Philosophy Philosophy: Are you an existentialist?

My results for the Belief-O-Matic...
1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. Mahayana Buddhism (84%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (82%)
4. Hinduism (82%)

On the bottom of the list is Roman Catholic, the church I grew up in...
1. Liberal Quakers (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
3. Theravada Buddhism (96%)
4. Secular Humanism (93%)
5. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (86%)
Friends! Quakers of the world unite! (UUugh, Nixon was raised a Quaker!)
Sabro and Revenant, I think we should start a group. Since none of us are really Quakers, why not call ourselves the Fakey Quakers? :D
1. Orthodox Quaker (100%)
2. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (98%)
3. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (95%)
4. Eastern Orthodox (86%)
5. Roman Catholic (86%)
What is with the Quaker thing? Has anyone looked at the items that generate 100% Quaker?
Clawn said:
We must exist because we are here. From what we are givin as senses, we can only assume that we exist. If I didn't exist, I wouldn't be writing this, yet, none of us can ever be 100% sure of another's existence. I still like to think that the people I interact with exist.
Why do we exist? That is the million dollar question, my friend. If you're asking literally why we exist, I can answer. In my opinion, God put us here. There are other reasons too, some say evolution, some say rebirth, some say destiny. But what reason do we have for existing? There are much too many too count, but I'll try to get some of the big ones.
  • Reproduce
  • Find a purpose
  • Learn all that the universe has to offer
  • Survive
I know its a shabby list, but those are the extremely basic human goals in life, in my opinion.

I hate my life. I am alawys so sad and feel terrible all the time.

It'd suck if we died and then when we did we "woke" up from existance. I know it sounds crazy but no one knows.
Your pain seems so great and so real. I wish there was something- really anything I could do or say to take that away and help you onto a path with a life that is rich and abundant and certainly worth living.

My friend and fellow musician Kelley Maiden died last Thursday of cancer- He was 42 and fought for every minute of life- wanting to go out and serve other. He was the biggest kid and always in trouble for all kinds of mischief and for buying toys that he could not afford. In the last two years he was always more concerned about making us unhappy than he was at his impending death. When he died, he was still planning on how to fix the tatoo on his neck, on the custom paint job for his big truck, on his son's next paintball party, on our next big Harley ride, on this big missionary trip to Romania. I miss the guy- we switched off on bass and guitar, but he was better at both... and I think he was better at life. In spite of the pain he felt during his illness, I think he was too busy living to feel it deeply or to worry about dying.
1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (96%)
3. Liberal Quakers (92%)
4. Secular Humanism (88%)
5. Neo-Pagan (84%)

It'd suck if we died and then when we did we "woke" up from existance. I know it sounds crazy but no one knows.

somehow, i agree. is the culmination of life. each is part of the other.

has this been going on for a long time?
Do you exist? What is the meaning of existence? Why do you exist?
What is the point?

there is no real answer to them for they depend from person to person. the answer that one may fnd cannot be applied in general because how one lived id different to how others have lived. existential questions are keys to finding one's own identity.
Of course mapusyaw, Existentialism is wholly subjective -- that is, it begins and ends with the subject: man. "Existentialism is also an outlook, or a perspective, on life that pursues the question of the meaning of life or the meaning of existence. It is this question that is seen as being of paramount importance, above both scientific and other philosophical pursuits." (Wikipedia) Are you an existentialist?
basically yes...

"Existentialism is also an outlook, or a perspective, on life that pursues the question of the meaning of life or the meaning of existence. It is this question that is seen as being of paramount importance, above both scientific and other philosophical pursuits." (Wikipedia)

but what if the person's anwer to the meaning of life is centered on religion and divine providence, would that still be called existentialism?
Do I exist? I hope so. I have always wondered that, especially after having watched the matrix. :relief:

See, the thing is, we have really no concrete evidence that we exist, except our perception that we do, the belief that we do. And really, that is all that matters to me. Somebody asked me that once, the same question you are, and when they brought that up, i told them that that is all the matters, is the feeling that i exist. Because, really, if you feel that life exists, it must.

But also, i just finished 1984. You know the thing about the past, how it is forever rewritten by the party, and how O'Brien says that is not a concrete thing and etc? That frankly freaked me out, because i realized that IT'S NOT. It is entirely based on the memories of people, and how people remember things is skewed by emotion. But then i was thinking, then what about the effects of it? But, if you rewrite the past, you can change how people are now, ne? Is it really concrete? If you think about this too much, you'll get a headache.....-_-

Sorry for this post, I'm not too good with expressing my thoughts. -_-;

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