Ottoman trivia


I think you are either trolling or you are brainwashed and the way you post confirms it.
Obviously you haven't been in Greece.

Greeks are light skinned, same as Italians Spanish Portuguese and Southern French.
All Albanian immigrants I know are a lot more tanned than Greeks but not as tanned as Middle Easter immigrants. All Turkish immigrants I see, that usually come from the south-eastern part of Turkey, are a lot darker than Greeks and also darker than the Western Turkish I saw in Constantinople, that looked similar to Greeks.
Leaving aside the fact that they are not europeans... I would never admit a country that doesn't face its past mistakes. It's not the "european tradition".

I just can't see Turkey being admitted to the E.U.
It is true that during past 500 years millions of albanians continually migrated to Turkey (Anatolia), and I think the presence of albanian haplogroups there is because of this migration.

I send you a link in private message because I can not to post here.
Leaving aside the fact that they are not europeans... I would never admit a country that doesn't face its past mistakes. It's not the "european tradition".
turkey is not a european country. and the turkish do not feel like they are european. turkey had a full of history you may name it barbaric or not. turkey dont want to be a part of something. turkey want to be something. turkey will not be adopted child in europe like romania, greece etc.

ottoman selected their elites and almost all of their wives from balcans and ukraine (like me), russia, caucases. and killed lots of turkmans having different kind of islamic beliefs. you may count the rulers at least balkanic. however the citizens were a mix of native settlers mentioned above with different religions huns were not the majority. after nationalism rised most of those muslim citizens wanted to believe that they were HUNs coming from asia and shake the world. and others (religions) forced to left the country due to their supports to the invasing soldiers after WW1.

turkey should create a modern and well civilised islamic country. it will be the best present from us to the people wishing peace on earth.

as of "european tradition" remember WW2. easy to remember only 50 years ago. and remember what happened in america after your discovery.

history is full of shit and it is not fair to select some special ones.

nowadays, 80.000 thousand armenian are working in turkey at the moment. and we are the biggest employer for them.

by the way between 1300-1500 europe was not very favourable.
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@ FAM "special word for them-"pomak" which means "dirty". "

Calling ethnic minorities, sexually different people or other segments of a society special names derives from micro-fascism and generally supported by local governments in non-democracies and even under-developed democracies. This is something we (and you) should be ashamed of.

I know a couple of humiliating stereotypes and such names about Turks in many countries. "Lustful Turk" "Babarian" "Turk the Terrible" "Smoking Turkish" "Even the Turk is better than Papist" etc. The reasons that lie behind this type of discrimination was conceived regarding to different causes. Some nations having been ruled by Turks feel humiliated and they produced such concepts to push nationalism forward. A big defeat in a war or a battle may also cause such namings. European history is full of Turkish glory amongst even the most powerful European forces. So I do understand you. If we (Turks) were ruled by another nation we would do the same. But luckily Turks were always the masters of their reign. We have never been ruled by others. Our single major defeat in homeland was by the Mongol invasion which didnt last long.

Even so we also have this sickness of calling "others" names. Such as:

Gypsies: "Shopar/Marsik" =Black skinned, thief
Non-Muslims: "Gavur" = Blasphemous, Godless, Non-ethical
Alevi muslims: "Kızılbaş/Mum sondu = Sinners, Sexually perverted
Kürdish: Kiro = Uneducated, low life, dirty, smuggler, drug smuggler
People of eastern TR= "Maganda" = Very uneducated, uncivilized, animal-like
Laz: Dumb, unable to think and act logically
Turks of rural anatolia: "Black Turks" = low life, lack of elegance, mindless
Armenian (women) = Easy to get laid with
Russians (men) = "Useless alcoholics, ugly, coarse
Russians (women) : "Natasha" = prostitute
Americans: "Johnny" = Average minded, lack of intellectual depth but cute.
Arabians: Dirty, untrustworthy, betrayer, black, traitor, backwards
Germans: "Hans" = Pig, drinker, stupid, racist
Europeans (women) = Easy to get laid with, lusting for Turkish men
Bulgarians: "Donek" = Converso, converted Turk, half-Turk
English: Cold, full of intrigue
French: Arrogant
Italian: Gay
Irish: Same as Laz ( All irish jokes translated as Laz jokes)
Dutch: Drug addict, perverd


But nowadays all of these attributions are considered as shame and even crime. You can be sued if u use such words against others. You can be put to jail if u call a non-muslim "gavur". In today's EU member Bulgaria, will the law provide such a security against the word "pomak" ? Can a Turk go to a court to sue the insulter?

