New migration map of haplogroup R1b


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I made my first R1b migration map over four years ago. Little has changed since then in the way I see the history of R1b people. What changed are the names of subclades and the new branches of S116/P312, like DF19, DF27 and L238, or the recent discovery of the Indo-European Z2103 branch in the Middle East.

With this new map I have tried to show the geographical extent of each subclade before the evolution of its own subclades.

The map stops in the Late Bronze Age, around 1200-1000 BCE. It would have been too complex to show Iron Age migrations, like the Hallstatt-La Tène expansion or Germanic migrations.

Click to enlarge

Note that I have also revised the text in the R1b History section, updated the phylogenetic tree, and added new famous members of R1b.
It’s absolutely impossible map. First of all we all know that R1b clades L11, P312, U106, DF27, L21 are pretty much older than 2500-2000 BCE. The most reliable TMRCA counters estimate the age of these clades in a range from 4500 to 3900 BCE so according to your map these clades should have divided yet in the Pontic steppe but not in France and Germany like on your map. Secondly the oldest European R1b clades have been found in Albania and South-East Italy but not in Ukraine and Caucasus.
First of all we all know that R1b clades L11, P312, U106, DF27, L21 are pretty much older than 2500-2000 BCE. The most reliable TMRCA counters estimate the age of these clades in a range from 4500 to 3900 BCE so according to your map these clades should have divided yet in the Pontic steppe but not in France and Germany like on your map.

Which TMRCA counters are you looking at? The Nordtvedt method gives something pretty close to Maciamo's numbers.

Secondly the oldest European R1b clades have been found in Albania and South-East Italy but not in Ukraine and Caucasus.

Could you be more specific? Maciamo's map doesn't show R1b's main migration path into SE Europe until L23+ L51-, which seems correct. At the ht35 Project you can see that the earlier L23- clades are present in Ukraine and the Caucasus, as his map shows. Which subclade are you taking issue with in particular?
It’s absolutely impossible map. First of all we all know that R1b clades L11, P312, U106, DF27, L21 are pretty much older than 2500-2000 BCE. The most reliable TMRCA counters estimate the age of these clades in a range from 4500 to 3900 BCE so according to your map these clades should have divided yet in the Pontic steppe but not in France and Germany like on your map. Secondly the oldest European R1b clades have been found in Albania and South-East Italy but not in Ukraine and Caucasus.

Firstly, ou are confusing BCE (before common era) and ybp (years before present). That's a 2000 years gap. Check again the TMRCA here.

Secondly, you are confusing TMRCA, subclade age, and date of diffusion, which are three completely different things. This map shows the diffusion/migration of subclades once they have grown enough to represent a sizeable part of the lineages in a given population. This can takes centuries or millennia after the mutation for that subclade first appeared.

It is impossible to know at present when and where any mutation first appeared. For example, the P312 mutation could have arisen in an individual living in the Balkans around 3500 BCE, just as it could have arisen 2000 years earlier in the steppes or even in Anatolia. The only thing we can know is when the lineage carrying that mutation started expanding to make up a significant part of a local population.

The oldest "European" subclade of R1b is L23, which has indeed been found in Albania (there is even a special Albanian cluster on the FTDNA project), but also in the rest of the Balkans, Greece, Anatolia and southern Italy. Actually it is found throughout Europe, but is commonest in Southeast Europe.
i really doubt R1b L11 came to western europe from turkey.

1. R1b L11 shows a huge connection with red hair also red hair is very popular in the area of where Indo Europeans migrated out of. it was also popular in Indo Iranien indo europeans in asia like sythiens and tocherians.

2. The Italo Celtic Germanic languages obvisouly come from R1b L11 migrations. INdo Europeans may have began in the north caucys like Maciamo says but they spread out of central Russia not the Caucus or Turkey. Their is no archielogical evidence of Indo Europeans spreading from Turkey to western Europe.

