Health New Coronavirus in China

Coronavirus Hijacks the Body From Head to Toe, Perplexing Doctors

"More than a respiratory infection, Covid-19 wreaks havoc not just on lungs, but also the brain, kidneys, heart, vascular and digestive systems, and feet. Inflammation and abnormal blood clotting are likely culprits." by WSJ

Except Trump

Most of the world is drinking something against Coronavirus

It can be Humorous, but also tragedy on what humans believe
that can cure them,

well Betadine gargles I am not sure if they can cure Coronavirus,
but at least they they provide mouth Hygiene,

but from camel and cow urine drinking to whatever human mind can imagine, ......

I don't know if i must :LOL: or :sad-2:

Well, think of it this way: if you gargle some of your favorite cocktails before swallowing, I doubt it's harmful, it tastes good, and you get a little "buzzed". :)

I'm partial to Cuban cocktails made with rum. What I'd give to be sitting on a beach with a Mojito (my favorite) or a frozen Strawberry Daiquiri or a Pina Colada right now.

It's still cold at night, especially as I'm keeping the windows ajar even more than usual, so maybe a hot shower every night followed by a hot toddy.

¾ cup boiling water
1 ½ ounces whiskey
2 to 3 teaspoons honey, to taste
2 to 3 teaspoons fresh lemon juice, to taste
1 lemon round
1 cinnamon stick (optional, for garnish)

I prefer Bourbon whiskey for its slight hint of vanilla.

You'll thank me later. :)

Don't know why I haven't been doing this every night. I'll just cut out the glass of wine with my dinner.

For the daytime I've made quarts of chicken broth, in which I put rice or tortellini, and I'm drinking green tea, chamomile tea, and other herbal teas all day.

That's on top of all the disinfecting.

Well, it keeps me moving, that and playing with my dog in the yard.

Yetos, you're right about the public toilets. I rarely ever used them even before this, but now they should be reserved for situations where you're about to embarrass yourself in public. I've gone back to telling my son to go to the bathroom before he leaves for work. You know, like when they're little, and you're about to go on a car trip. He rolls his eyes and says, Jesus, mom, stop, but he does it. :) I'm also waiting at the door with the hand sanitizer when he comes in to head down to the downstairs apartment.

I can't help it. He's going to be my son even when he gets to be middle aged or old, if I'm still around, God willing. Plus, of course, I call my daughter countless times to remind her of what she should be doing. All things considered they're being remarkably patient with me. :)

I can't help it. He's going to be my son even when he gets to be middle aged or old, if I'm still around, God willing. Plus, of course, I call my daughter countless times to remind her of what she should be doing. All things considered they're being remarkably patient with me. :)

Angela, it's all about their inheritance :grin:.
Most of the world is drinking something against Coronavirus

It can be Humorous, but also tragedy on what humans believe
that can cure them,

well Betadine gargles I am not sure if they can cure Coronavirus,
but at least they they provide mouth Hygiene,

but from camel and cow urine drinking to whatever human mind can imagine, ......

I don't know if i must :LOL: or :sad-2:

QUick question: Why wouldn't strong alcohol be beneficial?
Angela, it's all about their inheritance :grin:.

That they occasionally do what I say, or that they don't get all pissed off? :grin:

My friends often tell me it would be the end of their relationship with their children if they gave advice or opinions of any kind to their grown or even semi-grown children. If that were the case with mine, I'd barely have anything to say to them! Well, slightly hyperbolic, but....

It's clearly in good part my genes, added to how I was raised, which makes me act this way. I'll never be the mother my mother was, but I try.
[h=1]Coronavirus: Can you be infected twice? WHO study gives answer[/h]There have been numerous cases of people still testing positive for coronavirus after they had seemingly recovered. In South Korea, there are more than 100 incidents of people testing negative for coronavirus disease (COVID-19), having previously tested positive, before being positive several weeks later. This has led to fears people can be re-infected by the virus.
However, experts at the World Health Organization (WHO) believe it is unlikely people can be re-infected so soon after having the disease, but the long term data of re-infections is not available for obvious reasons.
A spokesperson for the WHO told AFP: "We are aware that some patients test positive after they clinically recover.
"From what we currently know – and this is based on very recent data – it seems they these patients are expelling left over materials from their lungs, as part of the recovery phase.

