maltese language weirdest language ever

It has also lots of english influence...
think about it its latin+arabic! theres no other mix like that

When you actually think about it, Latin itself is a hybrid of Italic (dominant) and Etruscan (minor). Etruscan was itself a hybrid of an original Middle Eastern language and a pre-Italic indigenous European language. The Etruscans came from the Levant and probably spoke a Semitic language before moving to Italy. That's how Semitic words like vacca (cow) entered the Latin language.

So Maltese is not stranger than Latin itself.
For me it sounded like Spanish with touch of Portuguese. Keep in mind that I don't speak either one.
Phonetically it is close to Castillan though. The vowels and consonant are the same, including the distinctive "z" sound (the one lacking in American Spanish).

Someone said once that castillian was latin badspoken by basques.

Here a map of Spain's languages:


Note that asturian is spoken in Extremadura.
When I went to Malta it sounded so odd to my friend and I that we would refer to it as related to Klingon. With every shop seemingly owned or run by someone called Borg that the entire country is really a Star Trek fan island.:LOL:

Mind you we didn't hear spoken much, as English was spoken very well by any Maltese we met. Strangely they seem to lose that ability to speak good english when approached by Germans attempting english. They normally switched back to Klingon, sorry, Maltese :innocent:
I don't think Maltese is a funny language but hey the vocabulary is odd 0_o.
For me it sounded like Spanish with touch of Portuguese. Keep in mind that I don't speak either one.

the "french" basques have not exactly the same sounds as the "spanish" basques - on another hand, yes, the most of the phonetic of basque is close to the castillan original phonetic (original because spanish is castillan, but spoken by people having had other languages before - portuguese is definitely phonetically very different from castillan and basques, in it sounds that evoque french Auvergne dialects and from far, some "slavic" hint - difference of length of vowels, ot quality of vowels, very very different -
for an other poster: "asturian" spoken in Extramadura? are you sure: "leonese" perhaps, but asturian has some typical features compared to general leonese, even if classified in this group of dialects -
the "french" basques have not exactly the same sounds as the "spanish" basques - on another hand, yes, the most of the phonetic of basque is close to the castillan original phonetic (original because spanish is castillan, but spoken by people having had other languages before - portuguese is definitely phonetically very different from castillan and basques, in it sounds that evoque french Auvergne dialects and from far, some "slavic" hint - difference of length of vowels, ot quality of vowels, very very different -
Interesting that you mentioned it. On few occasions I confused Portuguese songs with Slovaks, lol.

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