K12b North-African admixture in Europe (Dienekes K12b, 2012)


Maybe wooly haired is an exaggeration but the Yemenis and Syrians probably had hair something in between, such as, these photos.
Because the levant was not always Arab.................do you know when Arab went from the southern arabian peninsula and headed into the Levant.?

Some have guessed that only at the demise of the Romans in Egypt was their any Arab migration ( into Egypt ) of any note.

That is right: the Arabs are mentioned during the Roman and even back in Hellenistic times. But Arabs only existed in the margins of the Levant -- they were traders and peddlers in the deserts and they were not representative of the Levantie population. However, after they conquered the Levant in the 7th century their culture and language dominated the Levant and they added to the phenotypes.
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The posters on that "Italic roots" forum, oh dear. Jersey Shore meets Stormfront. They might as well post pictures of crowds in New Orleans after Katrina, or of the Baltimore riots, and claim these pictures as representative of the American population.

It is notorious that the upper classes of Levantine countries have a "fairer" look than the one you see among these Hezbollah radicals; why
? Possibly the effect of a rather old "natural selection" process, as we all know that fair skin and delicate features are held in high standard in the Middle East (and people who have a little more money can obviously be more picky about their mating options).

Anyway, I would estimate that around half the people in those pictures, if they wore Gucci shirts, Armani sunglasses, had a fashionable haircut and a Cristiano Ronaldoesque demeanour, could still pass for being at least Sicilian.
Hahahaha. South America is the only place in this world where Levantines are considered as white. I bet that you are part Levantine too, just like many Brazilian or Argentinian "whites".

I remind you that Levantines were officially considered as non white and barred from admission in the US.


Or better watch for the Cronula racial war. 5000 White Anglo Saxons attacked anyone with brown skin, after a bunch of Lebanese had raped a woman. People from Bangladesh were mistaken for Lebanese and attacked too. LOL
Hahahaha. South America is the only place in this world where Levantines are considered as white. I bet that you are part Levantine too, just like many Brazilian or Argentinian "whites".

I remind you that Levantines were officially considered as non white and barred from admission in the US.


Or better watch for the Cronula racial war. 5000 White Anglo Saxons attacked anyone with brown skin, after a bunch of Lebanese had raped a woman. People from Bangladesh were mistaken for Lebanese and attacked too. LOL

LOL, I had a feeling that you would dramatically prove my point about that forum’s members on your following post.

Don’t get all worked up, Joey C. Life isn’t some kind of contest about who has less melanin. Unless you’re a neonazi, of course. By the way, no country holds any monopoly over the accuracy of the definition of races. Everyone knows that the United States’ historical views on race are a complete abomination, no matter how great a country it may be. But if you want to get legal and technical, aren’t Middle Eastern people considered white in the US census?

For the record, you really might be surprised by the amount of your idolized Anglo-Saxons who do not consider Italians white either, preferring to ignorantly lump Italians in with the generic wop/wog ethnicity instead. You shouldn’t seek their approval so desperately, it’s their ancestors that used to bow to yours.


Reading homework (y)
Anyway, I would estimate that around half the people in those pictures, if they wore Gucci shirts, Armani sunglasses, had a fashionable haircut and a Cristiano Ronaldoesque demeanour, could still pass for being at least Sicilian.

After looking at the Levantine gallery I revised my opinions of them: nope, the majority don't look like Italians or Greeks (some do, especially the Lebanese and Syrians). Even with Gucci shirts and clean shaven they will not pass for Europeans. Sorry.
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Poor Degregado he wishes so much that Arabs were white...

The immigration act of 1924 hit hard all Europeans, not just Italians.

Post any evidence that Italians were officially considered as non white in the US or Australia.
Poor Degregado he wishes so much that Arabs were white...

The immigration act of 1924 hit hard all Europeans, not just Italians.

Post any evidence that Italians were officially considered as non white in the US or Australia.

So does Drac. He thinks they looked exactly like they were portrayed in paintings by Muslims with light or white skin. Amazing.
Everyone knows that the United States’ historical views on race are a complete abomination, no matter how great a country it may be. But if you want to get legal and technical, aren’t Middle Eastern people considered white in the US census?

