Politics Joe Biden's Presidency

I have the feeling that neither Trump nor Biden are right fit, they are simply too old. Let someone fresher take the role.

I think Ron DeSantis would be a more competent president than Trump, he is only 47 too.
Great argument, there are many disturbing policies that Joe Biden endorses. Where is the shame in Biden supporters?

Loudoun County schools' boss axed over transgender scandal: reports (nypost.com)

Maybe you prefer Gavon Newsome for President?

California’s plan to provide food assistance to undocumented residents leaves some out | KPBS Public Media

I'm waiting for two events to unfold:

The republican take-over of Congress in the midterms and the overturning of Affirmative Action. Once it is overturned, all of these social equity programs, officers etc. will be deemed illegal, and the entire Biden platform will fall to pieces in a glorious way. It is so obviously a violation of the 14th amendment, I am surprised it has taken this long to overturn. All people should be treated equally, regardless of their race. The government should not be allowed to give special treatment to one race, and actively try to "dismantle" another. Which is all just a ploy for more votes, they don't give a crap about minorities. Otherwise, Joe Biden himself would stepdown and give his presidency to a BIPOC, his very existence as president is complete hypocrisy according to his ideology.
Yes to his supporters, but makes him at the same time even more a suspect of plotting a coup attempt (indeed 'you really couldn't blame the people for what they did'). That fits a banana-republic....

Right, it is barbaric to attack congress, but far-left groups harassing judges for their rulings is perfectly first world. But actually you are not wrong, there are indeed parts of the United States that look more like the third world.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Mind you, I do support access to abortion, despite the fact that I would personally have a moral dilemma if I were in a situation where one was needed. For example, the case of rape, and that 10-year-old girl. For me, I think it is absolutely merited, and would have no moral dilemma in that situation.[/FONT]

But now, all of a sudden the left cares about children who are raped, just because of the abortion aspect. Why don't they care about stopping it in the first place, instead of supporting soft-on-crime DAs that let rapists go with just a slap on the wrist. For me, their moral invective falls flat because of that hypocrisy.
Right, it is barbaric to attack congress, but far-left groups harassing judges for their rulings is perfectly first world. But actually you are not wrong, there are indeed parts of the United States that look more like the third world.

Mind you, I do support access to abortion, despite the fact that I would personally have a moral dilemma if I were in a situation where one was needed. For example, the case of rape, and that 10-year-old girl. For me, I think it is absolutely merited, and would have no moral dilemma in that situation.

But now, all of a sudden the left cares about children who are raped, just because of the abortion aspect. Why don't they care about stopping it in the first place, instead of supporting soft-on-crime DAs that let rapists go with just a slap on the wrist. For me, their moral invective falls flat because of that hypocrisy.

I don't see why the discussion about the Trump coup attempt must be immediately about the left (or the supposed left) when we talk about 6. jan 2021. It's at least barbaric and imo even more it is anti-democratic, a mob rule, incited by a demagogue. An intended ax to the representative democracy with trias politica etc. Fortunately there were still military like Mike Milley who kept their backs straight....Otherwise you would have woken up in January under a junta rule....
I don't see why the discussion about the Trump coup attempt must be immediately about the left (or the supposed left) when we talk about 6. jan 2021. It's at least barbaric and imo even more it is anti-democratic, a mob rule, incited by a demagogue. An intended ax to the representative democracy with trias politica etc. Fortunately there were still military like Mike Milley who kept their backs straight....Otherwise you would have woken up in January under a junta rule....

This is not an insurrection?

At least 200 cities in the U.S. had imposed curfews by early June 2020, while more than 30 states and Washington, D.C., activated over 96,000 National Guard, State Guard, 82nd Airborne, and 3rd Infantry Regiment service members.


I think Ron DeSantis would be a more competent president than Trump, he is only 47 too.

Never heard of him, but again i am not acquainted with American politicians, i can see he is a Republican.

Why do you think 47 is too early to be a President? He is almost 50, wouldn't that be perfect age for a president? Not too young and not too old.
Never heard of him, but again i am not acquainted with American politicians, i can see he is a Republican.

Why do you think 47 is too early to be a President? He is almost 50, wouldn't that be perfect age for a president? Not too young and not too old.

Obama was 47 in 2008.
Thank for the gift [emoji320]. Definitely will be much better than what we have.

In this history one conclusion can be draw about people that support Trump and still think that he was the right choice “there is no shame in this world”.

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My God, a man who has Alzheimer's or Parkinson's or both is better than what you have?
In all honesty, I don't think DeSantis will get the nod in 2024 though. I think it is going to Trump.

I sincerely hope DeSantis wins it. The good policies of Trump would be put into practice and none of the bad. It's time for Trump to go away. Sometimes I think the left keeps poking him so he thinks his only safety is in winning the presidency. They're doing it because they know DeSantis would be harder to beat.

For one thing, are they going to say a Harvard and Yale graduate is stupid? At least that constant trope about Republican office seekers would be dead in the water.
My God, a man who has Alzheimer's or Parkinson's or both is better than what you have?

From Narcism and ADHD to Alzheimer or Parkinson....only in America!;):gritting: (humour intended of course!)
In all honesty, I don't think DeSantis will get the nod in 2024 though. I think it is going to Trump.

