Human traffickers preying on Aceh?fs kids

Rio Lee

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TheStar said:
JAKARTA: Human traffickers are preying on children made homeless or orphaned by the tsunami disaster in the province of Aceh, the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) said yesterday.

Unicef's spokesman for Indonesia, John Budd, said there had been one confirmed case of a child being smuggled out of Aceh to Medan for trafficking.

And he said Unicef's Malaysian office had received an SMS yesterday advertising 300 orphans from Aceh aged between three and 10 for sale.

?gIt's chilling,?h Budd said. ?gWhat this indicates is that they have got children or they have a network where they can identify a child and take them.?h

The Indonesian government has also moved to head off the trafficking of children from Aceh by placing a ban on any child under the age of 16 leaving Aceh without their parents.

?gThe aim of the travel ban is to ensure there is no adoption and to prevent any sale and trafficking of children from Aceh,?h Social Affairs Ministry spokesman Heri Krisitanto said.

A ban on any adoptions in Aceh has also been imposed for the same reason.

National police detective chief Commissioner General Suyitno Landung also said yesterday that the issue was of deep concern and authorities were trying to register all homeless or orphaned children so they could be tracked.

?gWe have deployed officers to relief centres to collect data on the children,?h detikom on-line quoted him as saying.

The government has estimated that 35,000 children have been made homeless, orphaned or separated from their parents in Aceh, which remains in chaos more than a week after the disaster.

Budd said there had been many reports of child trafficking in Aceh over the past few days that Unicef, local NGOs and the Indonesian government had been trying to confirm. – AFP

From other Local Newspaper[translated with my bad english] : summuraized :
-taken from diffrent local newspaper-
1 - Polri (Indonesian Police), thrawts the attempt to smuggles out some 2,500 infants and orphans(victims of the tsunami) but 20 managed to be smuggled out.
2 - UNICEF says, around 1 million children, victims of the tsunami incident(most of them are Acheh citizen) in Bangkok are in risk of getting kiddnapped by the Human Trafficker. Currently both UNICEF and the Indonesian goverment is trying to create a children registration for every victim in the town of Acheh. Indonesian goverment is banning the process for adopting tsunami victims because of the human trafficking.
3 - The smuggled victims is said to be sent to either Malaysia or Singapore to be sex slave and killed for their organs. and some of them are sold to be the buyer adopted children.
4 - Malaysian Ministery of Internal Security, recieved reports of the 20 kids are being smuggled into Malaysian, and currently with the Malaysian Police, investigating the report
5 - John Budd(UNICEF spokeman) said, there are 2 reports of the human trafficking that are being done by those group. But more info hasnt been released.
=Full translation of each of those article from the diffrent newspaper is coming soon=

How much lower those ba5tard can be? :auch: Taking advantages in the chaos and kidnapping those poor kids. GAH!!.. I'm speechless... :(

sorry for the bad translation, if theres anything you guys cant understand from my translation please tell me.

Related sites : [added from time to time as i find new links]
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Rio Lee said:
How much lower those ba5tard can be? :auch: Taking advantages in the chaos and kidnapping those poor kids. GAH!!.. I'm speechless... :(
Only to be expected. That's humans for you.

Anyway, do you think trafficking children is any better without such a catastrophe?
bossel said:
Only to be expected. That's humans for you.

Anyway, do you think trafficking children is any better without such a catastrophe?

Nope, I just can't imagine that they'll go this low... :souka: I thought that any human would atleast have a lil sympathy on those people. And obviously that I was wrong.

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