convert to m+n,p+q format, subtract the DYS389-1 value from DYS389-2 from your Family Tree DNA results. This is the DYS389-2 value for the Genographic Project and elsewhere."

I therefore added 14 and 16 to get 30, the FTDNA value for DYS389ii compatible with Ysearch.

Upon doing this, I got these results: (Note that the results are now overwhelming)

CompareUser IDPedigreeLast NameOriginHaplogroupTested WithMarkers ComparedGenetic Distance
EH8QF FrushMaryland, USA Unknown Family Tree DNA 120
HD93F CurtissStratford, Fairfield,, USA T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 120
J96SK FrushGermany Unknown Family Tree DNA 120
X86AQ FundoraSan Antonio de Río Blanco del Norte, La Habana, Cuba T1b* Genographic Project 120
Z4JWV FosterGermany Unknown Family Tree DNA 121
SBMFF MicchiaCasignana, Reggio Calabria, Italy T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 121
SCYYM CarvalhoCampos de Cunha - São Paulo, Brazil T1* Family Tree DNA 121
TWUU6 VecchioItaly Unknown Family Tree DNA 121
FKKA3ShowAtwellNorthumberland, England Unknown Family Tree DNA 121
4BCTS BernardIreland Unknown Family Tree DNA 121
7JAQZ BauerUnknown T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 121
7MYJH RivaCagliari, Italy Unknown Other - SMGF 122
7S3PX BulgakovMordvinien, Russia T1b (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
7W8GR MartinUnknown Unknown Family Tree DNA 122
84P6X PivovitzTykocin, Poland T1* Family Tree DNA 122
85S98 KnoxStrabane, Northern Ireland T1b (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
8P6P5 GroenNetherlands Unknown Family Tree DNA 122
8TTV3 McKinleyUnknown Unknown Family Tree DNA 122
9FQV7 TulupovKursk region, Russia T1* Family Tree DNA 122
9U5RZ LuddingtonNew York, USA Unknown Family Tree DNA 122
9Z3Q4 KnoxPitt County, North Carolina, USA T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
B7EPUShowAhmannLienen, Preußen/Prussia, Germany T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
BMV54 EpsteinBobruisk, Belarus T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
C2URV VavilovMorshansk, Russia T1b (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
4J56P Anonymous BrazilianBrazil T1b* Other - SMGF 122
5MVDN HillDarlington, South Carolina, USA T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
75W9X HillTennessee, USA T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
27V79 FakesUnknown T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
2WQH4 HillTennessee, USA T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
3FURP LazarUnknown Unknown Family Tree DNA 122
FMW5UShowBlarer C/o Phytax GmbhSt. Gallen, Switzerland T1b (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
FZ3K4 DeanUnknown Unknown Family Tree DNA 122
G8NSN GuerraEcuador Unknown Family Tree DNA 122
GFXYD Cleveland, CleavelandUnknown Unknown Family Tree DNA 122
GNY7X HohenfeldTolkmicko, Poland T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
GH8YR AtwellVirginia, USA T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
DFEA3ShowLissKartuz Bereza, Belarus T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
DG4TT MilliganNorth Carolina, USA T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
HVVYW Madrigalmadrid, Spain T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
JRWTZ LippiArezzo, Italy Unknown Other - SMGF 122
K3JXB CarsonUnknown T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
nrwwc MasonWest Palm Beach Florida, USA T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
NUUFC EspinozaCallao, Peru T1b (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
P9K39 MurphyUnknown Unknown Family Tree DNA 122
PC6W3 VelascoPuerto Rico T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
PTD7V CarverKrzepice, Poland Unknown Family Tree DNA 122
T8WMY RussoCamposano, Province of Naples, Italy T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
SJ4CJShowHillUnknown Unknown Family Tree DNA 122
SYJCU FauthRastatt, Alsace/Elsaß, Germany Unknown Family Tree DNA 122
R3MRH BlackIreland Unknown Genographic Project 122
RK58S HillPacksville (Paxville), USA T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
YUQVH TeafordNancy, Alsace-Lorraine/Elsass-Lothringen, France T1b (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
XYSQ3 AlvaradoSpain T1b (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
Y4B44 MitchellNorth Carolina, USA T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
WAERQ OwensHenry County, USA T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122
WJRFG PivovitzTykocin, Poland T1 (tested) Family Tree DNA 122

Can you assist me in understanding these? I only showed up to the 2 steps because the list was extremely​ long
This was just using the genetic matches option for all haplogroups. This is what I got when I tested within our haplogroup (the most exact I could get was T1b):

