New webspider trend?


wait up!
Reaction score
Ethnic group
..still at it?.. go away!
i was at another forum where this guy had made a thread for a russian dateservice site.. now I've seen enough spam and gotten enough requests to visit some sexy chicks lesbian hot site on icq to smell a generic message from miles away, so i did some research..

It looks very much like someone has created a webspider that will hunt down forums and post this generic message in them, advertising this site..

I just pray this doesn't turn in to a trend -_-

here's the message:

some webspider said:
Hey everyone!
I am just back from Russia.
I found my love there Smile Met her by accident, through the web site (DELETED) ! Never thought that will find my love through a Russian dating agency.

I never ever had so much attention paid to me, as in Russia Smile

and here are some examples:

brad sucks forums.. a very talented artist and selfproclaimed fan-less one man band ^^ in me he has a fan atleast. also where i first saw the post

dunno what this place is..

and shiola.. just some forum...

and many many more..

so either there's a spider on the loose or someone has been a very very busy monkey.
i'm so tempted to do a DOS attack on this ****s site, but I suck and have no idea how to cover up my tracks if i did it =P

well.. aslong as he hasn't started a trend.. lets just hope noone has noticed this idea...
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