3. Germanic R1b S21 split from Italo Celtic R1b S116 about 4,500-5,000ybp in Germany not the Balkans. If R1b L11 and Italo Celtic languages spread from the Balkens then where do Germanic's come from they have been as far north as denmark for 4,000 years.

4. also if R1b L11 and Germanic italo celtic spread from turkey to the balkens. then why do two 4,600 year old y dna samples from central germany have R1b. When according to the theory they went through the balkens they should not have been in central Germany 4,600ybp.

I think there is not enough evidence Germanic italo Celtic languages migrated from Turkey to the Balkens. I think they went through Russia(like all other Indo Europeans) through eastern europe too germany.

Also i dont think there is a hug connection with antolia/turkey and Indo Europeans. Sure the Indo European language may have started in the north Caucus but the Indo European culture really took off in Russia and Ukriane.. Indo Europeans migrated to Anatolia from south Russia just 4,000-4,500ybp with the hittites. I am very doubtful any Indo Europeans migrated out of Turkey/Anatolia.

Is there any evidence of a Kurgen people in Turkey 5,000ybp i dont think so but i am not sure. The Germanics and Italo Celts had tons of Kurgens even as recent as 2,000ybp. i know R1b L23 the grandfather of R1b L11 began around the caucus and antolia but i dont think it did not migrate from there to western europe. Italo Germanic Celts had a Indo European culture traced to Russia not Antolia.

Also is there any trace of a mid eastern influnce in western ZEurope connected to Indo Europeans. The only connection is red hair which has been found in other Indo Europeans to. Also most people in the Caucus and Antolia have Y DNA J or G2a not R1b so they should have spread J or G2a not R1b.

I think we need to be cautious before saying this is for a fact how R1b migrated i defintley dont think it is. Well that was arguing against the first map Macaimo made but this map i think i agree with Southern russia to the Balkens to egrmany makes alot of sense i still think Russia to Poland to Germany also makes sense.
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i really doubt R1b L11 came to western europe from turkey.

I'm still not 100% clear about the R1b migration into Europe, but Maciamo's map actually agrees with you on this. It explains the apparent R1b diversity in Turkey beautifully--by positioning it not as a launching point, but instead as a pooling point. That makes sense considering that there was likely continuous contact between modern-day Greece and modern-day Turkey.

As for L11 itself, I think it formed in Europe. Maciamo's map agrees here again. It's almost an inescapable conclusion, considering that all of its main subclades are European (and not only European, but Western or Central European). The question, then, is not how L11 got to Europe, but how L11's ancestors got to Europe.
Firstly, ou are confusing BCE (before common era) and ybp (years before present). That's a 2000 years gap. Check again the TMRCA here.

Secondly, you are confusing TMRCA, subclade age, and date of diffusion, which are three completely different things. This map shows the diffusion/migration of subclades once they have grown enough to represent a sizeable part of the lineages in a given population. This can takes centuries or millennia after the mutation for that subclade first appeared.

Yes you are right. By some reasons It's stuck in my memory that they are ~4000 BCE while in fact they are much younger. But anyway I think your map is not correct since L51, L11, P312 and U152 SNPs most likely appeared somewhere in the Southern France near Italy.
But anyway I think your map is not correct since L51, L11, P312 and U152 SNPs most likely appeared somewhere in the Southern France near Italy.