It is also interesting to note that Turks dont have such special words for Jews, Greeks and most other europeans.
Whether the Ottoman/Turks are more European or Middle Eastern is open to debate. I have decided to put them in the European section. Some of the trivia below will support that pretence.

- The Turks came from Central Asia and were related to the Mongols.

- From the 13th to the 15th century, the Turks advanced into Anatolia and into the Balkans, mixing little by little with the local Byzantine population of mixed European descent (Celtic, Gothic, Greek, Latin and Slavic).

- In 1299, Osman I declared the independence of the Ottoman state. In 1324, he took the major Byzantine city of Bursa and made it the Ottoman capital.

- The Janissaries were an elite corp that formed the Ottoman sultan's private guards. Founded in 1330, new recruits were taken among Slavic Christian children, because of Ottoman suspicions towards non-Turkish Muslims at the time. Some of those European janissaries rose to become vizier (minister) and one even grand vizier in the Ottoman state.

- In 1453, Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror laid siege on Constantinople, the last stronghold of Byzantine power in the region. Thanks to one of the earliest use of cannons in the region, he destroyed the city's legendary 30-m high walls, seize it and made it its new capital. The Hagia Sofia, built in the 6th century by Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian as the largest Christian church in the world, became a mosque.

- In the first half of the 16th century, Europe had 4 great monarchs : King Henry VIII of England & Ireland, King Francis I of France, Emperor Charles V of Habsburg (Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Austria) and Sultan Suleyman I (Ottoman Empire). All were probably the greatest monarchs their country had known, and the greatest to remain for several centuries.

- Roxelana (nee Aleksandra Lisowska), a Slavic woman born in present-day Ukraine, was first slave, then concubine, then wife of Suleyman the Magnificient. Her son with the Sultan inherited the throne as Sultan Selim II, thus infusing European blood into the Imperial Ottoman dynasty.

- French was the language of the Ottoman court, nobility and bourgeoisie in the 19th century. Many French words have passed into modern Turkish language as a result.

It seems like all the "european" attributes you listed are there because of imperialistic means. They forced christian children to serve, and forced them to be muslim. They forced their way into the balkans. By the all so great islamic code they lived by, they could take multiple wives of balkanic people. Anyone who didn't agree was forced into slavery. They islamified the chistian populations of anatolia. Saying Turks are european beacuse they forced their way into the balkans is like saying greeks are middle eastern beacuse Alexander forced his way into the middle east. To say they are european beacuse of DNA is to say USA, Canada, Australia, New zealand, are european. I know your job has to do with genetics, but you need to look at the cultural side of things. Does turkey have the same views of human rights as europeans? no of course not. Do they share the same values of freedom of religion? of course not. Is turkey even geographically in Europe? if you think your answer is yes beause 5% of their landmass is, then france is carribean as well.

In short, stop it with the DNA identifying. DNA doesn't determine your frame of mind.
It seems like all the "european" attributes you listed are there because of imperialistic means. They forced christian children to serve, and forced them to be muslim. They forced their way into the balkans. By the all so great islamic code they lived by, they could take multiple wives of balkanic people. Anyone who didn't agree was forced into slavery. They islamified the chistian populations of anatolia. Saying Turks are european beacuse they forced their way into the balkans is like saying greeks are middle eastern beacuse Alexander forced his way into the middle east. To say they are european beacuse of DNA is to say USA, Canada, Australia, New zealand, are european. I know your job has to do with genetics, but you need to look at the cultural side of things. Does turkey have the same views of human rights as europeans? no of course not. Do they share the same values of freedom of religion? of course not. Is turkey even geographically in Europe? if you think your answer is yes beause 5% of their landmass is, then france is carribean as well.