CompareUser IDPedigreeLast NameOriginHaplogroupTested WithMarkers ComparedGenetic Distance
X86AQFundoraSan Antonio de Río Blanco del Norte, La Habana, CubaT1b*Genographic Project120
4J56PAnonymous BrazilianBrazilT1b*Other - SMGF122
YUQVHTeafordNancy, Alsace-Lorraine/Elsass-Lothringen, FranceT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA122
7S3PXBulgakovMordvinien, RussiaT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA122
C2URVVavilovMorshansk, RussiaT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA122
XYSQ3AlvaradoSpainT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA122
FMW5UShowBlarer C/o Phytax GmbhSt. Gallen, SwitzerlandT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA122
85S98KnoxStrabane, Northern IrelandT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA122
NUUFCEspinozaCallao, PeruT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA122
U7KWSGyorgyIstensegits, Bukowina, Transylvania, RomaniaT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA123
SBN6RRappleyeUnknownT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA123
X43UQpretottoTreviso, ItalyT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA123
3D7EUWingateLondon, EnglandT1b*Oxford Ancestors123
GCX5CLa RochelleLa Rochelle, FranceT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA123
23U9KParkerEnglandT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA124
3QECGHulpiauBelgiumT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA126
Hold on, these are the Y-STR results from Nat Geno 1.0 (which my father did):

DYS 393: 13
DYS19: 12
DYS 391: 10
DYS 439: 11
DYS 389i: 14
DYS 389ii: 16
DYS388: 12
DYS390: 22
DYS426: 11
DYS385a: 13
DYS385b: 16
DYS392: 13

When I was inputting them for the first time, I incorrectly converted DYS389i and DYS389ii using the Oxford Ancestors conversion because I couldn't find the original values in the drop-down menu. Now, going back, I realized that that didn't make any sense. I look on FTDNA and they said this:

"The second way is to show the result only for the second section that is tested by subtracting the DYS389-1 score from the original second test score. This is how the Genographic Project 1.0 test displayed the result. Some older publications also used this method.
As long as you know which method is being used, you can convert between the two. For example, you add together the two DYS389 values from the Genographic Project to get the DYS389-2 value for Family Tree DNA. To convert to m+n,p+q format, subtract the DYS389-1 value from DYS389-2 from your Family Tree DNA results. This is the DYS389-2 value for the Genographic Project and elsewhere."

I therefore added 14 and 16 to get 30, the FTDNA value for DYS389ii compatible with Ysearch.

Upon doing this, I got these results: (Note that the results are now overwhelming)

CompareUser IDPedigreeLast NameOriginHaplogroupTested WithMarkers ComparedGenetic Distance
EH8QFFrushMaryland, USAUnknownFamily Tree DNA120
HD93FCurtissStratford, Fairfield,, USAT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA120
J96SKFrushGermanyUnknownFamily Tree DNA120
X86AQFundoraSan Antonio de Río Blanco del Norte, La Habana, Cuba T1b* Genographic Project 120
Z4JWVFosterGermanyUnknownFamily Tree DNA121
SBMFFMicchiaCasignana, Reggio Calabria, ItalyT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA121
SCYYMCarvalhoCampos de Cunha - São Paulo, BrazilT1*Family Tree DNA121
TWUU6VecchioItalyUnknownFamily Tree DNA121
FKKA3ShowAtwellNorthumberland, EnglandUnknownFamily Tree DNA121
4BCTSBernardIrelandUnknownFamily Tree DNA121
7JAQZBauerUnknownT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA121
7MYJHRivaCagliari, ItalyUnknownOther - SMGF122
7S3PXBulgakovMordvinien, RussiaT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA122
7W8GRMartinUnknownUnknownFamily Tree DNA122
84P6XPivovitzTykocin, PolandT1*Family Tree DNA122
85S98KnoxStrabane, Northern IrelandT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA122
8P6P5GroenNetherlandsUnknownFamily Tree DNA122
8TTV3McKinleyUnknownUnknownFamily Tree DNA122
9FQV7TulupovKursk region, RussiaT1*Family Tree DNA122
9U5RZLuddingtonNew York, USAUnknownFamily Tree DNA122
9Z3Q4KnoxPitt County, North Carolina, USAT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
B7EPUShowAhmannLienen, Preußen/Prussia, GermanyT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
BMV54EpsteinBobruisk, BelarusT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
C2URVVavilovMorshansk, RussiaT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA122
4J56PAnonymous BrazilianBrazilT1b*Other - SMGF122
5MVDNHillDarlington, South Carolina, USAT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
75W9XHillTennessee, USAT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
27V79FakesUnknownT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
2WQH4HillTennessee, USAT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
3FURPLazarUnknownUnknownFamily Tree DNA122
FMW5UShowBlarer C/o Phytax GmbhSt. Gallen, SwitzerlandT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA122
FZ3K4DeanUnknownUnknownFamily Tree DNA122
G8NSNGuerraEcuadorUnknownFamily Tree DNA122
GFXYDCleveland, CleavelandUnknownUnknownFamily Tree DNA122
GNY7XHohenfeldTolkmicko, PolandT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
GH8YRAtwellVirginia, USAT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
DFEA3ShowLissKartuz Bereza, BelarusT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
DG4TTMilliganNorth Carolina, USAT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
HVVYWMadrigalmadrid, SpainT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
JRWTZLippiArezzo, ItalyUnknownOther - SMGF122
K3JXBCarsonUnknownT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
nrwwcMasonWest Palm Beach Florida, USAT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
NUUFCEspinozaCallao, PeruT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA122
P9K39MurphyUnknownUnknownFamily Tree DNA122
PC6W3VelascoPuerto RicoT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
PTD7VCarverKrzepice, PolandUnknownFamily Tree DNA122
T8WMYRussoCamposano, Province of Naples, ItalyT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
SJ4CJShowHillUnknownUnknownFamily Tree DNA122
SYJCUFauthRastatt, Alsace/Elsaß, GermanyUnknownFamily Tree DNA122
R3MRHBlackIrelandUnknownGenographic Project122
RK58SHillPacksville (Paxville), USAT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
YUQVHTeafordNancy, Alsace-Lorraine/Elsass-Lothringen, FranceT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA122
XYSQ3AlvaradoSpainT1b (tested)Family Tree DNA122
Y4B44MitchellNorth Carolina, USAT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
WAERQOwensHenry County, USAT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122
WJRFGPivovitzTykocin, PolandT1 (tested)Family Tree DNA122