Based on what evidence ? What Indo-European culture appeared in southern France before Central Europe ?
what a second macaimo u are saying R1b went from Germany to Scandinavia but never back down to Germany. The R1b i am talking about is Germanic R1b S21/U106 so ur saying there was not a Germanic migration from Denmark to Germany. Does this mean west germanic and east Germanic languages where already in Germany before 3,000ybp. also i put 3,000 year old r1b from central Germany's haplotype into a predictor and it said 33% chance Frisian R1b 21 and 33% R1b S21* so it most likely had Germany R1b S21 and his people may have been Germanic.
Bravo, Maciamo. The map is wonderful and effectively demonstrates the field's current understanding of the westward migration of R1b into Europe. I'm glad that you show U106 entering the Netherlands/Denmark & southern Scandinavia toward the end of the Bronze Age. Unfortunately, so many sites like to treat the Netherlands, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein as a cultural monolith, completely separate from Norway and Sweden. Your map intelligently corrects that assumption, and furthermore helps in displaying the rise of the proto-Germanic language, culture, and religion as a mesh of foreign and indigenous elements, rather than a unique creation of I1.
what a second macaimo u are saying R1b went from Germany to Scandinavia but never back down to Germany. The R1b i am talking about is Germanic R1b S21/U106 so ur saying there was not a Germanic migration from Denmark to Germany. Does this mean west germanic and east Germanic languages where already in Germany before 3,000ybp. also i put 3,000 year old r1b from central Germany's haplotype into a predictor and it said 33% chance Frisian R1b 21 and 33% R1b S21* so it most likely had Germany R1b S21 and his people may have been Germanic.

Please read before posting nonsense. The map show migrations until 1000 BCE (over a thousand years before Germanic migrations started).
Please read before posting nonsense. The map show migrations until 1000 BCE (over a thousand years before Germanic migrations started).

ok that is true u say R1b S21 was only in the Netherlands and south Scandinavia which is the only areas Germanic culture existed in 1,000bc. I think R1b s21 never migrated from Scandinavia to Germany because where is the I1a2. Also R1b S21 is just as popular or more popular in Germany than Scandnavia and it originated in Germany so why would it disappear after migrating to Scandinavia. Also i put a 3,000 year old R1b from central Germany haplotype into a haplogroup predictor it said it was R1b S21. So maybe west Germanic language where already in Germany 3,000ybp.
Great map!

The one problem I'm having is how the map reconciles with the Bell Beaker culture. If we assume that the Bell Beakers were heavy in R1B (and current evidence points that they were) then that puts R1B in Iberia around 2900 BC. The map shows R1B on the Ukrainian Steppe during this period!

Furthermore, is there any evidence that R1B was ever on the East European Steppe? I'm not aware of any. Something is not right...
Great map!

The one problem I'm having is how the map reconciles with the Bell Beaker culture. If we assume that the Bell Beakers were heavy in R1B (and current evidence points that they were) then that puts R1B in Iberia around 2900 BC. The map shows R1B on the Ukrainian Steppe during this period!

Bell Beaker culture was conquered by proto Germanic Italo Celts starting 5,000ybp. Thos R1b samples from Bell Beaker where in central germany from 4,600ybp exactley the palce and time Germanic Italo Celtic speakers started to dominte. This map is according to many DNA studies not assuming Indo Europeans spread R1b. R1b did not become dominte in Iberia till Hallstat Celtic migrations 2,700-2,500ybp.

R1b in Iberia is the Df27 subclade under the Italo Celtic branch R1b S116. No R1b in Europe decends from Iberian R1b.

Furthermore, is there any evidence that R1B was ever on the East European Steppe? I'm not aware of any. Something is not right...

Well R1b L23 the grandfather if germanic Italo Celtic R1b L11/P310. exists in Turkey and the caucus and the steppes. It seems that it spread to the steppes(central Russia) around 6,000-8,000ybp. Then to western Europe 5,000ybp and devloped into diff subclades. Maciamo maps describes how R1b spread pretty accurtley.

There is no evidence R1b was heavilly in western Europe in the Paleolithic cro magnon age like many people have said. Also R1b does not define western Europeans ancestry it is just a direct paternal line in aust dna(which tell full ancestry all Europeans mainly descend from people who came over 30,000ybp.

The people that spread R1b brought germanic Italo Celtic languages and probably red hair. Because red hair in europe just about only exists in the borders of R1b L11.P310 subclades and the more R1b the more red hair. Also the Indo iranien indo europeans like Sythiens where also known for red hair and the tarium mummies very old indo iraniens some had red hair.

