Pentagon Strike

Satori said:
Instead, the earliest warnings of the attacks came from calls made by the passengers on board. Therefore, the QRA were not launched in time to do much to stop the planes.
Actually, it says "Some of the earliest warnings of the attacks of 11 September were mobile phone calls from passengers", hence we cannot know from this text, if the pilots were able to use the transponders. It might very well be that they were unable to use them, for the kidnappers may have prevented that.

Also, could you provide me with a link to the videos of the WTC towers collapse, so that I can view what you were describing earlier and compare it again to what I read about it? I'm not sure where to find that. I just know that from what I read in one of the links Thomas provided, it is believed that both a detonation at the bottom and the heat from the planes caused the collapse, not one or the other. But I can't examine that issue more closely without being able to view the visible collapse you spoke of. Thanks.
The detonation at the bottom was a hoax, for what I know. Please read this about that issue.
You can find some videos on this page. Don't be fooled by the attempt of a "scientific" explanation, though. BTW, they hint that "each floor was wired to a separate detonator". A lot of explosives would have been needed for that.

For a better explanation of what happened (IMO), you should visit ImplosionWorld.

Some excerpts:
No. They collapsed in an uncontrolled fashion, causing extensive damage to surrounding structures, roadways and utilities. Although when viewed from a distance the towers appeared to have telescoped almost straight down, a closer look at video replays reveal sizeable portions of each building breaking free during the collapse, with the largest sections--some as tall as 30 or 40 stories--actually ?laying out? in several directions.[...]

Each 110-story tower contained a central steel core surrounded by open office space, with 18-inch steel tubes running vertically along the outside of the building. These structural elements provided the support for the building, and most experts agree that the planes impacting the buildings alone would not have caused them to collapse. The intense heat from the burning jet fuel, however, gradually softened the steel core and redistributed the weight to the outer tubes, which were slowly deformed by the added weight and the heat of the fire. Eventually, the integrity of these tubes was compromised to the point where they buckled under the weight of the higher floors, causing a gravitational chain reaction that continued until all of the floors were at ground level. "
thomas said:

I found this to be an excellent page. After reading that, I'm off to check various facts from other sources. One thing being those pictures of the Pentagon. If the pictures there are real, then there's no way an airliner crashed into it. Anyone who's seen a plane crash would know they're far more destructive than that.
Melkor said:
I found this to be an excellent page. After reading that, I'm off to check various facts from other sources. One thing being those pictures of the Pentagon. If the pictures there are real, then there's no way an airliner crashed into it. Anyone who's seen a plane crash would know they're far more destructive than that.

That's the link that I found so interesting! The question is, did a plane of that size crash into the Pentagon? There were definitely reports of a plane, but the size is still in question, IMO.

Btw, Bossel, just so you know, I haven't been ignoring your last post. I just need more time to review all of the info. you provided. However, based on merely a cursory review, I think you may have solved the mystery of the WTC collapse for me. So that would be one mystery down, and how many more to go? :p Just kidding. But like I said, I still need to review all of the info. more in depth.

Maybe I should have entitled this thread, "Things that make you go 'Hmmmm'" :p
This had been posted before, so I merged the threads

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