Can you assist me in understanding these? I only showed up to the 2 steps because the list was extremely​ long

I suggest you do what I did, join this site below, its free ( unless you want to go to extreme searches ), it only covers family trees ( not genetics), but it will lead to genetics via other sites IF you establish your surnames

I joined, 6 months ago, I got fortnightly emails to see If I match surnames which where on my tree and also in others trees and have just satrted matching people who are in my tree with the same people who are on genetic sites

just got this about a month ago (see below) the gaspar guy is my line

follow what I did , it will remove the clutter of all these names so you may focus on your true line.

BTW on your list
Russo is a Greek jew from the aegean islands
Lippi and Carson are from Lombardia
Hohenfeld is from old east-prussia
Hill is scottish , settled in southCarolina about 1700

I do not know the rest apart from knox and Mason
The name "Rauch" may have several etymological origins:

  1. Rauch = smoke, fume, indicating a profession that is associated with producing fume, e.g. metallurgy.
  2. from "rau" = raw, rough. Thought to have designated people with "raw", i.e. scrubby appearance, or with rough manners.
  3. possible Germanisation of ital. roca, fr. roche (rock), etc.
Here is the name distribution map according to German telephone register entries:

View attachment 6447
Source: (a very useful site if you want to research on German genealogy, and can comprehend a bit of German).

Don't know if it really helps, but I thought I post it anyway, if only as food for thought.

Do you know where the german name SCHALES comes from?
It's been a while since I last posted here but I have recently found out some interesting information.

I found out that my father's Y-STRs were tested and using the values for his 12 Y-STRs, I inputted them into Ysearch. I did not get back any 0 step matches or even 1 step matches. The closest genetic matches I got were two men: one with the surname Foster (earliest paternal ancestor from Germany) and the other Atwell (earliest paternal ancestor from Northumberland, England). They were 2 steps away from me, which FTDNA and Ysearch denote as "Probably Not Related." They go on to say that "you are unlikely to share a common male ancestor within the genealogical time frame." So does that mean we share a common male ancestor, just really long ago?

Using the patterns seen in between the generations to the MRCA for 25 and 37 STRs, I calculated that there is a 95% probability that I share a common male ancestor with them some 66 generations ago. I am not sure if the math of the whole system was predictable enough for me to go on to do that but I did it anyways. Afterwards, I then predicted that since the average age men have had children is roughly 20-25 years, that 66 generations ago is between 1,320 to 1,650 years ago (or 364-694 CE). I cannot accurately interpret what this means, for I have a tendency to go down a slippery slope of assumptions.

Also, the next closest matches (3 steps) were 5 individuals: 4 from the US (Frush, Atwell, Curtiss, Owens) and 1 German (Frush).

Furthermore, the individuals that have tested CTS8862+ from FTDNA and CTS11984+ were all 5-6 steps away from me (Pretotto, Knox, and Espinoza).

