Official: Bin Laden Capture Close

Though many put George Bush down, when it comes down to it out of the guys on the ballot this election... Bush has my vote hands down.

These day's its either Kill or Be Killed, peace is never an option. Hence the girl fighting between the candidates for the office.. It is ridiculous, besides it is not up to the president to make the choices anyways it all comes down to congress. So if you dont like how the country is being ran now ***** about who gets elected on congress.
If it's kill or being killed, why make more enemies for yourself? Then does this justify shooting down on a crowd that is cheering at the desctruction of one your tanks, killing 5 people including a reporter ?
If Bin Laden is caught this football season, I promise you the Patriots will again steal another superbowl ring.
If bin laden had been caught, there is no way it wouldnt have leaked to the press by now. If there is one entity that is tenacious and would happily sell their mother for the right price, it is the American press. Even if the CIA wanted to keep this quiet, i dont think they could.
even if "the press" would gladly sell their own life for that "big scoop" let's not forget that they are only human. they can't moniter everything and they can certainly not sneak into the CIA and take photographs of bin laden even if he is there.

Even if it might seem so they are not just some all-seeing entity with all the answers.
things are happening in the world that we will never know about.

cross-platform said:
Man, do you think Bush would be that stupid? If they do "find" Osama before election day, it will be totally obvious as to what happened. I have a hard time believing anyone is that dumb, but this is Georgie we are talking about.

who's gonna fall for that, right?...

I'm gonna quote Men in Black:
"A *person* is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals"
mad pierrot said:
9:35 am PST, 6 September 2004

Well? What do you think? Is the government just blowing smoke to help Mr. Bush or is there a real chance? Maybe this was planned all along. I used to think President Bush wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being re-elected, but now I'm not so sure. This, combined with masses of aid sent to Florida could sway alot of voters. This might change everything. Or it might not. Either way, my bet still stands!

taken from
cross-platform said:
Man, do you think Bush would be that stupid? If they do "find" Osama before election day, it will be totally obvious as to what happened. I have a hard time believing anyone is that dumb, but this is Georgie we are talking about.

Just look at Iraq! First, GWB said it was because they had suspected links with Al-qaeda (which were never found), then it was because of the Weapons of Mass destruction (which were never found), then it was to free the Iraqi people (who are now firing their AK's at anyone who even helps the Americans), and then the safety of America (which was breached by Laden -- look at North Korea! There is actually proof that they have WMD or Israel!). If Bush was stupid enough to use these reasons to justify his invading Iraq to secure the world's second largest oil reserve, then he is stupid enough to do anything.

cross-platform said:
Though many put George Bush down, when it comes down to it out of the guys on the ballot this election... Bush has my vote hands down.

These day's its either Kill or Be Killed, peace is never an option. Hence the girl fighting between the candidates for the office.. It is ridiculous, besides it is not up to the president to make the choices anyways it all comes down to congress. So if you dont like how the country is being ran now ***** about who gets elected on congress.

LOL, "kill or be killed" -- This does not involve killing any civilian that gets in the way. There are always alternatives to war. An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind -- Ghandi

And the president does make the executive descisions on war. He is responsible for the actions of his country. That is what a leader is.
TwistedMac said:
even if "the press" would gladly sell their own life for that "big scoop" let's not forget that they are only human. they can't moniter everything and they can certainly not sneak into the CIA and take photographs of bin laden even if he is there.

No sneaking necessary. If i were working for the CIA, i would absolutely leak this story anonymously for the right price.
you don't think the people working there have to sign papers that state the bureau gets their souls and the blood of their firstborn if they leak anything?
They do have that sort of thing, but the CIA and Pentagon have a rich history of accidentally (and not so accidentally) leaking stuff. I give you:

This was the first time the American public became aware at all that the US govt had any sort of secret plan or agenda that was not being divulged, and that maybe it was not isolated to just the war. Plus, these are the same organizations that told us that Iraq had WMDs :p :D You may well be right, but i'm just not that confident in them.

I say we bet on it. If it turns out they catch him, i'll mail you 10 bucks ;)
Ahhh!!! Foxtrot! I didn't post that thing about Bush having my vote! That was playaa. You may want to fix that in the quote.

Sorry, just want to make it clear that Bush doesn't have my vote.
All I can say about when they capture him, they should have him dig his own ditch behind him. Then, when they execute him, make sure that that ditch is filled with pig entrails and blood. Dip a 5.52 round into said pig blood and shoot him with it. He'll consume swine and never be allowed to enter Allah's holy domain.

It would be fitting to destroy his follower's beliefs like that. And he couldn't even be a martyr.

I agree with Winter, he needs to be caught.

