Photographic records of Y-DNA lineages


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RP312 DF27 Z196 Z220
As I mentioned a few days ago on another thread, several years ago rms2 (who posts here) started a long running thread (on a forum that has ceased to be) about photos of our Y-DNA ancestors. There was never any serious limit on that, and in several cases the photos actually were of paintings -- the said ancestors having lived and died before the invention of photography. A number of people also did not limit themselves to the oldest male-line ancestor they could find, but posted photos of three or four generations, occasionally including themselves. As far as I recall, nobody posted photos of their sons and grandsons, but I don't see much reason why not. In principle, I also don't see why someone couldn't post Y-DNA lineage photos of a person other than himself (or herself, but bearing in mind that we are talking about Y-DNA).

Anyway, Maciamo said it would be OK to do this:

So, I propose to start this post (and, one hopes, this thread) with an older photo or two -- and come back to edit it later, adding subsequent generations. The oldest one I have is my gr-gr-grandfather, Jonathan Hulan (1797-1887). It includes his wife (sorry), and is in less than perfect condition; one can see that the corner tear has gone through his neck or chin. But it's better than nothing, for a person born in the 18th century:

Jonathan Hulan et ux.jpg

Next I'll post a photo of his son, my gr-grandfather William A. Hulan (1842-1947), taken on his 97th birthday:

William A.jpg

Next photo was taken seven years later, by my dad, who captioned it. From left: my grandfather George H. Hulan, my brother David, William A. Hulan, and I am the skinny kid behind the post:

Y-DNA 1.jpg
View attachment 5613

More to come. Meanwhile, anybody else who is moved to start such a photo record here, feel free. Members of haplogroups other than R1b are welcome.
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Very interesting idea. Might be cool to see how various physical traits pass down through the generations. I'm not sure how far back I can go, but once I get some pictures, I'll definitely contribute.
Next I'll post a photo of his son, my gr-grandfather William A. Hulan (1842-1947), taken on his 97th birthday:

Wow, 97! And he kept living! Your great-grandfather I think looks a lot like both of his parents. I actually see a lot of traits that his parents had in common... similar mouth and ears, for example. As far as differences, he got his mother's nose, it looks like.

Anyway, I'll post my I2c line, starting with my great-great-grandfather (1844-1929). I don't have one for my 3rd-great-grandfather because he was shot and killed before photography became common.

My great-great-grandfather's ethnic background was at least 1/4 Swiss, and probably as much as 1/2 English and 1/4 ????. He was described by his contemporaries as having a dark complexion and dark hair for a white man, and a family legend says that he was 1/4 Cherokee (but that's always how American family legends explain dark features, so I prefer to leave it as "????" for now). A couple photos, sorry that the second one, taken at a later date, is only a thumbnail:

Next a couple of my great-grandfather (1881-1963). His mother came from a very Southern English background; basically Fischer's Cavalier & indentured servant folkway. Obviously the first photo was taken long before the second (and sorry again I only have a thumbnail of the first):

Finally, my grandfather (1924-1996). His mother's background was 3/4 from the same type of Southern English colonial background I've mentioned, and 1/4 unknown due to an adoption. This is a photo taken during WWII:
My Y DNA lineage


Here are my y-dna (surname) line great great grandparents, James Holmes Stevens (1835-1902) and his wife, Olive Augusta Washburn Stevens (1839-1918).

James Holmes Stevens.jpgOlive A. Washburn Stevens.jpg

My great great grandfather would have been R-L21, like me, but my great great grandmother's father was I1 (I-M253), which I discovered through communicating with a male Washburn relative. He and several of my other Washburn cousins have been y-dna tested by FTDNA.

I know from the family genealogy book, which was written by my great grandfather's sister, that both of my great great grandparents had blue eyes, that my great great grandfather was tall (he is referred to as a "giant", but I don't know his exact height), and that my great great grandmother had light brown hair.

1º Great Grandfather
2º Grandfather.
3º Father.
4º Me plus in avatar.
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