For the record, you really might be surprised by the amount of your idolized Anglo-Saxons who do not consider Italians white either, preferring to ignorantly lump Italians in with the generic wop/wog ethnicity instead. You shouldn’t seek their approval so desperately, it’s their ancestors that used to bow to yours.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_Act_of_1924 Reading homework (y)

In The US people from North Africa, the Middle East, and India are considered "white" for census purposes (to make it easier to count) but are not considered white in the legal or "normal" sense. They will be put in the "white but other" category.

The Immigration Act of 1924 aimed at restricting immigrants from southern Europe, eastern Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Middle East. As for Europeans it would have restricted more than half of Europe's population (it aimed at Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, and Slavs -- maybe even French?). I don't think it was aimed specifically at northern Italians and Slavs. But since the vast majority of Italians came from the south and Sicily they were discrimminated against because they did not look "European" (Germanic) and many formed mafias (or corrupt businesses). The Slavs (who were/are white Europeans) were discriminated against because the Russian Empire became communist (Soviet Union) and because of their poverty.
Poor Degregado he wishes so much that Arabs were white...

The immigration act of 1924 hit hard all Europeans, not just Italians.

Post any evidence that Italians were officially considered as non white in the US or Australia.

In the US during the late 19th and early 20th century Italians and Jews were not considered white. They were put in "other" categories. But after WWII and the Nazi atrocities they changed them to "white." Now all non-black Muslims and Hispanics (who are mostly Native American Indians) are also considered "white."
Evidence??? Also the Arabs were barred from immigrating in the US from 1917 to 1965.
Well according to the 1924 Immigration act also known as the Johnson–Reed Act, limited immigration from southern and eastern Europe (in response to the massive immigration from those areas in the late 19th century and early 20th century), and excluded immigration from Asia and Africa, this act was also created to encourage immigration from Britain and Ireland. Such laws were also created in Australia as part of the white Australia policy to stimulate mainly Anglo-Celtic immigration.
According to late 19th century WASP Americans only Britons, Irish Protestants and Scandinavians were really white.
So only Scots and English are white in Europe, aren't they?

The term white is not accurate in describing populations of Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia. The Americans have invented the term Caucasian which is more accurate to my point of view to describe this populations as a whole. I think the Irish or English use the word wog( I think in a derogatory way) to describe non Anglo- sakson populations of Europe. And yes Italians are strikingly different from Northern Europeans, why then should we characterize as the same?
I have seen Italians and Balkans with an Indian look or Arab look. Why this people should be called white, because they live in an area where there are some whites living.?
Don't get me wrong Italians have contributed greatly in the Anglosakson culture. Italian influence is everywhere. But describing southern Europeans as racially identical with Northern's is not accurate.
According to late 19th century WASP Americans only Britons, Irish Protestants and Scandinavians were really white.

Even Germans and Irish were considered non-white in the US at some point, lol. Apparently people in those days imagined that the English and Scots spontaneously sprang out of the soil in Great Britain, having no real link to the peoples on the continent (except for the ever-romanticized Vikings and Saxons).
Anyway, I think Angela is about to yell at us to get back on topic :LOL:
Even Germans and Irish were considered non-white in the US at some point, lol. Apparently people in those days imagined that the English and Scots spontaneously sprang out of the soil in Great Britain, having no real link to the peoples on the continent (except for the ever-romanticized Vikings and Saxons).

There was not tv, radio, not many books around, not to many educated people at that time so there was a lot of ignorance around. So whatever was done or said at that time is history. Europeans of South and North are two hands of the same body. Southern Europeans are the right hand.
So only Scots and English are white in Europe, aren't they?

As for the "Levantine" DNA Italians have significant levels: According to Eupedia Italians have 16-23% J2 -- the Levantine marker. They also have 14% E1b1 (21% in Sicily) and 3-4% J1, so combined they will come out to be very similar to Syrians (Syrians have more 30% J1 but 17% J2 and 12% E1b1) and Lebanese. So if Italians have 20% J1, 4% J1, and 16% E1b1 that will give them 40% Eastern Mediterrenran DNA. Thus Italians are not true Europeans.

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