Jesus healed using cannabis


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Well, if the highest authorities condoned it, lol...

Jesus 'healed using cannabis'

Jesus was almost certainly a cannabis user and an early proponent of the medicinal properties of the drug, according to a study of scriptural texts published this month. The study suggests that Jesus and his disciples used the drug to carry out miraculous healings.

The anointing oil used by Jesus and his disciples contained an ingredient called kaneh-bosem which has since been identified as cannabis extract, according to an article by Chris Bennett in the drugs magazine, High Times, entitled Was Jesus a Stoner? The incense used by Jesus in ceremonies also contained a cannabis extract, suggests Mr Bennett, who quotes scholars to back his claims.


That doesn't surprises me. There is an explanation to every "miracle". A miracle is just something people can't understand because of their lack of knowledge and that they attribute to (a) God. Most antique civilisations had specific gods to explain the whole bunch of things they could comprehend (fertility, war, death, the sky, the sun, the moon, and so forth).

Will this "discovery" lead to a mass legalisation in faithful and puritan countries such as the US ? Christian priests could even come to use it in churches along with their other, socially accepted drug : wine. :sorry:
Jesus actually looked like a hippie
: long hair, beard, wide clothes and preaching "peace & love". It's only natural that he also used cannabis (of course hippies copied Jesus' style, not the opposite, but the link is very clear). There is even a theory that Jesus might have been to India as well to study in an ashram with some guru, then he would have come back home and taught his stuff and become famous.
Well, if you ever watched Monthy Python's "Life of Brian" you know how these miracles were accomplished. Jesus in India? Nah, Jesus in Japan! Remember the Herai thread?

They do not rank among Amazon's most popular anyhow. ;)

There's only one book that mentions Jesus' tomb in Japan: Jesus lived in Japan, interestingly written by an Indian, lol.

Here's another article on Herai:

Strangest Story Ever Told

Weird Legend of Jesus in Japan

It?s a story of Jesus Christ, and it goes a little something like this: Jesus didn?t die up on his cross at Golgotha. That was his brother. Christ himself fled across Siberia and, after a brief detour through Alaska, landed in Japan ? where he got married and raised a family.

The town, Shingo, calls itself Kirisuto no Sato: Hometown of Christ. Not many burgs outside of Bethlehem make that claim.

Today, Shingo is known more for its garlic farms (they even make garlic ice cream there) and apple orchards than the Tomb of Christ ? that is, if it were to be known for anything at all (it?s not).

The site itself, a few minutes? drive from the town?s tiny commercial district, is rather unspectacular. Two 8-foot-high wooden crosses surrounded by a white picket fence sit on a bluff in the woods overlooking a gravel parking lot. A small museum sits at the other side of the parking lot.

On a typical day, dozens of people wander through. Some leave a small offering ? five-yen coins, considered lucky, are common ? in a basket at the gravesite. Some even pray.

The idea of Jesus visiting, much less settling down in, Japan?s equivalent of the Ozarks may sound patently absurd. Even many locals doubt the tale. But some residents of Shingo say it?s entirely plausible that the man many call Messiah came here, and claim they can prove it.


So perhaps Jesus just passed through India when he returned to Japan.


Hemp was used in Ancient Japan in ceremonial purification rites and for driving away evil spirits. In Japan, Shinto priests used a gohei, a short stick with undyed hemp fibers (for purity) attached to one end. According to Shinto beliefs, evil and purity cannot exist alongside one another, and so by waving the gohei (purity) above someone's head the evil spirit inside him would be driven away. Clothes made of hemp were especially worn during formal and religious ceremonies because of hemp's traditional association with purity.


Also... if you are really interested in this subject then you can read an excellent article at:
I find it so upsetting that so many know so little about Jesus. Our very human nature causes us to question what we do not understand fully indeed. But in doing so, also causes us to sin. Let me tell you about this Jesus, my Saviour and Lord. I am certain that for you who have read this email, your understanding of this man who walked our earth so long ago is little. But what I want to tell you is that earthly knowledge is so limited. This Jesus came into the world born by a virgin who was Mary. He grew to become an adult and taught through scripture all that we need to know to live a holy and pure life before God. But see the problem is that we are human and we are born into sin. Jesus became flesh yet was without sin. This is because He is God. This is THE very foundation of the Bible and it's teachings. You see the Bible is the roadmap for life. And this Jesus of whom you are referring to is the ONLY way into eternal life. So please let me ask you, where will you go when you die? You are human so you know there is good and evil......don't you have questions? Let me tell you that having a personal relationship with Jesus is the only way. See "God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
You can talk about many religions, but this is a relationship with the true, LIVING GOD. Christ became the bridge across the chasm that separated us from God....he became the sacrifice...the Lamb that took away our sins..I want to tell you that you can have the "peace that passes all understanding"...not Buddah, not Zen not Cannibus or any other drug of choice (which, by the way is totally nuts to suggest), anything else....but true peace in the midst of this tumultuous world...knowing that there is a Saviour who hears the prayers of His people. This Jesus will never abandon you or I, will hear the cries of our hearts....will lift our eyes and give us a hope....which is eternal salvation. Thanks for reading.....God bless you!!!!:happy:
Just a few Questions...

Hello Shankie,

Welcome to this forum ! ;)

I wouldn't want to argue with you, but I'd like to ask you a few questions regarding your previous post.

1) What makes you think that Christians have the only thruth and others (Muslims, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Jainist, ...) don't ? This could be considered as a form of racism or sheer intolerance in itslef, which goes against Jesus' preaching. BTW, Jesus was Jewish and never knew about Hindu (except if he studied in India, like suggested by those books), Buddhist, Islam (that disn't exist yet) or other such religions. Just about Greek, Roman, Egyptian or Babylonian polytheisms. So he couldn' have disproved them.