"We need systematic collection of samples from recovered patients to better understand how long they shed live virus.

"We also need to understand if this means they can pass the virus to other people – having live virus does not necessarily mean it can be passed to another person."
In an interview with the BBC, Maria Van Kerhove, part of the WHO's Health Emergencies Program, explained how the "dead cell" scenario could work.
She said: "As the lungs heal, there are parts of the lung that are dead cells that are coming up.
"These are fragments of the lungs that are actually testing positive. It is not infectious virus, it's not reactivation. It is actually part of the healing process."
"Does that mean they have immunity? Does that mean they have a strong protection against reinfection? We don't know the answer to that yet."
QUick question: Why wouldn't strong alcohol be beneficial?

My post had intense to show what peoples mind may think, or even use for 'protection',
some may look funny, some discusting, some even stupid,
not to provide safe way to 'protect' to from coronavirus,

anyway 'spirit' (pure above 80% alcohol), may be hazardous, even blind you,

in my country we use the grada method,
when distiling alcohol
12-14 is about water with very little alcohol
16 is soft drinking alcohol
18 is consider the max that someone can drink with safety, it is flamable
above 18 is spirit, main for pharmaceutical use, or fire, etc
18-21 is max %alcohol that can be found 'spirit' σπιρτο with water and low toxine concentration,
21-24 is considered toxic having many other chemicals

if someone wants to try to gargle with 80% alcohole + 5% peroxide
or with 65% isopropanole +20% peroxide
which I read are the minimum to kill virus, Well, at least do it away from open flames, stay away from any kind of fire, and DON'T DRIVE for next 3 hours,
hm, If I use heavy water? maybe even better results?

Offcourse to continue humor,
you can use soap to 'clean' your throat, lang etc etc,
wash your throat with drinkable soap, gargle, and then drink it,
use 4 bags of polyethelenoglycole (Fortrans) :grin: on 2 litter of water, gargle till bublles reach your nose, you may even drink it,
it will soap-wash all your system :grin:. it can be effective, as washing your hands with soap, :useless:

I hope not anybody now, mention permanganate di pottasium, or Chlorines etc

my personal believe is that there is always some protection using simple nature specialized materials,
but all these can also be hazardous, or make things worse,
for example I read about high ferritine in blood and coronavirus act,
usage of phyllic acid with higly ferrus pharmaceutical or natural 'food' is not suggested against coronavirus,
if you have symptoms, the lower the ferritine the better,

So if camel or cow urine, or a soup, or votka or whatever people believe, in their despaired effort to stay healthy (including me), has trully drastical results, or it is just a 'demonization'
I think it reaches the limits of commedy and tragedy,
Just think after 20 years a movie about this pandemia, and how people act, what image and sentiments will provide to our kids, or grand children. :unsure:

-Granpa, did you drink horse urine to be protected from covid-19? :innocent:
-No junior, I used to put a UV lamp in my throat every night. :grin:

peoples despair, demonize 'medicines',
thank gods we do not look the skies for the flying witch riding the broom at 2020, to burn her.
Don't you think so?

lets hope that SARS-Covid-2, does not leave a new generation of 'alcoholics' or 'anti-scepto-holics' behind it
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Brazil had a late start. Our winter, their summer.

Number of cases (blue) and number of deaths (red) on a logarithmic scale.