In short, stop it with the DNA identifying. DNA doesn't determine your frame of mind.
you are funny
ottomans ruled your country about 400 (?) years, so why is there no muslims in your country or in romania or in serbia. there was lots of different courts in ottoman emp. to handle the problems in between the people having different religions. ottomans biggest power were coming from ability of living with different cultures and religions.

byzantium emp. forced people in anatolia to be christian after they selected it as of their official religion around 350-450 BC.

it is very interesting that turkmans was the outsiders in ottomans because they were nomads and were not paying tax and joining army when it was needed.

genetically, if you (greeks) are european, turks are also european. but, i believe, we the turks are not neither european nor middle eastern in terms of pattern of life. we are a very complex mix and trying to understand who we are. on the other hand, in spite of your weak religious and military structure, greeks were the founder of todays great european culture. and everybody must appreciate it. Although i am suspicious about your contribution after you built the main frame.
you are funny
ottomans ruled your country about 400 (?) years, so why is there no muslims in your country or in romania or in serbia. there was lots of different courts in ottoman emp. to handle the problems in between the people having different religions. ottomans biggest power were coming from ability of living with different cultures and religions.

byzantium emp. forced people in anatolia to be christian after they selected it as of their official religion around 350-450 BC.

it is very interesting that turkmans was the outsiders in ottomans because they were nomads and were not paying tax and joining army when it was needed.

genetically, if you (greeks) are european, turks are also european. but, i believe, we the turks are not neither european nor middle eastern in terms of pattern of life. we are a very complex mix and trying to understand who we are. on the other hand, in spite of your weak religious and military structure, greeks were the founder of todays great european culture. and everybody must appreciate it. Although i am suspicious about your contribution after you built the main frame.

There was no muslims in greece due to the population exchange, before there was alot. If you talk about contributions please tell me turks contributions to anything besides genocide? The ottoman empire lived through the age of enlightenment but what have they contributed? Ya I can't think of anything either. Blue mosque is a rip off of the hagia sofia, your culture is a rip off of arabs while being just a little more liberal, your alphabet was copied to latin, all your neighbours dislike you, kurds inside turkey dislike you, maybe there is are reason for all of this.

DNA doesn't mean anything, it's your mindset that determines your values, and in turkey the only thing they care about is nationalism, bravo for being a tool.

Here is an article pretty much summing up the attrocious humans rights in turkey;

Maybe you should go cuddle with Iran more your country is becomming more like them every day.
P.S. in 350-450 AD, not BC like you said, Byzantium was still very much roman, not byzantine.
There was no muslims in greece due to the population exchange, before there was alot. If you talk about contributions please tell me turks contributions to anything besides genocide? The ottoman empire lived through the age of enlightenment but what have they contributed? Ya I can't think of anything either. Blue mosque is a rip off of the hagia sofia, your culture is a rip off of arabs while being just a little more liberal, your alphabet was copied to latin, all your neighbours dislike you, kurds inside turkey dislike you, maybe there is are reason for all of this.

DNA doesn't mean anything, it's your mindset that determines your values, and in turkey the only thing they care about is nationalism, bravo for being a tool.

Here is an article pretty much summing up the attrocious humans rights in turkey;

Maybe you should go cuddle with Iran more your country is becomming more like them every day.
elias you must have some understanding problems. i never said that we, the turks (if you suppose that turkey is made up of turkman) have contributed too much on civilization. in contrast, i everytime noted that i am sad for that. Hoowever, if turkey is made up of a native anatolian settlers and turkman, then there you can find lots of stuff coming from anatolia (the first coins, agriculture, the first I-E language etc.). Commonly, tukish people feel like HUNS, so i can accept that we dont have no contr. to civilization.

ottoman ruled almost half of the world for 600 years including all of neighbours. so it is normal if they dont like us. nobody likes ex-husband :LOL:. additionally, our neighbours are iran, iraq, syria, greece, armenia, bulgaria. if they dont like us, we can live with that (plus, we dont have problem with iran, syria, iraq and bulgaria, although your beloved europeans made the biggest wars of the history).

