Just recieve my 23andme results how to go deeper ?


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Y-DNA haplogroup
mtDNA haplogroup
Hello, i just recieve my 23andme DNA result. I look classic european with y-dna R-L2 and mtdna J1c5a and 86% French & German. Can i actually know what exact R-L2 subgroups i'm belong to ? And better understanding of the results ?
23andMe doesn't have additional tests for subclades. If you want to know you should order a deep clade test such as YSeq's R1b-U152 superpanel.
23andMe doesn't have additional tests for subclades. If you want to know you should order a deep clade test such as YSeq's R1b-U152 superpanel.
Hey thanks for your answer. I have other questions if you would like to help me.

1) Is this work with raw data, for exemple the 23andme test or is it a totally new test who needs some new saliva sample ?

2) If it is a new saliva sample, is it possible that the results are in total contradictions with the 23andme one, like for exemple i belong to another haplogroup than R1b ?

I ask because actually, the first try have failed, even if have take every step without derogation, 23andme send me another test and it works. So i'm a little dubious of the results now.
Hey thanks for your answer. I have other questions if you would like to help me.

1) Is this work with raw data, for exemple the 23andme test or is it a totally new test who needs some new saliva sample ?

2) If it is a new saliva sample, is it possible that the results are in total contradictions with the 23andme one, like for exemple i belong to another haplogroup than R1b ?

I ask because actually, the first try have failed, even if have take every step without derogation, 23andme send me another test and it works. So i'm a little dubious of the results now.
To go deeper you need a new test with a different company such as Ftdna or yseq, normally the result should not differ. I have tried 23 and me and I had the same problem, could not go deeper, so I took a Ftdna test from a basic one to full genome.

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To go deeper you need a new test with a different company such as Ftdna or yseq, normally the result should not differ. I have tried 23 and me and I had the same problem, could not go deeper, so I took a Ftdna test from a basic one to full genome.

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Thank you for respond, i might consider to go deeper in a few times so.
Guten Tag, my Swiss mitochondrial cousin! I am also J1c, with my subclade being J1c2b, which is found in the British Isles; my maternal line originates in Ireland, in County Waterford.