We have now been placed together in ftdna T project.............can you confirm further back for your family line?

other CTS8862 are now Da Lessio ( 15 generic distance from me ), Schales ( ysearch 4MNH3, 1 GD from me ) ,

I also think we have a very good match with the swiss person ( ysearch 7JAQZ, 2 GD from me) from the 13th century, and also the slovene, Mozenic , 2 GD from me ( mozen means coins ( of various values) in venetian ), but I doubt he will go for a further test beyond 12 marker
I just saw! How intriguing! We're exact matches! That was with just 12 Y-STRs, as my Y-DNA 37 has yet to come in.

And unfortunately, no we still cannot go further back then Cuba with our paternal line :(

We've been placed together in the Gamma 1-X T-CTS8862 Unmatched on the Haplogroup T Project STR Results page. I have to continue research and will get back to with you.
I just saw! How intriguing! We're exact matches! That was with just 12 Y-STRs, as my Y-DNA 37 has yet to come in.

And unfortunately, no we still cannot go further back then Cuba with our paternal line :(

We've been placed together in the Gamma 1-X T-CTS8862 Unmatched on the Haplogroup T Project STR Results page. I have to continue research and will get back to with you.

found this line from Lombardy Italy...........they sent a family line to the greek islands held by Italy after the 1911-1912 Turco-italian war.
Do you see any in regards to matches

Display by:
line (5)
alphabetical order

1.o Alfonso2.
o Eugénia & Mario Pierre Isidore SUMMA 1910-19733.
o Giovanna4.
Innocenzo & Teresa VENINI
Ferdinando ca 1826-1888 & ? ?
Alfredo 1866-1895
oGiovanni1829-1908 & Luisa Ou Luigia BORETTI 1845-1923
Enrico 1864-
Joachim (Giovacchino) 1865-1926 & Argyro CARIDHIA
Luisa 1895-1921
Elfrida Anna 1896- &1922 Antonio PREDONZAN ...
Elena Anna Cristina 1897-1897
Arturo 1898-1971 &1924 Giovanna PREDONZAN
Elvira Luisa
oJoachim (Giovacchino) 1865-1926 &1918 Maria PIROLOVOS
Eugenia1905- &1925 Guy FIOROVICH
Giovanni1908- &1935 Maria FRAGIACOMO
Adolfo 1867-1924 &1893 Teresa FILINESI 1872- 5.

in cuba
this is the oldest line 1847

1847 - 1847San Antonio de Los BanosCuba

o Rosario
owner of line is Peter Genova is San Antonio de Los Banos

red print is Fundora or Fondra person
99% of all Fondera are french from:

Joan FONDERA[/h] Titles: pagès

  • Born about 1600 - Millas,66170,Pyrénées-Orientales,Languedoc-Roussillon,FRANCE
  • Deceased
[h=2]Spouses and children[/h]

about 1600 :Birth - Millas,66170,Pyrénées-Orientales,Languedoc-Roussillon,FRANCE
20 February 1657 :Will - Millas,66170,Pyrénées-Orientales,Languedoc-Roussillon,FRANCE
Notaire : Montbolo Miquel

son fils Joseph, chirurgien (qui ne réapparait plus ensuite), ses filles Monserrada, Géronima, Anna (qui n'apparaît plus dans les testaments suivants) et Maria épouse Burch (1er mariage)

Sources: relevés de l'association - A.C.G. - Other - moi-même - Other
23 December 1668 :Will - Millas,66170,Pyrénées-Orientales,Languedoc-Roussillon,FRANCE
Notaire : Montbolo Miquel

Ce testament sera remplacé par celui de 1676. Il énonce le nom des 2 premières épouses et par contre attribue à la seconde Boher, Monserrada (Maria) 3 enfants Isabel, Thérèse et Jaume, qui vont ensuite être replacée sous la 3eme épouse Joana."

Sources: relevés de l'association - A.C.G. - Other - moi-même - Other
8 September 1676 :Will - Millas,66170,Pyrénées-Orientales,Languedoc-Roussillon,FRANCE
notaire : Amill Hieronim
nouveau testament : Joana est sa 3eme épouse et la mère de ses enfants Thérèse, Isabel épouse Cubri, Jaume 14 ans, Géronima épouse de Sylvestre Palegri. (Il y a un hiatus avec le testament de 1668 où Thérèse, Isabel et Jaume sont indiqués enfants de Maria Boher 2eme épouse). Lors des mariages de ces enfants, leurs mères est bien Joana.
Sa 1ere épouse Maria (Burch) était la mère de Maria épouse de Côme Burch, sa seconde épouse Maria ? était la mère de Monserrada épouse de Miquel BOHER


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