Uralics conquered indo europeans in central russia from 4,000-5,000ybp. Remains from Indo Europeans in Russia from 6,000 and 5,000ybp had mainly brown eyes just like the uralic ethnic groups in tha area tody meaning they probably mainly decend from those early Indo europeans. The udmurts one of those ethnic groups had 15-20% red hair but less than 10% blonde hair which again is huge evidence red hair was very popular in some early Russian indo Europeans who later spread to western Europe and asia.

red hair was probably unique to Russia till 6,000ybp and unlike what alot of people think it is unrelated to blonde hair. Blonde and red hair probably popped up for the same reason but seperatly and not in the group of people. red hair is like blonde hair's unpopular little brother.

not all indo Europeans had red hair but the ones that decended from certain russian ethnic groups did. This does not mean orignalley R1b had a connection with red hair or that Indo iranien and Germanic Italo Celtic languages are related besides the indo european part.
Please read before posting nonsense. The map show migrations until 1000 BCE (over a thousand years before Germanic migrations started).

major Germanic migration south into germany started before 2,000ybp so not over 1,000 years after 1,000bc which was 3,000ybp.
Bell Beaker culture was conquered by proto Germanic Italo Celts starting 5,000ybp. Thos R1b samples from Bell Beaker where in central germany from 4,600ybp exactley the palce and time Germanic Italo Celtic speakers started to dominte. This map is according to many DNA studies not assuming Indo Europeans spread R1b. R1b did not become dominte in Iberia till Hallstat Celtic migrations 2,700-2,500ybp.

I wouldn't go as far to declare the Bell Beaker Culture was "conquered" by Germanic Italo Celts. That's just pure conjecture (which is okay for a forum discussion). The fact is that in Central Europe, The Bell Beaker Culture gave way to the Unetice Culture about 2300 BC. It's unclear what language the people of the Unetice Culture spoke. Their language could have been a forebearer to Italic/Celtic/Germanic but it's just conjecture.

What is clear is that the R1B extracted at Kromsdorf was Bell Beaker and not Unetice. The fact is that the earliest R1B in Europe has cultural ties to Portugal via the Bell Beaker Culture. We'll see over the next decade with more sampling if there is a genetic connection to Portugal also.

Well R1b L23 the grandfather if germanic Italo Celtic R1b L11/P310. exists in Turkey and the caucus and the steppes. It seems that it spread to the steppes(central Russia) around 6,000-8,000ybp. Then to western Europe 5,000ybp and devloped into diff subclades. Maciamo maps describes how R1b spread pretty accurtley.

You could be right. However the only samples from the steppe circa 3000 bc show only R1A. No R1B has been found.

The people that spread R1b brought germanic Italo Celtic languages and probably red hair. Because red hair in europe just about only exists in the borders of R1b L11.P310 subclades and the more R1b the more red hair. Also the Indo iranien indo europeans like Sythiens where also known for red hair and the tarium mummies very old indo iraniens some had red hair.

Correlation does not necessarily equal causation. Not meaning to derail this thread, but the simplest explanation for red hair is that it is very old and has been in Europe for a very long time.... probably as an indigenous trait. In very simple terms, R1B is ultimately from the sunny Middle-East (as recent as the Neolithic). The most logical place for an ancient, low sunlight trait like red hair to develop (over time) is a low sunlight place, like say, the fringes of Europe. R1B men "married" this trait when they invaded Europe. But that's just conjecture on my part. :)
Wait a minute -- I'm a novice at genetics so forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm looking over the Bell Beaker Kromsdorf sample and it shows as M269. The map shows M269 on the steppe circa 4,000 - 2500 bc with L51 and L11 arriving in Central Europe about 2500 bc.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is no evidence that M269 (the father of L51, L11, etc) was ever on the steppe circa 3,000 bc. However there is evidence that it was in Central Europe around 2500 bc. (Kromsdorf). There is also evidence that this Kromsdorf R1B M269 was connected to Iberia via the Bell Beaker expansion circa 3000 bc.