"DNA doesn't mean anything, it's your mindset that determines your values, and in turkey the only thing they care about is nationalism, bravo for being a tool."

this paragraph is totally absurd. i never said that we have some value coming from our genetics. what do you mean?... forget it.. i dont care.

"P.S. in 350-450 AD, not BC like you said, Byzantium was still very much roman, not byzantine. "

thanks for correction. next time i will check it by using google too.
I like your answers, you're logical and open minded though Barbarian. :)
elias you must have some understanding problems. i never said that we, the turks (if you suppose that turkey is made up of turkman) have contributed too much on civilization. in contrast, i everytime noted that i am sad for that. Hoowever, if turkey is made up of a native anatolian settlers and turkman, then there you can find lots of stuff coming from anatolia (the first coins, agriculture, the first I-E language etc.). Commonly, tukish people feel like HUNS, so i can accept that we dont have no contr. to civilization.

ottoman ruled almost half of the world for 600 years including all of neighbours. so it is normal if they dont like us. nobody likes ex-husband :LOL:. additionally, our neighbours are iran, iraq, syria, greece, armenia, bulgaria. if they dont like us, we can live with that (plus, we dont have problem with iran, syria, iraq and bulgaria, although your beloved europeans made the biggest wars of the history).

"DNA doesn't mean anything, it's your mindset that determines your values, and in turkey the only thing they care about is nationalism, bravo for being a tool."

this paragraph is totally absurd. i never said that we have some value coming from our genetics. what do you mean?... forget it.. i dont care.

"P.S. in 350-450 AD, not BC like you said, Byzantium was still very much roman, not byzantine. "

thanks for correction. next time i will check it by using google too.

No, you don't understand, Ottomans never contributed anything because of turkish culture (arab culture), it had all the ample opportunities but it never came through. Put put it plainly, Turks have arab culture, it in itself is regressive and stagnant, meaning it doesn't lead to anything. ATTATURK WAS AWARE OF THIS TOO. He reformed everything to be more in line with european culture "western culture". He got rid of the religious nutcases and modeled turkey to be more like europe. Attaturk is gone and turkey is slipping back into the arab culture of regression and stagnation. Its EU progress is stalled, it cannot reform itself, its turning more eastwards now, like it was before.

I know you don't have problems with Iran, you share the same values more and more, but turkey is trying to join the EU, and its EU neighbours, cyprus, greece, bulgaria, dislike you for your actions. Bulgaria wants a EU wide referendum to let the people vote whether turkey should join or not. You completely ignore cypus and send warplanes over greece, Nice. Did you not read the article I posted? Please tell me your opinion on the human rights in Turkey. What about article 301? what's your opinion on that?
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No, you don't understand, Ottomans never contributed anything because of turkish culture (arab culture), it had all the ample opportunities but it never came through. Put put it plainly, Turks have arab culture, it in itself is regressive and stagnant, meaning it doesn't lead to anything. ATTATURK WAS AWARE OF THIS TOO. He reformed everything to be more in line with european culture "western culture". He got rid of the religious nutcases and modeled turkey to be more like europe. Attaturk is gone and turkey is slipping back into the arab culture of regression and stagnation. Its EU progress is stalled, it cannot reform itself, its turning more eastwards now, like it was before.

I know you don't have problems with Iran, you share the same values more and more, but turkey is trying to join the EU, and its EU neighbours, cyprus, greece, bulgaria, dislike you for your actions. Bulgaria wants a EU wide referendum to let the people vote whether turkey should join or not. You completely ignore cypus and send warplanes over greece, Nice. Did you not read the article I posted? Please tell me your opinion on the human rights in Turkey. What about article 301? what's your opinion on that?

i also believe that ataturk was too fast for turkey. but he was a reformist and it is normal that some regression occur.

but why do you think that turkey has arabic culture? because of islam? if so, then europe is a mesopotamian culture. if you think about language, we have asian language. our clothes are completely different. we are not as dark as arabs and we dont have black ppl. our foods are mostly different.

you say that ottoman didnt contribute nothing because of arabian culture. but arabs contribute too much on civilization especially in mathmatics, linguistics and religion.

