Medical conditions and risk factors associated with mtDNA haplogroups

I've often wondered if the frequency of mtDna "H" has something to do with "fitness", and not just in terms of "endurance", either.

Surely to some extent. Haplogroup H isn't just more common among athletes, but men with this mtDNA type also have better sperm motility. MtDNA seems to mobilise energy more efficiently within the cells. The drawback is faster ageing and greater rates of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. As often in genetics, you can't have it all.
I'm new to the forums and find this all so very fascinating. I had delayed growth or short stature (never on a growth chart growing up) and MD told my mother I had something wrong with me; that I'd not make it to reach 5 feet, which I did by one more inch. My son who is twelve is extremely small for his age (delayed bone age) so it will be interesting to reach the correlation between DNA and size outcome.
I'm curious about the athletic part of DNA. My 23andme results stating that I had muscle composition of that of Olympic athletes but I have N1a (maternal side) & J-M205 (paternal side) so I'm wondering if that is accurate? I have natural muscle tone w/out having to try too hard but I don't feel like I have great endurance with certain activities such as running but I don't know if it's physical or mental.
I'm curious about the athletic part of DNA. My 23andme results stating that I had muscle composition of that of Olympic athletes but I have N1a (maternal side) & J-M205 (paternal side) so I'm wondering if that is accurate? I have natural muscle tone w/out having to try too hard but I don't feel like I have great endurance with certain activities such as running but I don't know if it's physical or mental.

23andMe reports muscle composition based on the ACTN3 gene. You can either have the sprinter type or endurance type. MtDNA is not about muscle composition, but about energy production inside all body cells (not just muscle cells). The two are complementary. Mt-haplogroup N1a is not associated with increased athletic performance. Y-DNA haplogroups are not known to play any role in athletic performance.
Hereditary maladies are clearly caused by our qualities, the advancement in the field of hereditary qualities is continually giving us new signs in regards to the relationships between's sure hereditary sorts and a hazard to build up a few illnesses...

Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing
What about hearing loss? More specifically caused by the SLC26A4 gene mutation.
According to ..... mtdna mutation T8993T is associated with a 7-fold increased risk for prostate cancer. This mutation does not define any haplogroup or common subclade.

.......found the C150T mutation to be associated with centenarians (longevity) and resistance to stress. C150T is found in various haplogroups. The study found cases in the European haplogroups N1b, HV, H, J, T and U.

C150T defines haplogroups HV1a1, HV12b, H1e1a6, H1o, H1as1, H1av1, H6a1a7, I5a3, J1b7, J1c1c, K1a11, K3, R1b, T2b9, T2c1c1, T2e, U3, U5a1h, U5b, U6a3f, U6a4, U6a7a1b, U6c, V19, V22 and W5a2.

Among non European or Mediterranean haplogroups C150T is also found in haplogroups B4c1b, B4c1c, B6 F1a3a2, F1e3, F3b1, N9a, N10b, N11b, N21, N22, R0a4, R8b2.

I just read a study by Chen A. et al "Decreased Reactive Oxygen Species..." dated Oct 29, 2012 stated "The C150T transition was not associated with longevity in the U5, T2, and N9a haplogroups." This statement would eliminate the inclusion of U5 from the longevity assertion.

BTW, my mother who is U5b, will be 92 soon.


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