Based on that, I'll bet R1B M269 arrived in Central Europe not from the steppe, but from Iberia with the spread of the Bell Beakers. And R1B M269 got to the Iberian peninsula by boat from Anatolia/Middle East/Balkans. R1B was never on the steppe in ancient times. Obviously we need Iberian Bell Beaker samples from 3000 bc. to prove or disprove my conjecture. It will be fun to see how this plays out.
UOTE=Tone;412351]I wouldn't go as far to declare the Bell Beaker Culture was "conquered" by Germanic Italo Celts. That's just pure conjecture (which is okay for a forum discussion). The fact is that in Central Europe, The Bell Beaker Culture gave way to the Unetice Culture about 2300 BC. It's unclear what language the people of the Unetice Culture spoke. Their language could have been a forebearer to Italic/Celtic/Germanic but it's just conjecture. [/QUOTE]

Unetice culture had Torcs a celtic signature and tartens like Celts. They where without a doubt the ancestral culture to Celts well actulle they where Italo Celtic speakers. Yes according to what experts who have studied this since the 1800's is that Unetice comes from Bell Beaker but Unetice had Kurgens a Indo European burail they where Indo Europeans. Bell beaker did not Bell Beaker was defintley conquered by Germanic Italo Celts. The Celst as recent as 2,700-2,500ybp conquered Iberia and Italo Celtic R1b S116 is over 60% in Iberia the germanic italo Celts did the same to Bell Beaker. I explained that the Italo Celts where incredible (click here to see) warriors and that they conquered western europe Maciamo the head of this web site says the same (click here to see).

The most important Gods in Indo European religion are very war like Gods like Thor and Indra. rig veda is Indo iranien Indo European speakers admitted to conquering the indus valley. In the Irish book of invasions they say their Celtic ancestors invaded and conquered Ireland. Archaeology shows Indo European culture taking over non Indo European cultures by force. When a people group is conquered the old y dna is replaced by the invading Y DNA because Y DNA is a paternal linage and men fight in wars. There is no arguing Bell Beaker was conquered by Germanic Italo Celts. That is why Indo European language spread they where not peace loving the Indo Europeans where conqueres their culture was a very warrior culture. That is why i give the period of 5,000-2,000ybp in Europe the name the Indo European warrior period Rome and the Greeks put a end to those cultures and before that their indo european cultures where changed by Mediterranean civilizations.

What is clear is that the R1B extracted at Kromsdorf was Bell Beaker and not Unetice. The fact is that the earliest R1B in Europe has cultural ties to Portugal via the Bell Beaker Culture. We'll see over the next decade with more sampling if there is a genetic connection to Portugal also.

Well we dont have Y DNA from Unetice. also it is clear that 31 y DNA samples from Neolithic and Chaloithic western Europe 26 had G2a, 4 had I2a1a, and one had E1b1b V13 non with R1b. R1b in Iberia is a Italo Celtic subclade that came just 2,700-2,500ybp there is no evidence of a ancestral subclade in Iberia of Germanic and Italo Celtic R1b.

We should except R1b to be in 4,600 year old central Germany Y DNA samples. That is exactly the place and time Germanic Italo Celts started to conquer. When we say Bell Beaker culture we are going off of what Archaeologist since the 1800's have said even though there where new Indo European culture that formed by conquering and mixing with Bell Beaker like Unetice.

There is no R1b connection to Iberia the oldest R1b period in western Europe is only 5,000-8,000 years old it comes from Indo European migrations. I dont undertand when people say R1b came to ireland from iberia do they forget tat r1b is very well spread out in formally Celtic territories. and that all of Iberia(except eastern Iberia) was Celtic speaking from 2,600-2,300ybp. and that they have a subclade of Italo Celtic R1b S116 and that Basque's ancestors the Aquitanian people where seen as Celts cultralley according to Caesar there is no doubt R1b in Iberia is from Celts.

