London 2012

I found this thread might be revived as we're only a few months away from the start of the Games. Here is the link to the official website:

I will browse the web in the coming days, and see if the budget has been so far respected. Remember some blamed the 2004 Athens Olympics for bringing the Greek public deficit to unbearable levels...
Watch this video:
Will people die at the london olympics 2012?

Before 9 / 11 and 7 / 7 there were clues in card games, comics, film and TV programmes, of the events that would later take place.

Similarly, the BBC has broadcasted a series imagining a nuclear explosion at the London Olympics.

The series includes several clues that suggest that the 'illuminati' are behind the making of the series and that therefore the events that the series imagines, are being planned to take place in the real world.

There are also clues that suggest the 'illuminati' are plotting an attack on the London Underground.
Deus, are you Badtangent on another forum?
I kinda wanted another place to get it, like somewhere in Spain or France, but I guess London is okay, even if they already hosted it before. Should be interesting.
I think that retrospectively, the French must be relieved they don't host the Games. The costs associated to the organisation are colossal and would be a huge burden on a already stricken economy. What saddens me a bit is the over-coverage of security issues. It seems that all the media are waiting for is a terrorist attack...
What saddens me a bit is the over-coverage of security issues. It seems that all the media are waiting for is a terrorist attack...

I totally agree. I am a big fan of the Olympics and have been looking forward to them for months, especially with an interest how Britain will present them. However the
attention focused on security issues via the media has taken a little of the shine off for me.
I found this thread might be revived as we're only a few months away from the start of the Games. Here is the link to the official website:

I will browse the web in the coming days, and see if the budget has been so far respected. Remember some blamed the 2004 Athens Olympics for bringing the Greek public deficit to unbearable levels...

The Economist stated in last week's issue that the scheduled 2,4 bn GBP costs skyrocketed to an "estimated" 9,3 bn GBP. In my opinion, still a pretty conservative figure. Enjoy the party, fellow Brits, the hangover is going to be brutal, to say the least...
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Want to go to the olympic games in London next week but not sure yet. We dont get many chances to go to olympic games because its every 4th year. The opening ceremony was fantastic, maybe the best so far in the olympic games.
Good job, congrats Brits!

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