North Korea says it has nuclear weapons!!!

I'll Have........

BUSH get right on it as soon as he finishes with most of the Middle East problems!! If he's too busy, maybe he can get the Chinese to over-run N.K.; they owe us big time in trade deficiet.


my bet is nothing happens. Either NK is lying, or they aren't. Noones been pressing them lately to give up their weapons, so maybe they wanted some publicity. The U.S. focus is all on Iran now, they aren't gonna do anything about NK
I say we press the button before they have a chance to see whats up, and then we give that area to south korea ;)
I doubt that south korea wants some fried irradiated wasteland, or the fallout, or since the NK delivery systems can't reach the US, whatever nuclear response they could manage.
Duo said:
I say we press the button before they have a chance to see whats up, and then we give that area to south korea ;)
Are you kidding? Are you HIGH?

Not only would we be attacking a (admittedly belligerent) nation without justification, we would also be attacking it with NUCLEAR WEAPONS!!!

Gimmee a break's not okay to overrun and reshape Iraq (and I happen to agree), but it is okay to NUKE North Korea???? I detect a certain amount of inconsistancy here, sports fans!

If this was an attempt at sarcastic humor, you missed, Duo.

I hate to suggest that South Korea, or more importantly, Japan might have to eat a North Korean nuke before the USA could respond in kind, but there it is. NFW that the US is gonna act with pre-emptive military force...wait, make that "there is no way that they SHOULD act with pre-emptive military force," but these days you never know....

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris
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Shooter452 said:
If this was an attempt at sarcastic humor, you missed, Duo.

I attempted to make an attempt that would attempt to incite such humor

Shooter452 said:
Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris
Heheh, ceaser is dead and everyone can chek up your glib remarks at google ;

Shooter452 said:
Are you kidding? Are you HIGH?

I am kidding, and no I am not high, however, I was last tuesday ;)
Suppose, NK teams up with China. And shares their 'nukes'

China is supposidly right up with our economy as they may be the next global power holder. And we all know they have millions of troops!

Definately not a good situation.
North Korea does have nuklear weapons. No doubt about it, but the condition, quantity, and power of these weapons are still shady.

Now on to the big question, will North Korea attack a foreign country? If they had ANY sense what so ever, the answer would be no. If they so much as sent a single missle to another country, the U.N. would immediatly have an enormous amount of military personel sent into the country within a couple of hours. Yes, hours. North Korea as we know it would be crushed and sent to the post-WWII status that Germany was in. No standing military, an imposed government, and armed guards from the U.N. patroling every city, not a pretty picture, is it?

As for any other country attacking North Korea, I can only speak for the U.S. because I don't know many other countries' relations with North Korea. The U.S. has a long history of not getting involved in international conflicts, not majorly, anyway(excluding Iraq). Unless, we are attacked first, we like to keep our hands free from fighting, preferring peace talks to open warfare.

To sum up, I believe that North Korea is a potential threat. Reckless, but still only potentialy dangerous. As far as I know, thay haven't recently threatened any nations, but that may change very soon.
My prediction...

Nothing will happen.
(Except maybe some more BS from Koizumi's cabinet.)
the issue America is afraid of is not that North Korea will use their nukes... Kim Il Jong just isn't that suicidal... North Korea knows that if they attack anyone with nukes, plenty of nukes will land on them. The only way they would use nukes would be if they were already fighting a military war and if they were about to lose, then they'd take everyone to hell with them.

America is afraid that NK will sell nukes to terrorists, terrorists who have no country and are not state-sponsored. Terrorists then might detonate one in the U.S., and who would the U.S. retaliate against then? Thats why U.S. doesn't care so much about NK as they do about Iran, because the prevalent idealogy in Iran is "if we kill the infidels we will go to heaven". The U.S. doesn't want nukes to end up with people who think like that, because those people don't care if they kill themselves as long as they kill Americans at the same time.
I didn't think the latin was glib. It is quite fun...

Not comfortable with my expanding nuclear family. Afraid that squabbles may lead to armageddon.
Eh...didn't we already know that? And they aren't going to do anything, and i think no one else dares to do anything against NK either.
-Rudel- said:
Suppose, NK teams up with China. And shares their 'nukes'

China is supposidly right up with our economy as they may be the next global power holder. And we all know they have millions of troops!

Definately not a good situation.
I read somewhere that the communism in China is different from the type of Communism followed in NK and that they don't really see eye to eye.
Big deal if the've got them. The question is are they stupid enough to use them? I think not. China is probably not very happy at having a isolationist country like NK next to it. If it did they would have given them nukes years ago.
how about we just assasinate kim, that would just be easier, and simpler, and wouldn't harm any innocent north koreans :cool:
Good post The AnteLyfe. are right though. I do believe that China as a 50-50 Communism-Democracy type government. I guess they can be communists when they want. But it would be one h3!! of a situation. Just think about it. :/
-Rudel- said:
Good post The AnteLyfe. are right though. I do believe that China as a 50-50 Communism-Democracy type government. I guess they can be communists when they want. But it would be one h3!! of a situation. Just think about it. :/
Although I understand your meaning, I think that it is important to know what the words actually mean. There is very little relation between the PRC's government and a democracy. The economic system of the PRC, however, is a 50-50 blend of Marxist economy and a free market/capitalist economy. The top dogs in the PRC are very interested in the benefits of a free market, but they have absolutely no interest in sharing their power with the electorate.

To illustrate this, I ask you to give your attention to the People's Liberation Army, the "great institution of revolutionary change" in that portion of Asia. What was once a somewhat powerful revolutionary force in China has now become the PRC's version of Wal-Mart. They are buying, selling, and producing consumer products (mostly for export) in ever increasing numbers. What originally was seen as a profit producing sideline to fund soldier payrolls and buy Western weapons technology has now become the primary objective of the PLA. What once paid for the printing of the Little Red Book of Mao's thoughts now adds to the profit statements of the PRC's numbah-one money maker.

Anything that threatens the bottom line will be viewed with a jaundiced eye in Beijing. The PRK's image as a bomb thrower of nuclear weapons must give them pause.
So from what you are saying is that they will do everything on their own and do not need the help, or do not want to basically team up with anyone so that their money market is not ruined?

I can see that. I realize that Korea seems to be on their own now..... :souka:

...I've just watched the news, apparentyl NK wants a Non-Aggression Pact before they talk about their nukes. Bush says no because he wants the surrounding nations to be their as well. Most of us know Russia, and China would probably not show up for that.

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