Official: Bin Laden Capture Close

mad pierrot

I jump to conclusions
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The world via Chi-town
9:35 am PST, 6 September 2004

A top U.S. counterterrorism official said Sunday al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is close to being captured, and that U.S. forces have moved closer to him in the past two months. "If he has a watch, he should be looking at it because the clock is ticking. He will be caught," Joseph Cofer Black, the U.S. State Department coordinator for counterterrorism, told private Geo television network in Pakistan. "What I tell people, I would be surprised but not necessarily shocked if we wake up tomorrow and he's been caught along with all his lieutenants. That can happen because of the programs and infrastructure in place," Black said. Black briefed a group of Pakistani journalists after talks with government officials Friday. He said he could not say exactly when bin Laden would be apprehended.

Well? What do you think? Is the government just blowing smoke to help Mr. Bush or is there a real chance? Maybe this was planned all along. I used to think President Bush wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being re-elected, but now I'm not so sure. This, combined with masses of aid sent to Florida could sway alot of voters. This might change everything. Or it might not. Either way, my bet still stands!

taken from
Let's hope it is true, however, I also doubt it and might be something to do with booosting Bush's popularity in the coming Presidential election, no? Like when Saddam Hussein was caught and Bush's popularity rose and hit the roof!!!
It can also be a scare tactic to pressure Bin Laden & Co.
I think he has already been caught and the Bush Administration is just waiting for the opportune time (October, maybe?) to release the news that they have caught him. Believe me, these people will stop at nothing to steal this election and remain in office another four years. They've never been able to win legally, so their only option is to manipulate the electoral process in order to win, using any means possible. Check this out:

October Surprise? Osama bin Lotto:

Satori said:
I think he has already been caught and the Bush Administration is just waiting for the opportune time (October, maybe?) to release the news that they have caught him. Believe me, these people will stop at nothing to steal this election and remain in office another four years. They've never been able to win legally, so their only option is to manipulate the electoral process in order to win, using any means possible.

I agree that this is the case. He has been already caught by, and now the US is setting it up and getting ready to announce that they have captured Osama Bin Laden right before the elections to try help Bush get re-elected.
People have been speculating for a long time that Bin Laden has already been caught and they're just not telling anyone until a time that it'll help Bush win the election. I didn't really go for this conspiracy theory at first, but if Bin Laden shows up right before this election I don't believe there's any way in hell that could be a coincidence. Bush is shady enough to do it. Think about it, if they did have him, what could be gained by telling people right away? He's going to be in jail for the rest of his life anyways. But there is something to be gained by releasing that information at a strategic time. We'll see. But if it's so, it's so sinister.

What's worse is that even if it is a scam, it'll still work!! I hate the fact that knowing something is BS doesn't stop it.
I hope the American Public will be smart enough to realize, that wheather Bin Laden is caught or not, it doesn't really make a difference. He is just but one person, and even if he goes, al qaida terrorists will still go at it. It's not like he is a super genius who mapped out this elaborate war on the US. Rather, he is just a figure head that funds or gives support to the people who want to carry out acts against Western Targets. However, the people that plan the attacks come up with their plans and means. I mean in the last bunch that carried out 9/11 there were a couple of gratuated university students, so there are some smart people out there planing to do damage. Look at the Madrid explosions. Bin laden was hiding in caves, i doubt he could have the means to communicate with the ones that planned the bombings. Same goes for they guys in Iraq, I dont see how Bin Laden can keep all this together, even in normal conditions. However, perhaps he was the glue that sort held the different operating cells connected together. Still, even if he is eliminated, I don't think that it will be that much different.
I swear, that while in russia last christmas, I heard, on the radio, many times that bin laden was caugh by some russian team, and that this would not be revealed to americans until the election.
So if it happens any time before the election, I will be pretty suspicious.
If and when Bin Laden is caught, it may not impact the movement much, but it WILL be an incredible boost of temperment here in the states. Our citizens are red-blooded, ignorant hot heads. Whether we stop the terrorists or not is small potatos when it comes down to it. If we get the guy that hurt us 3 years ago, that will be enough for the public, for the most part.

