Politics Is America going through its own Mao style "Cultural Revolution"?

My biggest concern is that our political leaders are ignoring this because they see these far left agitators as a weapon against the Trump administration. Even most republicans are giving this issue a blind eye because they know it undermines the president and they want leverage when the time comes for tax reform. Its up to them to bring it into the public sphere of discussion because you know the news reporters and journalists in the media are a direct product of these college environments and would be outside with antifa if they weren't busy "reporting". People cheered the fall of Bill O'Reilly, but without him even Fox news has been tepid to discuss the issue. We're beginning to see increasing radicalism on both sides of the political spectrum here, outside forces are banking on turmoil in our country and we are too busy at each others throats to address it.
USA now reminds me of the movie Idiocracy, a total mess, shtet-leshi as we would say in Albanian. Painful to follow the news and the soap opera like events in the WH. The decline is unbelievable, probably that is how empires have fallen?! US society has lost the ability to distinguish between a reality and reality show, to much of stupid shows .... there is a saying that every nation deserves the ones that are leading them since the one that is leading represents the majority of that society. I was watching last night Trump with the Finish president, it is appaling how a grown man has a vocabulary of a child and runs a huge country, feels like "Twilight Zone". Something needs to happen, is it going to be a revolution, probably, it remains to be seen.
Oh please, start digging your shelters, lol. In 4 years it all will look just silly.
I think that's way over the top FBS. What I don't want to see, however, is a return to the turmoil of the sixties.

Was the coverage of Charlottesville totally unbalanced? Yes, I believe it was, as was the coverage of some of the shootings of black men by police officers. We now know that there was no "hands up, don't shoot" in that one famous incident, although some people persist in spreading that lie. In those instances where police officers unjustifiably shot at a civilian, they're going to jail for a very long time, as they should. Some will even face the death penalty, although I'm ambivalent about that.

Ultimately, though, Anti-Fa will, I believe, turn off the majority of the American people, in whose common sense and ultimate fairness I still believe, as racists have already turned them off.
Well, better late than never, Nancy...

"San Francisco — Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement denouncing the violent protests carried out this weekend in Berkeley, California:“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts. The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.
“In California, as across all of our great nation, we have deep reverence for the Constitutional right to peaceful dissent and free speech. Non-violence is fundamental to that right. Let us use this sad event to reaffirm that we must never fight hate with hate, and to remember the values of peace, openness and justice that represent the best of America.”"


Well, better late than never, Nancy...

"San Francisco — Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement denouncing the violent protests carried out this weekend in Berkeley, California:“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts. The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.
“In California, as across all of our great nation, we have deep reverence for the Constitutional right to peaceful dissent and free speech. Non-violence is fundamental to that right. Let us use this sad event to reaffirm that we must never fight hate with hate, and to remember the values of peace, openness and justice that represent the best of America.”"



In America, violence in the streets backfires against anyone who uses it, and I think the Democratic establishment knows that. This is why they're finally reacting.

I am at this period of life where I have completely lost my confidence on human race and am waiting for Keanu to come and exterminate us.....������ But floods are here right and we had horrible fires in EU? Sorry guys, I am just down I guess.

But I guess is just a phase, I will soon see the light at the end of the tunnel. ������

Maybe there will emerge a group of people that will be bright enough, on the next levels of system values, that will start a movement for change of what is goig on now in US but, for the time being, all we see from far is that, Republicans are playing a game that they completely lost control of and the Democrats are still knocked out and absolutely lost. And all this comotion is used by extremists both right and left, ...
In America, violence in the streets backfires against anyone who uses it, and I think the Democratic establishment knows that. This is why they're finally reacting.


I think they were just useful idiots used for the purpose of shutting down enemies of the establishment. However, now that they've effectively silenced dissent; they're discarding them. First it was "There's no two sides to this!", trying to paint anti-fa as quasi-noble. Now, they're uniformly denouncing them as well.

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