Comics need help - for an academic research


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Hi, I’m conducting an academic research about comics, and would really appreciate it if you’ll help me and answer the following questions. Your responses will not be divulged to anyone by name.

(A) I read comics ___
1. more than 2 times a week
2. about once a week
3. about once in two weeks
4. about once a month

(B) I usually read
1. digital versions
2. printed versions
3. both
4. other:
If you answered "both", then answer the following question:
(C) The amount of comics reading I do:
A. For print and digital has not changed for awhile
B. Over time, less print and the same or more digital
C. Over time, less digital and the same or more print
D. The same amount of print, but more digital
E. The same amount of digital but more print
(D) I read (you may answer more than one)
1. Manga
2. American comics
3. European comics
4. all kinds of comics
(E) I believe that in the future
1. comics will be available mostly in digital versions
2. comics will be available mostly in printed versions
3. most comics will be available equally in digital versions and printed versions
4. comics won’t be popular anymore
(F) I believe that in the future, printed versions
1. won’t be available anymore
2. won’t change
3. will develop and affect more senses (using 3D printers, more textures, smell etc.)
4. other:
(G) I believe that in the future, digital versions
1. won’t be available anymore
2. won’t change
3. will develop and use sounds
4. will develop and use animation
5. Answers 3+4
(H) In general, I believe that in the future the story plot
1. will be longer than it is today
2. will be shorter than it is today
3. will remain the same
(I) I believe that in the future, in digital versions
1. I’ll be able to influence the end of the story
2. I’ll be able to influence every part of the story
3. I won’t be able to influence the story at all
4. other:

Comments: .
Thank you!

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