People in The Classic of mountains and Seas


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src=http _inews.gtimg.com_newsapp_bt_0_12934214799_1000.jpg&refer=http people,They only have one arm,but good at making robotic or machines,They use their 'Flying cars' to flying in the sky.
src=http _www.cbaigui.com_wp-content_uploads_2019_07_CShanhaijing-Dinglingguo.jpg&refer=http _ww.jpgDingling people,They have hair below their knee,run like horse.probably Turk.
b21c8701a18b87d6f874f5bd38fea43d1e30fd5e.jpegJiaorao people,The people of Jiaorao are very short,under one Chi(90cm),Gnome,The people afraid get eaten by hawk.The word'Jiaorao' is very similar to the English Gnome.
src=http _www.cbaigui.com_wp-content_uploads_2019_07_CShanhaijing-Yanhuo.jpg&refer=http people,Hairy people,Black skin,Can fire-breathing.Probably Papuan people.
342ac65c10385343533708ed9313b07ecb808806.jpgYimu people,One eyed people.Looks like Cyclops.
View attachment 12828Guanxiong people,There is a hole in the chest of every Guanxiong people,The nobles orders people to put a rod in their hole to carries them around.
View attachment 12829Yumin people,They have feathers like bird,probably Kra–Dai peoples.
View attachment 12830Sanmiao people,Hmongs of today.
View attachment 12831Sanshou people,Three headed people,most likely derived from Indian God Brahma.
View attachment 12832Changbi people,Long armed people,They fishing with their arms.
xiong, I think you are a Han chinese. Can I ask one question of whether normal chinese people knows the following concept? I think the concept is human spirit against animal spirit which Keynes viewed as the essence of capitalism

"in confucianism, the ideal personality is the 聖 shèng , translated as saint or sage. however, sagehood is hard to attain and so confucius used the noun junzi, respectable person, which more individuals could achieve. junzi acts according to proper conduct (禮 lǐ or li) to achieve 和 hé or he, harmony, which confucianism maintains should rule the home, society, and the empire.[3] li primarily has to do with social expectations, both in terms of the formal behavior required during religious rites and imperial ceremonies and proper conduct in human relationships.[3] confucius also considered a junzi to be someone who embodies humanity – one who possesses a totality of the highest human qualities.[4] the philosopher called this a person who embodies the concept of 仁 rén and outlined specific qualities, which were recorded by his disciples in the analects.[4] many of these were used as chinese proverbs (諺語 yàn yǔ ). an example is 君子成人之美 jūn zǐ chéng rén zhī měi, which means "a respectable person [always helps] others in their needs".[5] zhu xi defined a junzi as second only to the sage. junzi has many characteristics. a junzi can live with poverty; a junzi does more and speaks less. a junzi is loyal, obedient and knowledgeable. a junzi disciplines himself. among these, 仁 ren is at the core of a junzi.[6](in chinese)"
xiong, I think you are a Han chinese. Can I ask one question of whether normal chinese people knows the following concept? I think the concept is human spirit against animal spirit which Keynes viewed as the essence of capitalism

"in confucianism, the ideal personality is the 聖 shèng , translated as saint or sage. however, sagehood is hard to attain and so confucius used the noun junzi, respectable person, which more individuals could achieve. junzi acts according to proper conduct (禮 lǐ or li) to achieve 和 hé or he, harmony, which confucianism maintains should rule the home, society, and the empire.[3] li primarily has to do with social expectations, both in terms of the formal behavior required during religious rites and imperial ceremonies and proper conduct in human relationships.[3] confucius also considered a junzi to be someone who embodies humanity – one who possesses a totality of the highest human qualities.[4] the philosopher called this a person who embodies the concept of 仁 rén and outlined specific qualities, which were recorded by his disciples in the analects.[4] many of these were used as chinese proverbs (諺語 yàn yǔ ). an example is 君子成人之美 jūn zǐ chéng rén zhī měi, which means "a respectable person [always helps] others in their needs".[5] zhu xi defined a junzi as second only to the sage. junzi has many characteristics. a junzi can live with poverty; a junzi does more and speaks less. a junzi is loyal, obedient and knowledgeable. a junzi disciplines himself. among these, 仁 ren is at the core of a junzi.[6](in chinese)"

I am Taoist,I do not know confucianism very well,But I think You are right.
I am Taoist,I do not know confucianism very well,But I think You are right.

If so, do you know how taoist people are teaching their children in China?
People in confucianism was raised to be soaked in Junzi, hence, they become loser in animal spirit society.
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If so, do you know how taoist people are teaching their children in China?
People in confucianism was raised to be soaked in Junzi, hence, they become loser in animal spirit society.

Taoist do not enforce their religious views to children.In China,the confucianism are not doing better either,but Taoism are the same.

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