2) Have you got any knowledge of neurosciences and biochemistry. If not, I'd like to recommend you a good read, made for a large public. It is called "Descartes' error", by Antonio Damasio.

3) If you don't mind metaphysical questions :

A) What is your perceptions of the universe ? Is it finite or infinite ?

B) If God created it, where is God ? By definition, the universe is everything that exist. If God is not in the universe, does he (or she or it) exist ?

C) Some Christians (not all), are convinced that God is male (therefore calling HE and not IT). Nowadays, this is not very politically correct, as it is sexist. Of course sexism wasn't an issue 2000 years ago and up to a few decades ago. But Jesus wasn't sexist, so what made so many Christians believe so firmly that God is HE ?

What's more, saying "He" it implies that God is a life being, like a animal, plant or human (though not a cell or bacteria, because they have no sex, so no male or female, eventhough they are alive and constitute all your or my body). Isn't it contradictory to say that God is just a sexual life being, when He/It
is supposed to have created life and all the rest ?

I guess he can't have feelings or emotions, or he would be a mere animal then. If He/It is to have emotions/memory/speech ability, etc. He/It needs a brain. That is where Dr Damasio's book is interesting. It says that some patients with brain injuries couldn't feel emotions anymore, though they could still think, calculate, eat, move or speak perfectly normally. He explains this much better than I could here, that's why I refered it to you (please read it, so that you can have an opinion about it).

So what is God, if He/It is no life being or animal, if He/It cannot have emotions or feelings or sense or discernment ? This is disturbing. Have you got an explanation ?

I'd be very glad if you could answer to those few questions.
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I want to tell you that you can have the "peace that passes all understanding"...not Buddah, not Zen not Cannibus or any other drug of choice (which, by the way is totally nuts to suggest)

I have great compassion for you in regard to your prejudice towards me, and my religion. That you would refer to Zen, and Buddhism as a whole, as a drug only shows your ignorance of my religion. When I wrote "Buddha tried it too... but didn't inhale" this was a joke based on President Clinton's statement that he smoked pot, but never inhaled. For clarification sake, the Buddha did not use cannabis, nor did he condone the use of any recreational drugs including alcohol (the fifth precept).

The Buddha taught that we should have patience with, and tolerance for, those who might condemn our religion. I can only hope that one day you will have some experience that will open your mind towards peoples of all the worlds? major religions. This does not mean that you have to believe in, or follow, other religions. But it does mean that you will at least try to be respectful to people who believe differently from you, much the same way I am doing for you now.
Watashi Fukoo. I am having serious questions about god. or jesus. or whatever. They Say the Devil is pure evil and god is perfection. But isnt it true that nobody is perfect? Im just wanting some answers. I cant ask any of my family because they are firm Christians my moms side is Cavalry whilst my dad is Catholic I could ask my friend Chris but...HELP!
Please ask your question. You can send me a private message if you want.
This was very interesting! (Also, I hope Machine was able to get the answers needed.) :happy:
Well, if the highest authorities condoned it, lol...

Jesus 'healed using cannabis'

Jesus was almost certainly a cannabis user and an early proponent of the medicinal properties of the drug, according to a study of scriptural texts published this month. The study suggests that Jesus and his disciples used the drug to carry out miraculous healings.

The anointing oil used by Jesus and his disciples contained an ingredient called kaneh-bosem which has since been identified as cannabis extract, according to an article by Chris Bennett in the drugs magazine, High Times, entitled Was Jesus a Stoner? The incense used by Jesus in ceremonies also contained a cannabis extract, suggests Mr Bennett, who quotes scholars to back his claims.



I'll be damned.......those Rastafarians were right after all, (LOL). Did Jesus have dreadlocks too?
I find it so upsetting that so many know so little about Jesus. Our very human nature causes us to question what we do not understand fully indeed. But in doing so, also causes us to sin. Let me tell you about this Jesus, my Saviour and Lord. I am certain that for you who have read this email, your understanding of this man who walked our earth so long ago is little. But what I want to tell you is that earthly knowledge is so limited. This Jesus came into the world born by a virgin who was Mary.

no offense, but I got to stop ya right there. Born to a virgin? I HIGHLY doubt it, assuming a person named Jesus even existed at all. Some say there are scant Roman records showing he MAY have been real and some say that is not true.

Anyway If I actually were any type of christian, I'd prefer the Jefferson Bible.......just my opinion :)

and correct me if I am mistaken, but, did you just say -humans sin when we question what we dont fully understand? That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard in my life.
Buddha tried it too... but didn't inhale. :p

Buddha did inhale. If you look at most statues of Buddha he looks stoned off his ass! Cant hardly open his eyes, he has a very calm, "chilled out" look about him, and the reason he is so fat? obviously from getting the munchies all the time. LOL!!!!!!!

but seriously, Buddhist philosophy makes more sense than that of most other religions, IMO
no offense, but I got to stop ya right there. Born to a virgin? I HIGHLY doubt it, assuming a person named Jesus even existed at all. Some say there are scant Roman records showing he MAY have been real and some say that is not true.

Anyway If I actually were any type of christian, I'd prefer the Jefferson Bible.......just my opinion :)

and correct me if I am mistaken, but, did you just say -humans sin when we question what we dont fully understand? That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard in my life.

Little observation. This post is 10 years old. Don't expect this person to comment anymore, though I would be glad to be wrong in this case.

This thread has been viewed 18694 times.