"EU neighbours, cyprus, greece, bulgaria, dislike you" if EU is these countries, we can help them.

"Bulgaria wants a EU wide referendum to let the people vote whether turkey should join or not." i dont think rest of EU and turkey wonder what bulgaria thinks.

about 301 stuff---it must be another topic.
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I have come across this thread when my friend Kivanc posted his comments on this forum to facebook. I must say there is a vibrant and mostly reasonable discussion going on here, and the thread seems to draw attention and get revived by new people like myself continuously.

I beleive the first and most important fact is that, there should be an open dialog between opposing parties at all times. In the past, it was pretty easy for the governments/political forces to impose their agenda on the people by means of the education system, mass media etc., but alas NO MORE! At the verge of a new era, finally the people have a right to speak and decide for themselves over the digital networks. (That too is being monitored, but it's better than nothing :) We can sort our differences, by talking to each other, learning from each other and growing together towards a better and stronger community in general. I sincerely believe that no boundaries exist in the world as it used to be, and mostly remain in our mindsets. Once we get past this barrier, I believe if we as the people can choose dialog over violence, we can impose this upon our governments in a very effective and powerful way. My advice to anyone who wants to change the way the world is today, is to sign up for a political party, be active, go and do something about it. The fact that I'm able to say this is, of course, because Turkiye is a democratic country and I have this opportunity here, not denying the fact that our system has its flaws and needs improvement. I'd like to bring to your attention that Turkiye is simply in a totally different league than e.g. Iran or Saudi Arabia, and it's downright unfair or even irrational to think that Turkiye will ever go in that direction. I also think that modern Turks are definitely more European than Middle-Eastern or Asian, if you consider our ethnic, cultural structure and background.

As for some comments:

You are confusing "arabic" with "islamic" brother. It's true that Ottomans used mainly Islam as a political force, pretty much like some Europeans did with Christianity, but it's very argueable how "islamic" Turkiye's culture is or has been in the past. The culture here certainly is not Arabic, but a mix of all the cultures that existed, came to this land or was within the borders of the former Ottoman Empire. On a side note, Arabs don't even like Turks any better than Europeans do :) I believe it's just the Islamic common culture that connects Arabs to Turks. In this sense, a strictly Muslim American guy living in Brooklyn, might get along better with an Arab than say me, who doesn't practice or care much about Islam.

You can search for Turkish and Arabic cultures from Wikipedia:
Turkish People,
Arab People,

If I may continue by saying that you meant "Islamic culture" in your post, it's also not very true that Islam is regressive and stagnant or has always been that way. Let's not forget that we owe our current knowledge of Algebra (El Cebir, Al-Jabr) to the Arabs, who conserved it from the Greeks and contributed to it very significantly. It's just that there wasn't any true Reform in Islam, and it has remained like how Christianity was in the Middle Ages. So anyone who'd like to practice the old Islamic text to the point, could certainly come to conflict with modern laws and modern culture. This is also true for people practicing the Old Testament in Christianity or Judaism. Especially after 9/11, it became standard to think that Islam is the ultimate evil and the enemy. Actually, the true enemy is the forces that use religion to manipulate people according to their agenda, and we must not fall for this trap.

