More nonsensical social science studies based not on any objective criteria but instead on groundless assumptions and biases and a lack of any in depth understanding of other cultures.
Just one case in point about a people and culture I know intimately. Italians love to complain, moan and groan about everything. How are things going? Terrible. My health is awful, especially my liver; my husband is not acting normally, maybe it's that pretty young new assistant that's to blame; my son's wife is a terrible housekeeper and she's not teaching my grandchild to respect them; the country is going to collapse any day now, etc.
You get the picture.
My German and Irish friends, good friends I might add. How are things going? Fine, great. Everything is right on track. Many beers or Cosmos later: everything is just ****; I think Chris may lose his job, Chris Jr. is constantly stoned, I just feel so depressed and hopeless.
If you ask them if they're happy. Number 1 is going to say no, Number 2 is going to say yes.
Is either one an accurate reflection of reality, or is it just life.
I'll also add that if everybody is sober and at a family or friend get together, I know which group "looks" happier.

I also know which groups suffer more from depression and the alcoholism which is partly an attempt to lessen it.
Same goes for those nonsense studies about individualism. Northerners are, imo, far less individualistic and more group oriented than southerners, and easier to brainwash to the societal norm as a result. The difference is between the controlling norms being the tribe or the family.
I'd also remind everyone that most social science studies CANNOT be replicated. That's especially true for studies like this. It's like Freudianism. It's not science; it's like a religion.
So, please, spare us.