Is your image of China up to date?


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I have been three times to China, but the first two were about 20 years ago. If there is one country that has changed beyond recognition in 20 years it is definitely China. New megacities have emerged from almost nothing. There are now skyscrapers over 4300 skyscrapers in China, about four times more than in the United States. Among those 115 of them exceed 300 metres in height - more than all the rest of the world combined! China now accounts for the two thirds of all highspeed railway tracks in the world and is planning to double that by 2035. In other words, about 80% of the world's highspeed trains will be in China in ten years or so.

When you think about it, the Iraq War cost the US government $1.1 trillion, while the War in Afghanistan cost an eye-watering $8 trillion (both estimates are from Brown University). In contrast it only cost China $0.25 trillion (i.e. $250 billion) to build all those 38,000km of highspeed railway! So the US government could easily have done the same for a fraction of the cost of its useless wars.
As a country for 5,000 years, China's ultimate destiny is to become Egyptian: high TFR, backward, completely conservative, and degenerated into a scholarly civilization.
But a hundred years ago, some people didn't like this and had to push the entire country to modernize.I am very disappointed/
Until now, there is no 22nm lithography machine, nor our own NVIDIA, just built a bunch of buildings.
As a country for 5,000 years, China's ultimate destiny is to become Egyptian: high TFR, backward, completely conservative, and degenerated into a scholarly civilization.
Please don't confuse civilisation and country. China has not existed as a country for 5000 years. In fact, if China is the country of the Han Chinese, then it was first unified into a single country by the Qin dynasty in 221 BCE. But it later split into many smaller countries, just like the Roman Empire split into many entities in the late 5th century, and was only reunified much later.

The bottom line is that, even if we ignore the partial occupation of China from 1932 to 1945 by the Japanese, China has only been a continuously unified country since the Yuan dynasty from 1291. That's 'only' 633 years. Much less than many European countries, or Korea and Japan.
Please don't confuse civilisation and country. China has not existed as a country for 5000 years. In fact, if China is the country of the Han Chinese, then it was first unified into a single country by the Qin dynasty in 221 BCE. But it later split into many smaller countries, just like the Roman Empire split into many entities in the late 5th century, and was only reunified much later.

The bottom line is that, even if we ignore the partial occupation of China from 1932 to 1945 by the Japanese, China has only been a continuously unified country since the Yuan dynasty from 1291. That's 'only' 633 years. Much less than many European countries, or Korea and Japan.
It was unified in the Longshan Civilization of the Xia Dynasty, and completely unified in the Qin Dynasty. It has nothing to do with the Yuan Dynasty, and it has even nothing to do with Japan.
It was unified in the Longshan Civilization of the Xia Dynasty, and completely unified in the Qin Dynasty. It has nothing to do with the Yuan Dynasty, and it has even nothing to do with Japan.

The Longshan Civilization and the Xia Dynasty were only in Northern China and more specifically in the Yellow River region. It would be like saying that France is Europe. Additionally the Longshan civilisation was not a country but an archaeological culture. These were Neolithic people with no centralised state. You obviously don't know anything about Chinese history.
I'm somewhat sorry to bump an older thread, and with a mildly low effort post, but the intro (even just the first couple of minutes) to this driving video is somewhat relevant and remarkable.

Famous English vlogger (casual travel) Bald & Bankrupt, known for Eastern Europe, recently visited:

I'm not too much of an American patriot, at all, and I'm happy for China's growth and role in humanity.
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