Massive law suits against illegal buying of Greek Cypriot properties at north Cyprus


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As some of you people are aware of, alot of properties are advertised for sale at the north of Cyprus.
Most of these properties belong or are built illegally on Greek Cypriot properties, since 36% of Cyprus is controlled by Turkey after the Turkish invasion in 1974.

My concern is that alot of people that are unaware of the problem, or know about it but are assured by the illegal Turkish Cypriot authorities, dont know exactly what they are getting involved into.

So, my advise to all investors is to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL in what they are negotiating in buying at the north of Cyprus, since they may be faced with some very unwanted circumstances, like been arrested after leaving the north of Cyprus, and arriving at any European airport or port.
Maybe if you had voted to be united in the first place, then this problem would have been solved for good ;)
Duo said:
Maybe if you had voted to be united in the first place, then this problem would have been solved for good ;)

And who are you again to tell me what is right and what is wrong for my country???
Cyprusm said:
And who are you again to tell me what is right and what is wrong for my country???
Guess what..., he's a forum member free to express his opinion. Just as you have the right to utter your Greek Cypriot nationalist patter as long as you do it according to the forum rules.
Cyprusm said:
And who are you again to tell me what is right and what is wrong for my country???

Welllllllll, you are posting here telling us about the problem with property and what not in Cyprus, and my view is that the only way this could be solved is if the country was united. I understand the issue of property being taken away, it happened in my country because of communism and many people have lost their properties now taken away from some politician or unscrupulous individual, however, in the case of Cyprus I gather that the greek side let those properties go because they voted not to be united, didn't want the turkish side to be a part of the country who would enter the EU, and because of that I think that it will be nearly impossible for the greek side to take back the property lost.

Furthermore, it is my view that only unification could have really sloved this issue, if you were all one country you could have come up with reforms and compensations and other such things, but now it's a bit too late......

BTW bossel, thx for cleaaring up a bit the forum conduct behavior for the new members :cool:
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bossel said:
Guess what..., he's a forum member free to express his opinion. Just as you have the right to utter your Greek Cypriot nationalist patter as long as you do it according to the forum rules.

Blah Blah Blah, Nationalist, racist, anti-freeworld, anti-muslim, and so on.

You guys, dont stick your nose in other people's properties, or else you may end up with a red nose at the end of the day.

As for me, I mind my own business, what is right and wrong for me and my country.

I dont care that much about England, and I care THE LEAST about Albania.
I advise you to do the same.

As for Cyprus, there is an impression that it belongs to more or less, everyone.

Well, guess what, it belongs to its people, Greek and Turkish cypriots, Armenians, Maronites. (minorities).

The "British Empire" has left the building after the struggle in 1955-1959.
And they owe us alot of rents for their English bases, its about time they pay, dont you think Bossel?
Duo said:
Welllllllll, you are posting here telling us about the problem with property and what not in Cyprus, and my view is that the only way this could be solved is if the country was united. I understand the issue of property being taken away, it happened in my country because of communism and many people have lost their properties now taken away from some politician or unscrupulous individual, however, in the case of Cyprus I gather that the greek side let those properties go because they voted not to be united, didn't want the turkish side to be a part of the country who would enter the EU, and because of that I think that it will be nearly impossible for the greek side to take back the property lost.

Furthermore, it is my view that only unification could have really sloved this issue, if you were all one country you could have come up with reforms and compensations and other such things, but now it's a bit too late......

BTW bossel, thx for cleaaring up a bit the forum conduct behavior for the new members :cool:

I must say that I agree with you for the first part. Only the unification is the option.

However, the refferendum was supposed to be a YES and a NO.
The Annan plan 5 had alot of misleading parts, and parts that were really against us greek cypriots.
So we voted for a NO.
Since when did that gave the right to ANYONE to start building in our land??
Since when has the Turkish Cypriot side the right to give permits for people to build in our land???

I expect more law suits coming soon, at the European Court of Human Rights.
Cyprusm said:
Blah Blah Blah, Nationalist, racist, anti-freeworld, anti-muslim, and so on.
Ah, yes. "Blah Blah Blah" Only to be expected from you.

You guys, dont stick your nose in other people's properties, or else you may end up with a red nose at the end of the day.
Did I do or suggest any of that?

I dont care that much about England, and I care THE LEAST about Albania.
I advise you to do the same.
How nice of you. Sadly, I don't need your advice.

Well, guess what, it belongs to its people, Greek and Turkish cypriots, Armenians, Maronites. (minorities).
So, if Turkish Cypriots sell Cypriot property there is no problem?

And they owe us alot of rents for their English bases, its about time they pay, dont you think Bossel?
That depends on the applicable treaties.
Cyprusm said:
I must say that I agree with you for the first part. Only the unification is the option.

However, the refferendum was supposed to be a YES and a NO.
The Annan plan 5 had alot of misleading parts, and parts that were really against us greek cypriots.
So we voted for a NO.
Since when did that gave the right to ANYONE to start building in our land??
Since when has the Turkish Cypriot side the right to give permits for people to build in our land???

I expect more law suits coming soon, at the European Court of Human Rights.

Yeah, now you are going to use the EU as a tool to get your way and appeal and ***** to them about the Turkish side until you guys get everything and they get all send back to Turkey packing. I'm sure you guys would love that, and probaply will get some concesion in return maybe if the EU exerts just enough pressure on Turkey. Greece already uses the EU for such tactcis, you guys are following in the right footsteps ;)

And lemme guess, if you guys have to vote in a referendum in the next 10 years about Turkey entering you'll vote no, right?
bossel said:
So, if Turkish Cypriots sell Cypriot property there is no problem?

I will only comment on the above, the others just form some personal dislike from your part to me(or all Greek Cypriots) which I dont really care and I wont comment.

Answer is NO there is no problem, as long as it legally belongs to them, and is not an act of THEFT from the Greek Cypriots.

BTW, this site has some advertisements of property in north Cyprus that is for sale.

I will check if it is on Greek Cypriot land or not.
Duo said:
Yeah, now you are going to use the EU as a tool to get your way and appeal and ***** to them about the Turkish side until you guys get everything and they get all send back to Turkey packing. I'm sure you guys would love that, and probaply will get some concesion in return maybe if the EU exerts just enough pressure on Turkey. Greece already uses the EU for such tactcis, you guys are following in the right footsteps ;)

And lemme guess, if you guys have to vote in a referendum in the next 10 years about Turkey entering you'll vote no, right?

We ONLY claim what is rightfully ours, and not an act of military invasion and theft.

As for your question about the referendum, I think the answer will depend not on our part, but on Turkey's behaviour regading the Cyprus problem.

I cannot answer to you for something I dont really know.(thats why its called a referendum).
Illegal selling of appartments built on Greek Cypriot land continues....

I suspect these complexes are illegally built on Greek Cypriot land.


Adres: Şht Gazeteci Hasan Tahsin Cad. Apt.9 No:3
(Lemar Road)
Ortaköy / Nicosia
North Cyprus

Office Tel: +90 392 227 08 44

Office Tel2: +90 392 225 45 25

Office Fax: +90 392 227 08 43
Cyprusm said:
BTW, this site has some advertisements of property in north Cyprus that is for sale.
Actually, this was magically summoned by you posting about real estate in Cyprus. Google ads work like that: you mention something in a thread, Google looks for ads that might fit some keywords you used. What a mysterious place the internet is...

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