AKP, the political party in power in Turkiye right now is a lot more "islamic" than some of the former ones. The effects that you are observing lately, is due to fact that their lifestyle and world view being dominantly Sunni Muslim. I don't think this reflects Turkiye's culture or preferences in general. In fact, that is exactly why they are heavily funded by some "foreign forces" with an agenda to slowly transform Turkiye. Actually this is why Europe should stand up and help Turkiye get back on track, who has been and continues to be NATO's forefront defence in the Middle East against various forces. It's because some 1 million young lads/ladies serving in Turkish Military have been keeping out the "enemy", some of us living further west can get a good night's sleep. Keeping out the Turks out of the EU, because of its Islamic heritage is the VERY FACT that's pushing Turkiye into Iran and the likes' playground. So in short, this is simply a clash of religions deep down, and is certainly most shameful in this age that we live in. We set everything aside, and listen to some unseen and unproven "deity", which supposedly tells us to dislike or even kill each other. Well done.

About who contributed what to world technology or culture: It's very biased to say that Turks contributed NOTHING. For one thing, although you may not like it, Turks contributed quite a lot to warfare and political management systems. It takes more than blunt brute force, from riding on horseback eating dried meat (pastirma - comes from Turkic word "pressing") to ruling half the known world. Various innovations ranging from the world's biggest cannon to sliding ships uphill and down the Golden Horn was used to conquer the infamous Byzantine defenses. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's Dardenelle defense as an Ottoman officer and other battles are taught as historic warfare lessons in various Military Schools even today. So there is no doubt Turks were and still are a warrior nation, but I beleive every other nation is the same. It's just that Turks were a bit better at that for certain periods of time.

If we talk about Administration, Selçuks and Ottomans were truly innovative, they built or modified Administrative systems to effectively rule their empire. Moreover Ottomans built Medreses (University), Bridges, Fountains wherever they went, many still standing today, so they were keen architects. So it wasn't exactly like "Let's slay everyone, collect the loot and dash out." Perhaps it was because of this management style that various nations have been able to keep their identity, and tore the Ottoman Empire apart during the Nationalist movement.

As a last point, no reasonable person I know, likes or openly defends law 301 about insulting "Turkishness". This and other anti-democratic laws are the remainders from the Military Regimes that set back Turkiye many decades. We should certainly discuss why the heck these laws are still there. Of all, our Greek friends should know the misery caused by juntas. We should and we certainly will get these kinds of laws out of our system.

Well, I have tons of other comments to make on other posts, but maybe some other time, this already started looking like an article rather than a post :)

All the best,

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Hi Tolga, I just want to say I enjoyed reading your post, but I disagree with islam not being regressive. If you look around the world where there is higher muslim population, the human rights levels go down. Let me give you a contemporary example. Palestinians are fighting for a country they rightfully deserve, this does not politically exsist yet but there seems to be laws already in place;

Freedom of speach and expression are fundemental human rights, and it seems that when palestine comes to be, they won't have any. They have an opportunity to start a new country from stratch but they don't want it to be a modern one.

While true muslims did have a renaissance in bagdad a thousand years ago which was ended by the mongolians, not alot of intelectual ideas came up after. Barbarian says that arabs contributed to mathematics, language, and religion, but I only agree with the first. Alot of indo-middle eastern languages were wiped out because of islam, I'm happy farsi didn't. And me being an athiest, I believe religion is a fundemental evil to the human race, it fundementaly divides people based on fairy tales, and gives people the wrong impression that they have authority over others.

Turkey could be a role model for other muslim countries to follow in terms of human rights. I don't know the politcal working inside of turkey, but there are still some anti-democratic laws like you said.
Good post Tolga, great points. Welcome to Eupedia.
Hi Elias, I agree with you that fundementalist religious practices are a major source of serious problems.

I can probably call myself an agnostic: I don't deny the possibility, but I also don't beleive in anything unless I see solid scientific proof. I think every human being deserves to be educated scientifically, and when they are at a certain age, they can decide for themselves what they beleive or not. This is what we do here in Turkiye, young kids are not allowed to study the Quran without any former proper education. Because of the nature of some of the holy text, especially in the Abrahamic religions, I beleive it may be very dangerous if one takes it word by word.

I mean, only last month, they attempted to stone a woman to death because she cheated on her husband in Iran, can you beleive that? It was only decided after major civil protests that she should be executed by hanging instead... Certainly, this kind of senseless cruelty has no place in our world. Unfortunately, if you read the ancient holy texts in a certain way and get enough following, it seems you can get yourself a nice totaliterian regime someday.

