Q&A : When should I give reputation to someone ?


Veteran member
Reaction score
Ethnic group
Reputation is made to reward good members for their participation. I recommend all of you not to be stingy on reputationn votes and approve any message that :

- answered your question, gave your relevant information or made you learn something interseting
- was well-written or funny enough to deserve recognition
- express exactly what was in your mind (agree completely)

Use the "disapprove" option only when you judge someone's behaviour unacceptable, rude, unrespectful or for spammers.
HERE HERE!!!! MAciamo, you get a point for this

So hands up anybody who's had more than five people rep vote for them. ;)

I suspect if there are any 'big winners' they'll be among those busy in the high volume forums like chat not the relatively slow ones like 'learn japanese'.

Of course there is one other way to get rep votes ...
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I Feel Sooo Guilty !!!

I just can't seem to remember to give points out! I also
have the problem of forgetting to turn my ad blocker off when I come on the Forum. I have to log out, shut it off, and log back in so I can use the pop-up window to give rep. As I get older the ol memory fails me and I depend on establishing a habit to do something. I promise to work on the "good" habit of giving rep points in the future!


So...the disapprove option was made just for me, right Maciamo?
I give out points and i get points. Come on FRank! Take your ginko and remember to give points where there "Needed!" :relief: :wave:
Give points? Oo
I only gave points once to see how it worked though ^^
dreamer said:
Give points? Oo
I only gave points once to see how it worked though ^^
I give points to people who correctly answer my puzzels* in the Japanese slang thread - but I don't think people really care.

I've said before that I think it's likely that thread-rating and rep voting won't catch on.

* imported shibboleth
I've just realised if you put the cursor over the little green light it tells you how nice you are! I'm 'quite nice' apparently! :)
jovial_jon said:
I've just realised if you put the cursor over the little green light it tells you how nice you are! I'm 'quite nice' apparently! :)

U and me both! :wave:
Wow, Mine Says....

I'm a crazy ol man !!


either that or quite popular!!
I don't know what your doing but frank is almost up to the *Godly title!* We gotta talk to rachel about all this flirting you've been doing to her. She pressing that reputation point button a little too much. :D
I have a question about reputation comments. Exactly who can see them? I know that admin and donors can, but can everyone else see them without having to guess on which post they received reputation? If not, then what is the point of leaving a comment? Does the admin see the comments that people leave for other people on the fora?
I think all memebers can see their reputation points and comments when they click 'user CP', but I don't think they can tell for which post they received the comments(which is kind of frustrating). And I am pretty sure all team members(admin, advisors, moderators) can see the comments left.
Reputation...I guess I haven't found that function yet. :D Guess I'll have to start using it.
To be honest, I have not used the reputation system much.. But now that I think about it I will try harder and begin to use it more, hell the admin's went through the trouble to make the feature available for us, so I will not let it go for no use. :p
playaa said:
To be honest, I have not used the reputation system much.. But now that I think about it I will try harder and begin to use it more, hell the admin's went through the trouble to make the feature available for us, so I will not let it go for no use. :p

I used it for the first time for a couple people....I guess it's pretty cool after all and somebody gave me one too. Pretty neat indeed. :bravo:
I understood reputation when I tryed to clik on the green light and that only "rate post" worked and said I have 2000 reputation points (I am kidding... I have 3000 hahaha... *j/k*).
Does 1 point refers to on person who gave you reputation ? Does bad reputation lows the number of your points ?
Riven said:
I understood reputation when I tryed to clik on the green light and that only "rate post" worked and said I have 2000 reputation points (I am kidding... I have 3000 hahaha... *j/k*).
Does 1 point refers to on person who gave you reputation ? Does bad reputation lows the number of your points ?

I was curious too? I only see two reputation posts but it says a total of 28 points...is one rep post worth 14 or did others just not leave comments?

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