If you could learn any language...

I would be very interested in learning Mandarin for practical reasons, especially it's spoken by the most people, and kanji permeates several other languages. After that I'd say the romance languages (Spanish, French, Italian) followed by German, then maybe Hindi, Russian, and Arabic. I'd love to be able to read classical texts in their native languages.
I would learn Chinese or Spanish. Well i can speak Spanish a bit yet, but i could really improve it in taking some classes :p
Either German, because a lot of my family is from there and i can properly produce the correct rolls of the tongue, or Latin, because I would love to know a lost language and it's just plain interesting.
wow, it's good to see that so many people wanted to learn chinese! :cool:

im learning japanese and i hope that i can use it fluently in time to come.
French, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Persian
Want to learn the Ruski ljezik!
If I could really pick the languages , I wouldn`t be greedy ....just ALL the old P and Q Celtic ones!! LOL ! Seriously think how easy it would be to transcribe the scripts and stones if you knew the languages that were used then just as well as you know your own!
Apart from that "dream" I would like to be fluent in Russian and German :)
Strange question. I can't think of any reason you couldn't start learning any language right now. Don't say lack of time, because short lessons at a regular pace are the best way to learn anyway.

Right now I'm learning Irish. At some point I'd like to learn the other Celtic languages, primarily Welsh and Scottish, but I'll probably start lessons in Russian before that - if for no other reason than I inherited a Rosetta Stone for the language from my mother. I imagine Scottish will come quickly after learning Irish, given their close relationship. I'd like to continue learning French at some point. I took courses in it back in school, but after the courses ended, I dropped the language entirely. I never attained fluency, but I love how the language sounds and flows off the tongue. As someone mentioned earlier, Basque would be an extremely interesting language to learn also.
Strange question. I can't think of any reason you couldn't start learning any language right now. Don't say lack of time, because short lessons at a regular pace are the best way to learn anyway.

Right now I'm learning Irish. At some point I'd like to learn the other Celtic languages, primarily Welsh and Scottish, but I'll probably start lessons in Russian before that - if for no other reason than I inherited a Rosetta Stone for the language from my mother. I imagine Scottish will come quickly after learning Irish, given their close relationship. I'd like to continue learning French at some point. I took courses in it back in school, but after the courses ended, I dropped the language entirely. I never attained fluency, but I love how the language sounds and flows off the tongue. As someone mentioned earlier, Basque would be an extremely interesting language to learn also.

Have you any particular reason for wanting to learn Scottish (Gaidhlig) Keegah or do you just like learning languages for your own pleasure? I am learning Gaidhlig at the moment, it was hard at the beginning but then it just clicks Good luck with it :)
I speak Italian (mothertongue), Spanish (fluently) and English (good level, but not exceptional). I started to learn French this year and I found it sooo much more difficult compared to English and Spanish.
I'd like to learn Portuguese or Catalonian that are really similar to Spanish, so it would take me short time. It would be interesting to study Russian, Chinese and German too, but I think it would be really difficult. I'm curious about the Basque language.
Have you any particular reason for wanting to learn Scottish (Gaidhlig) Keegah or do you just like learning languages for your own pleasure? I am learning Gaidhlig at the moment, it was hard at the beginning but then it just clicks Good luck with it :)

I enjoy researching the Celtic nations in general, and that's part of why I want to learn their languages. Learning any language other than your own native tongue is enjoyable and beneficial though, as you said. Right now I'm learning Irish mainly because that's my father's primary ethnicity, but afterward I'd like to learn Scottish to be able to better research the full reach of the Gaels. I'm just curious - as an Irishman, why are you choosing to learn Scottish rather than Irish first? Any particular reason?

Cheers. :)
I enjoy researching the Celtic nations in general, and that's part of why I want to learn their languages. Learning any language other than your own native tongue is enjoyable and beneficial though, as you said. Right now I'm learning Irish mainly because that's my father's primary ethnicity, but afterward I'd like to learn Scottish to be able to better research the full reach of the Gaels. I'm just curious - as an Irishman, why are you choosing to learn Scottish rather than Irish first? Any particular reason?

Cheers. :)
Well you have really answered your own question there Keeagh, learning any language is fun.
I would like to learn the languages of all my ancestors (Gaelic, French, German, Polish, Russian and Hebrew). I hope to be fluent in French by the end of the year. Next I would probably finish my German (I know very little, but still more than any of the other languages).

Although my next language is probably going to be Spanish. I currently work for a Mexican-owned company, and if I want to get ahead, I will need Spanish.
I currently speak , French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, these are all Latin based so its cheating a little bit, but i would love to learn german, because of how different it is to latin based languages.
i want to learn Tamazight(atlas berber)because it's part of my heritage ,and also German and Dutch :)
I was going to say Japanese :LOL:
For a speaker of any Indo-European language is not too hard to learn, in one degree or another, any of the other languages ​​of this family; anyone of them: Romance languages​​, Nordic, Germanic, Celtic, Slavic, Baltic or Balcanic, etc..
That is, we know, by the similarities morphological, syntactic and lexical, reason why are grouped in the same family: The Indo-European.
¿But what about the Afro-Asian languages​​?

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