Huge spikes in the past few days.
Note: If the graph was numerically proportional, the severity of the increase would be more visible.
My post had intense to show what peoples mind may think, or even use for 'protection',
some may look funny, some discusting, some even stupid,
not to provide safe way to 'protect' to from coronavirus,

anyway 'spirit' (pure above 80% alcohol), may be hazardous, even blind you,

in my country we use the grada method,
when distiling alcohol
12-14 is about water with very little alcohol
16 is soft drinking alcohol
18 is consider the max that someone can drink with safety, it is flamable
above 18 is spirit, main for pharmaceutical use, or fire, etc
18-21 is max %alcohol that can be found 'spirit' σπιρτο with water and low toxine concentration,
21-24 is considered toxic having many other chemicals

if someone wants to try to gargle with 80% alcohole + 5% peroxide
or with 65% isopropanole +20% peroxide
which I read are the minimum to kill virus, Well, at least do it away from open flames, stay away from any kind of fire, and DON'T DRIVE for next 3 hours,
hm, If I use heavy water? maybe even better results?

Offcourse to continue humor,
you can use soap to 'clean' your throat, lang etc etc,
wash your throat with drinkable soap, gargle, and then drink it,
use 4 bags of polyethelenoglycole (Fortrans) :grin: on 2 litter of water, gargle till bublles reach your nose, you may even drink it,
it will soap-wash all your system :grin:. it can be effective, as washing your hands with soap, :useless:

I hope not anybody now, mention permanganate di pottasium, or Chlorines etc

my personal believe is that there is always some protection using simple nature specialized materials,
but all these can also be hazardous, or make things worse,
for example I read about high ferritine in blood and coronavirus act,
usage of phyllic acid with higly ferrus pharmaceutical or natural 'food' is not suggested against coronavirus,
if you have symptoms, the lower the ferritine the better,

So if camel or cow urine, or a soup, or votka or whatever people believe, in their despaired effort to stay healthy (including me), has trully drastical results, or it is just a 'demonization'
I think it reaches the limits of commedy and tragedy,
Just think after 20 years a movie about this pandemia, and how people act, what image and sentiments will provide to our kids, or grand children. :unsure:

-Granpa, did you drink horse urine to be protected from covid-19? :innocent:
-No junior, I used to put a UV lamp in my throat every night. :grin:

peoples despair, demonize 'medicines',
thank gods we do not look the skies for the flying witch riding the broom at 2020, to burn her.
Don't you think so?

lets hope that SARS-Covid-2, does not leave a new generation of 'alcoholics' or 'anti-scepto-holics' behind it

;))))))))) I really liked that :)))))))
How on earth could Sweden's Chief Epidemiologist say this? They had all those weeks of looking at the carnage in Italy, etc. and they thought it wouldn't be as lethal in Sweden?

"[h=1]The head of Sweden's no-lockdown coronavirus plan said the country's heavy death toll 'came as a surprise.[/h][FONT=&quot]“We never really calculated with a high death toll initially, I must say,” he said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“We calculated on more people being sick, but the death toll really came as a surprise to us.”[/FONT]
How on earth could Sweden's Chief Epidemiologist say this? They had all those weeks of looking at the carnage in Italy, etc. and they thought it wouldn't be as lethal in Sweden?

"The head of Sweden's no-lockdown coronavirus plan said the country's heavy death toll 'came as a surprise.

“We never really calculated with a high death toll initially, I must say,” he said.
“We calculated on more people being sick, but the death toll really came as a surprise to us.”

I think they were surprised by the heavy toll in assisted living homes. Those deaths are almost half of the death total.
I think they were surprised by the heavy toll in assisted living homes. Those deaths are almost half of the death total.

Yes, I know, but isn't that true in a lot of countries?

If you look at the other half, isn't that still more than the half of cases in other "Nordic" cases which "imposed" a lock down?

In terms of the homes for the elderly and sick they closed access to visitors and thought that would do it. They were wrong. We see from studies done elsewhere that it is spread by staff either bringing it in from outside or because of spread occurring from the first infected patient to others because of insufficient sanitary practices and lack of PPE.

It just looks like arrogance to me.