You could be right. However the only samples from the steppe circa 3000 bc show only R1A. No R1B has been found.

wait so ur saying they have 5,000 year old R1a from the steppes i have not heard of that all i know is they have 6 y dna samples that are 6,000 and 5,000 years old from indo european yamna culture kurgens but have not realsed the results yet.

Correlation does not necessarily equal causation. Not meaning to derail this thread, but the simplest explanation for red hair is that it is very old and has been in Europe for a very long time.... probably as an indigenous trait. In very simple terms, R1B is ultimately from the sunny Middle-East (as recent as the Neolithic). The most logical place for an ancient, low sunlight trait like red hair to develop (over time) is a low sunlight place, like say, the fringes of Europe. R1B men "married" this trait when they invaded Europe. But that's just conjecture on my part. :)

i think there is defintley a correlation with red hair and r1b l11/p310 subclades in europe. western Europeans assume every group of white people have red hair put they dont realize their the only ones besides udmurt people. So i think u might be asssuming because u grew up in western europe or america red hair is very spread out. It totally correlates with R1b in Europe. Also some Indo iranien speakers have red hair and the Sythiens where known for it and of course the Indo iranien tarium mummies click here it explains indo iranien hair color.

also the only other people with red hair are udmurts who have 15-20% and other russians around the volga around them. They are in the area Indo Iraniens and Germanic Italo Celts spread from. Also Indo European cultures in that area where conquered by Uralic cultures 5,000-4,000ybp and Udmurts speak a Uralic language and they most likely mainly decend from early Indo Europeans related to Germanic Italo Celts and Indo Iraniens.

also some berbers have red hair in moorco the ethhnic group that has some red hair is also known for blonde hair and pale skin. Somehow they had inter marriage with a very Germanic Celtic Indo iranien looking people 1,000's of years ago. There is no evidence of major Celtic, Germanic, or Indo iranien inter marraige click here it is a thread about these Berbers they are the largest Berber ethnic group

What really suprises me is the Samartiens(decended of ancient Jews) who left the Jewish faith and inter married a little bit with none jews they also have some red hair. eve though there are only 700 left and there have been DNA tests on all of them they have no European blood also they have not inter married with any non samartiens for over 2,000 years. I saw modern pictures of them they look extremly white but then pictures from the 1900's they had brown skin and looked mid eastern. maybe the modern samartien redheads are a hoax because of the stertype jews have alot of red hair even though it probably come from european inter marriage and because some people say king david was a redhead.

but besides the Samaritans all red hair is connected to Indo Europeans and Russia. I think it originated in russia 12,000-20,000ybp but it may have a different and older age than that which could explain red hair in Samaritans and some berbers in north Africa.
Wait a minute -- I'm a novice at genetics so forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm looking over the Bell Beaker Kromsdorf sample and it shows as M269. The map shows M269 on the steppe circa 4,000 - 2500 bc with L51 and L11 arriving in Central Europe about 2500 bc.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is no evidence that M269 (the father of L51, L11, etc) was ever on the steppe circa 3,000 bc. However there is evidence that it was in Central Europe around 2500 bc. (Kromsdorf). There is also evidence that this Kromsdorf R1B M269 was connected to Iberia via the Bell Beaker expansion circa 3000 bc.

Based on that, I'll bet R1B M269 arrived in Central Europe not from the steppe, but from Iberia with the spread of the Bell Beakers. And R1B M269 got to the Iberian peninsula by boat from Anatolia/Middle East/Balkans. R1B was never on the steppe in ancient times. Obviously we need Iberian Bell Beaker samples from 3000 bc. to prove or disprove my conjecture. It will be fun to see how this plays out.

they did not test the r1b for R1b L51 or L11 so we dont know but it almost deifntley had one of those two. When my dad took a anctry.c om dna test they said he had R1b because they did not test him for subclades then he took a genographic test they say he has r1b l11/p310 but he defintley has sometype of subclade. There is no evidence with subclades and other types that R1b expanded from Iberia R1b in Iberia is a very young Subclade that came from Celts it is not ancestry to any European subclades.

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