By the by, I don't believe that every Muslim is like Bin Laden. So if I offended with my thoughts on what to do to him, I apologise. But he sure does deserve it.

I think whatever's going to happen to him already did. If he's going to escape and the US give up the search, I think they already gave up. If he's going to be killed, I think he's already been killed. The other option is that he's been captured. I don't think it's all that unbelievable that he's been captured and will be revealed shortly before the election. For one thing, Bush doesn't seem worried about the coming election in the debates. It looks like he knows full well that he'll win, and he's just at the debates because he has to be.
He's already dead.

Osama bin Laden died back in December 2001. It was reported in the news worldwide, particularly in Asia and the Middle East, but for some reason the USA and UK news media decided to pretend that they didn't hear about it.
Just few facts to begin with;

1~ Osama bin Laden is NOT on the FBI most wanted list in connection with 911. Why not? According to FBI spokesman, Chief of Investigative Publicity Rex Tomb, ?gThe FBI has no hard evidence connecting Usama Bin Laden to 9/11.?h (accessed 20 August 2006)

2~ Osama bin Laden is long D E A D. He died on the 16th December 2001, and this was reported throughout Asia and the Middle East about ten days later. Some members of his family attended his funeral in Afghanistan. He died from kidney failure and a lung infection.

Remember the FAKE confession video? Fake Osama on the left in the FAKE confession video, and the real Osama bin Laden on the right (of course)

Damn the USA government under G W Bush loves to tell whopping great big lies.

Tragically, some government SHILLS on other sites want to continue to PRETEND that Osama bin Laden is alive. Losing Osama must've been very traumatic for them.

Do a search on these if you like;

According to the Pakistani press, and the Egyptian newspaper, al-Wafd, (Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15 No 4633) Bin Laden died in December 2001 of pulmonary complications incident to catastrophic kidney failure, in the absence of available hygienic dialysis.

The Egyptian newspaper al-Wafd published an article dated Wednesday, December 26, 2001, (Vol 15 No 4633) describing bin Laden's funeral:
"News of Bin Laden's Death and Funeral 10 days ago
ISLAMABAD - A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, the chief of al-Qa'da organization, stating that binLaden suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death. The official, who asked to remain anonymous, stated to The Observer of Pakistan that he had himself attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face prior to burial in Tora Bora 10 days ago. He mentioned that 30 of al-Qa'da fighters attended the burial as well as members of his family and some friends from the Taleban. ..."


This is a scan of Osama bin Laden's funeral notice

Israeli intelligence: Bin Laden is dead, heir has been chosen TEL AVIV - Osama Bin Laden appears to be dead but his colleagues have decided that Al Qaida and its insurgency campaign against the United States will continue, Israeli intelligence sources said. The Israeli sources said Israel and the United States assess that Bin Laden probably died in the U.S. military campaign in Afghanistan in December. They said the emergence of new messages by Bin Laden are probably FABRICATIONS, Middle East Newsline reported.

(CNN, Oct 7, 2002) KABUL, Afghanistan - Osama bin Laden is "probably" dead, but former Taliban leader Mullah Omar is alive, Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said.

(BBC, 18 July 2002) The US Federal Bureau of Investigation's counter-terrorism chief, Dale Watson, says he thinks Osama bin Laden is "probably" dead.

Then afterwards you can vote on "When did Osama bin Laden die?" if you wish

Religious people frequently go on blind faith believing their great messiah is still alive, but you know, Elvis is still dead, Jimmy Hoffa is still dead, and Osama bin Laden is still dead. That's despite confused pretenders claiming them to be still alive.

As I said, very sad.

Of course, the US media has taken awhile to catch up with news in Arabic; maybe they lack decent translators? Or it wilful denial of facts? Rather like the US media willfully denied the lack of evidence that the USA and UK govts were lying through their teeth about WMDs in Iraq. They really can't be trusted, can they?
Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an
untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported
citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al
Qaeda leader. "The Coalition troops are engaged in a mad search
operation but they would never be able to fulfill their cherished goal
of getting Usama alive or dead," the source said.,2933,41576,00.html<br>
As you can see, this report was on Fox. So his death was reported in
the USA news media, but they then went on and pretended as if they'd
never heard of it.<br>
Only the lying USA news media says that those videos were real.

Anyone with a brain can recognise that this Mr Fat Nose (ON THE LEFT) from the 2001 fake confession video is not the REAL Osama bin Laden (ON THE RIGHT).

fake video, OBVIOUSLY.

More pictures of the REAL Osama bin Laden compared with the FAKE Mr Fat Nose

The 2004 FAKE video - fake Osama bin Laden vs real Osama bin Laden. I guess he must have a shapechanging head and nose too.

Bin Laden was left handed too, and they forgot that little detail as well. Maybe next time they'll get it right

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