Here's an interesting verse from the Christian Old Testament:

Deuteronomy 22:21 CJB
then they are to lead the girl to the door of her father's house, and the men of her town will stone her to death, because she has committed in Isra'el the disgraceful act of being a prostitute while still in her father's house. In this way you will put an end to such wickedness among you.

What?? Did the Iranian guys read the wrong book?

This nice little piece of advice comes from the Quran:

[4:89] They wish that you disbelieve as they have disbelieved, then you become equal. Do not consider them friends, unless they mobilize along with you in the cause of GOD. If they turn against you, you shall fight them, and you may kill them when you encounter them in war. You shall not accept them as friends, or allies.

Apparently, if we were to practice these religions to the full extent, we would be practically at war with each other or being cruel to someone at all times. Fortunately most of the civilized world bans such actions by law. However, I find it interesting that the holy scripts are in circulation without any "children rating" or anything. If we were to write this stuff and try to distribute it today , we would most certainly go directly to jail. If you search for "Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?", there is an interesting statistical article about these kind of verses.

Anyway, I hope there is less fanatic religion, and more common sense in the future, it surely stands in the way of human development.

P.S. LeBrok, thank you for the warm welcome.
Hi Elias, I agree with you that fundementalist religious practices are a major source of serious problems.

I can probably call myself an agnostic: I don't deny the possibility, but I also don't beleive in anything unless I see solid scientific proof. I think every human being deserves to be educated scientifically, and when they are at a certain age, they can decide for themselves what they beleive or not. This is what we do here in Turkiye, young kids are not allowed to study the Quran without any former proper education. Because of the nature of some of the holy text, especially in the Abrahamic religions, I beleive it may be very dangerous if one takes it word by word.

I mean, only last month, they attempted to stone a woman to death because she cheated on her husband in Iran, can you beleive that? It was only decided after major civil protests that she should be executed by hanging instead... Certainly, this kind of senseless cruelty has no place in our world. Unfortunately, if you read the ancient holy texts in a certain way and get enough following, it seems you can get yourself a nice totaliterian regime someday.

Here's an interesting verse from the Christian Old Testament:

Deuteronomy 22:21 CJB
then they are to lead the girl to the door of her father's house, and the men of her town will stone her to death, because she has committed in Isra'el the disgraceful act of being a prostitute while still in her father's house. In this way you will put an end to such wickedness among you.

What?? Did the Iranian guys read the wrong book?

This nice little piece of advice comes from the Quran:

[4:89] They wish that you disbelieve as they have disbelieved, then you become equal. Do not consider them friends, unless they mobilize along with you in the cause of GOD. If they turn against you, you shall fight them, and you may kill them when you encounter them in war. You shall not accept them as friends, or allies.

Apparently, if we were to practice these religions to the full extent, we would be practically at war with each other or being cruel to someone at all times. Fortunately most of the civilized world bans such actions by law. However, I find it interesting that the holy scripts are in circulation without any "children rating" or anything. If we were to write this stuff and try to distribute it today , we would most certainly go directly to jail. If you search for "Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?", there is an interesting statistical article about these kind of verses.

Anyway, I hope there is less fanatic religion, and more common sense in the future, it surely stands in the way of human development.

P.S. LeBrok, thank you for the warm welcome.

I agree 150%! Thank you for comming to these forums! I can finaly talk to a rational turk! If you don't mind me asking, what part of Turkey are you from?
Istanbuul, Constantiopleee, Istanbuul, Constantinoooplee :D (love that song)

I think you should come visit us someday, a lot more guys like me over here :) It of course depends a bit on the region too, since Turkiye is a big country. I'd say that "we" rock pretty much all the coastline, Marmara & Thrace. The southeast part has a more Middle Eastern touch due to Kurdish & Arab population. Central Anatolia is also more conservative, if you exclude Ankara the Capitol.

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