Personally, whether Bush admin gets him or not, I dont really care. Just get him. Somebody.
Not only is Bin laden in u.s custody but Bush put him in one of saddams palaces fill with hookers and hashish. they are buddies and planned 9/11 together so Bush would be dicator. Usama will be tried, then his death penatly will be faked. once bush gains enough power he will give usama france and great britain.
Foxtrot Uniform said:
I agree that this is the case. He has been already caught by, and now the US is setting it up and getting ready to announce that they have captured Osama Bin Laden right before the elections to try help Bush get re-elected.

One thing to remember is that the military is not full of Bush supporters. If Bin Laden were caught and in custody don't you think that someone would have leaked this information already? Don't you think someone who is involved in a war with his/her friends/relatives dieing would do the right thing and get this information out?

Besides, if he were caught that news would come out soon. It wouldn't have mattered if it happened the day after 9/11, it would still secure the election. No need to wait until October.
I don't see what will change if Bin Laden is caught. Bush might get a positive bounce if he is caught before november, but that would be only because Bin Laden has been made to seem like this super evil genius, like an evil bond villain or something, and with him gone, people will think that they are gonna win the "war on terror". Anyways, what can this guy even do now but hide and survive? I'd say he is pretty much worthless now, yet still terror attacks with the al qaida mark have still been carried out even with Bin Laden on the run. I hope the Democrats try and voice this point to the American public.
All capturing Bin Laden would accomplish is to boost Bush's popularity for a short while and boost Yay Americanism. When Saddam was captured, Bush got a short boost in popularity and then it faded away. But if that boost happens right before an election, it could be enough to make a difference, especially in such a close race.
Brooker said:
All capturing Bin Laden would accomplish is to boost Bush's popularity for a short while and boost Yay Americanism.

LOL. Can I use that, Brooker? "Yay Americanism." :D:D

Brooker said:
When Saddam was captured, Bush got a short boost in popularity and then it faded away. But if that boost happens right before an election, it could be enough to make a difference, especially in such a close race.

This is all too true. People have short term memories. Hell, I had forgotten about the Haiti coup until I saw it on that film! (Fear not, though, I shan't be voting for Bush)
That's all just a lot of bs :auch:
They don't have the slightest clue where Bin Laden is, but they have to say something to justify their continuous waste of money :eek:kashii:
They'll probably just grab some random guy and then make him look like Bin Laden, just to boost Bush's popularity :eek:kashii:
Well, I'm certainly not going to be the one to call blessed a liar. :p

Anyway, it's pretty much all speculation, isn't it? There's no way that anyone can say for sure whether or not it's BS.
Lina Inverse said:
That's all just a lot of bs
They don't have the slightest clue where Bin Laden is, but they have to say something to justify their continuous waste of money
They'll probably just grab some random guy and then make him look like Bin Laden, just to boost Bush's popularity

I think there are two possibilities: either Osama bib Laden has already been captured and Bush is waiting for the right moment to release this information, ie right before the elections, OR Osama bin Laden will never be caught because he has escaped Afghanistan a long time ago, or he has already been blown to bits.

They probably will dress some guy up like Laden if hes not found. The Bush administration has a lot of tricks up its sleave, and they plan to use every one of them.

CC1 said:
One thing to remember is that the military is not full of Bush supporters. If Bin Laden were caught and in custody don't you think that someone would have leaked this information already? Don't you think someone who is involved in a war with his/her friends/relatives dieing would do the right thing and get this information out?

Besides, if he were caught that news would come out soon. It wouldn't have mattered if it happened the day after 9/11, it would still secure the election. No need to wait until October.

The capturing of Osama bin Laden would be an important asset to Bush, and he would be pretty cautious about it. He would take the necessary precautions to prevent the leakage of any information regarding the capture of Laden.

If he was caught, Bush would want to release the news right before the elections to make himself look like a hero because he caught the Osama, the source of all evil and terrorism, according to Bush. The Bush administration would make sure that it would be really dramatic.

Keep in mind that I'm not 100% sure that they have captured Bin Laden, but I just have this gut feeling that they have. I just hope that if Laden is actually captured, that some one would do the right thing and reveal the truth to the world.
Man, do you think Bush would be that stupid? If they do "find" Osama before election day, it will be totally obvious as to what happened. I have a hard time believing anyone is that dumb, but this is Georgie we are talking about.

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