I also know that Great Britain tried to go this route and look what happened to them. I think they now have the highest death count in Europe, or close to it.
For a little lightening of mood...Italian in training complaining about the virus and lock down. :)

This is why the nuns told me they were going to tie my hands behind my back if I didn't stop waving them around when I was talking. What could I do: Irish nuns. It didn't completely work. All my friends know that if I start getting animated, or particularly if I get angry in a discussion they have to remove all glasses around me. :)
Yes, I know, but isn't that true in a lot of countries?

If you look at the other half, isn't that still more than the half of cases in other "Nordic" cases which "imposed" a lock down?

In terms of the homes for the elderly and sick they closed access to visitors and thought that would do it. They were wrong. We see from studies done elsewhere that it is spread by staff either bringing it in from outside or because of spread occurring from the first infected patient to others because of insufficient sanitary practices and lack of PPE.

It just looks like arrogance to me.

I also know that Great Britain tried to go this route and look what happened to them. I think they now have the highest death count in Europe, or close to it.

The safest thing for old people's homes in a pandemic like this is to have the staff live in for the duration of the lockdown. I think there were some in the US that did that.
Well you can kiss the hydroxychloroquine recommendation good bye:

In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, scientists led by a team at Columbia University found that people infected with COVID-19 taking hydroxychloroquine do not fare better than those not receiving the drug.
The study published Thursday is the largest to date to investigate the drug, which is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat malaria and certain autoimmune disorders, as a treatment for COVID-19. Dr. Neil Schluger, chief of the division of pulmonary, allergy and critical care medicine at Columbia, and his team studied more than 1,300 patients admitted to New York-Presbyterian Hospital-Columbia University Irving Medical Center for COVID-19. Some received hydroxychloroquine on an off-label basis, a practice that allows doctors to prescribe a drug that has been approved for one disease to treat another — in this case, COVID-19. About 60% of the patients received hydroxychloroquine for about five days. They did not show any lower rate of needing ventilators or a lower risk of dying during the study period compared to people not getting the drug.
I take it back. England doesn't have the highest number of deaths per capita in Europe. (San Marino is effectively Italy for these purposes.)

Belgium has highest deaths per capita of any country besides San Marino. 8,415 deaths would scale to 250-300k in USA.Also, Massachusetts has reached higher deaths per capita than Spain or Italy with little fanfare.
66% of New York coronavirus hospitalizations are people staying at HOME.

Makes sense; someone still working or breaking quarantine brings it home, where it's almost impossible to stop the spread. Chris Cuomo infected his wife and children despite the fact that he banished himself to the basement, and that when his wife went downstairs she says she wore a mask and gloves.

The same thing happened to the families of my son's two co-workers. Both parents still were working; both were positive for it; the wife in each case barely got ill, but both husbands ultimately died.

I don't know. If they were observing all the rules, perhaps it's just circulating air in the house. I ordered room air purifiers with hepa filters, but unfortunately they haven't yet arrived.
Here are the risks of death from COVID-19 for each disease category and demographic, each fully adjusted for the others (i.e. taking the others into account), from our unprecedented cohort study in the full detailed pseudonymised health records of 17 MILLION adults. This is Britain. Lots of good info here. Obesity is a huge factor, partly explaining England's numbers, given the high level of obesity there. Hypertension is not, surprisingly. The worst appears to be hematological malignancies. That makes sense especially for diseases like polythemia vera, because of the propensity for stroke and heart attack and the fact we're find out that Covid is to some extent a disease of the lining of the blood vessels and also causes heart attacks and strokes.

This may impact Lombardia too, because although not obese on England's level, Italians have pretty high percentages for heart attacks. I always thought it might have something to do with hypertension caused by high salt consumption, but maybe it's something deeper having to do with the circulatory system.

Lots of good info in there, including higher rates for not only blacks, but South Asians. I had a feeling that was the case.

"wharton economists predict the 3 biggest dangers america could face if states reopen their economies this summer"


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