Even with all we now right now, with the hearings etc etc.....?:petrified:
From Narcism and ADHD to Alzheimer or Parkinson....only in America!;):gritting: (humour intended of course!)

I'm quite used to your atrocious manners. No surprise. I sometimes do wonder, of course, whether you get some sort of masochistic thrill coming here and posting to make yourself utterly disliked.

I keep forgetting. Are you from the Netherlands?

When I went to the market yesterday there was a protest going on. I stopped to talk to some of the workers. One of our supermarket chains is owned by a Dutch company. Ever since they took over they have been making part timers wait up to 10 years to become full time, because once they are full time statutes demand that they get decent health care and pensions. Another rule mandates that once you work a certain number of hours a week you have to become full time, so, every time the work demand would cause that, they go on a hiring spree for part timers so everyone's hours get cut.

I'm so glad that the enlightened Europeans are here to teach us Banana Republic people how to set up a social welfare system which treats employees decently. (humor intended of course!)
Right, it is barbaric to attack congress, but far-left groups harassing judges for their rulings is perfectly first world. But actually you are not wrong, there are indeed parts of the United States that look more like the third world.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Mind you, I do support access to abortion, despite the fact that I would personally have a moral dilemma if I were in a situation where one was needed. For example, the case of rape, and that 10-year-old girl. For me, I think it is absolutely merited, and would have no moral dilemma in that situation.[/FONT]

But now, all of a sudden the left cares about children who are raped, just because of the abortion aspect. Why don't they care about stopping it in the first place, instead of supporting soft-on-crime DAs that let rapists go with just a slap on the wrist. For me, their moral invective falls flat because of that hypocrisy.

The right wingers and their ethical dilemmas “to be or not to be”, a tragicomedy in itself.
The hole point with humanity is about protecting the weak, supporting the elders and so on, that In a natural habitat they will not survive (you don’t see weak, old, handicapped animal in the wild). This creates issues with resources but makes us feel human. For abortion the dilemma is the same, if you want women to give birth of unwanted babies in the name of humanity, society has to foot the bill, taxpayers have to pay for these babies till they become 18, If not ready to pay than silence would more appropriate.

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I'm quite used to your atrocious manners. No surprise. I sometimes do wonder, of course, whether you get some sort of masochistic thrill coming here and posting to make yourself utterly disliked.

I keep forgetting. Are you from the Netherlands?

When I went to the market yesterday there was a protest going on. I stopped to talk to some of the workers. One of our supermarket chains is owned by a Dutch company. Ever since they took over they have been making part timers wait up to 10 years to become full time, because once they are full time statutes demand that they get decent health care and pensions. Another rule mandates that once you work a certain number of hours a week you have to become full time, so, every time the work demand would cause that, they go on a hiring spree for part timers so everyone's hours get cut.

I'm so glad that the enlightened Europeans are here to teach us Banana Republic people how to set up a social welfare system which treats employees decently. (humor intended of course!)

Of course we invented it! ;) Ever heard of Walstraat? And the VOC was the biggest valuable company ever....

I'm quite used to your atrocious manners. No surprise. I sometimes do wonder, of course, whether you get some sort of masochistic thrill coming here and posting to make yourself utterly disliked.

I keep forgetting. Are you from the Netherlands?

When I went to the market yesterday there was a protest going on. I stopped to talk to some of the workers. One of our supermarket chains is owned by a Dutch company. Ever since they took over they have been making part timers wait up to 10 years to become full time, because once they are full time statutes demand that they get decent health care and pensions. Another rule mandates that once you work a certain number of hours a week you have to become full time, so, every time the work demand would cause that, they go on a hiring spree for part timers so everyone's hours get cut.

I'm so glad that the enlightened Europeans are here to teach us Banana Republic people how to set up a social welfare system which treats employees decently. (humor intended of course!)

May be some regard the Dutch the way they did fifty years (or something) ago, socialist Nordic welfare state isn't it.....wake up this is 2022!


1.British Virgin Islands
2.Cayman Islands

The right wingers and their ethical dilemmas “to be or not to be”, a tragicomedy in itself.
The hole point with humanity is about protecting the weak, supporting the elders and so on, that In a natural habitat they will not survive (you don’t see weak, old, handicapped animal in the wild). This creates issues with resources but makes us feel human. For abortion the dilemma is the same, if you want women to give birth of unwanted babies in the name of humanity, society has to foot the bill, taxpayers have to pay for these babies till they become 18, If not ready to pay than silence would more appropriate.

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That's my personal dilemma for a hypothetical situation, but in the extreme case of rape I would have not issue with it. If states want to have it, they should. If others want to craft their home state by different values, they should.

I don't understand the Biden administration, they want to attract people from all over the world to come here illegally. Yet they are upset by people moving around within the country?

I do not share your view that the government should be responsible for taking care of the weak to the extent that it is the primary function. I think people need to take care of themselves, and should be free to fail.
Even with all we now right now, with the hearings etc etc.....?:petrified:

Polls show he is more popular than DeSantis, which is why I think he will probably get the nomination. I would like I said, I prefer DeSantis.
Did I state that?

Then where is the outrage for the fact that thousands of people who were arrested were let go with just a slap on the wrist because of progressive district attorneys? These people are the shock troops of the far-left, and are used as a way to circumvent the law to coerce the opposition into submission.

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