How many languages can you can speak ?


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Unaited Arab Emirates :: AD
how many languiges u can speak ! ^_^

i just wanted to know how many languiges u ppl can speak for me
im trying to learn japanese but from the net for that maybe next summer i will learn it with a teacher better ha :)
i waslearning it for 6 years !! damn till now i cant speak with it :p

& now u :d
Depends how well. What does it mean to speak a foreign language ?

1) Just being able to ask simple things like ask your way or book a hotel.
2) Being able to hold a daily conversation
3) Being able to speak about most common things fluently
4) Being able to speak about most academic and technical subjects, but don't know enough vocabulary, slang, idomatic expression, etc. to be native or able to teach the language.
5) Upper-advanced or native speaker.
6) Know the language in depth, better than most native-speaker and be know little-used words and expressions (level to be a good writer)

I guess only scholars really know a language well and they are so few that I don't expect anybody to reach level 6 (I can't).

It's always difficult to assess oneself, but I'd say I speak 2 languages at level 5 (English and French), 1 at level 4 (Italian), 3 at level 3 (Spanish, German, Japanese) and 1 at level 1 (Dutch). Of course it's easier once you are in the country and have a few weeks to refresh your memory. I haven't spoken a word of German for 5 years and I would have a tough time to start a real conversation right away. But I can still understand the news or such things quite easily.
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Hehe, I'm not as proficient, but according to Maciamo's scale I'd classify my language skills as follows:

5.. German, English
4.. French
2.. Arabic
1.. Farsi

Although I'm studying Japanese (quite infrequently), I'm not counting it in, as I'd be too shy to use it even in daily situation.
My Japanese ranges from 4.5 to 6. Depends on the area. But I'd say a safe 4.9.

My English is probably a 4.7 though ;)
hmmm... interesting scale, maciamo! :)

according to it, i'd rate myself...

5 for portuguese
4 for english
3 for spanish
2 for japanese
1 for french
hmmm i'd say
1 Italian
1 French
i just know a very little bit of both
Here are mine

Nice scale that 1~6..........;)

My s'kills' go this way

Sanskrit - 1 (A pity its almost dead, too structured and elaborate for easy adoption and conversation etc,I guess)
Hindi - 4 (India's national language)
Tamil - 5 (my mother tongue, you see, is different from the National language)
English - 5
Japanese - 4

Reaching 6 in Nihongo is my current aim........
hehe i liked the scale :D 1~6 good good ..i didnt arrenge them in the scale ok here is mine again ;)

Perfect Arabic - 4.5 from 6
modern "uae" arabic 4 from 6
lol .. i can speak also Eygiptian modern arabic its nice :) .. 4 from 6
"thouse are only modern arabic u wont learn it just u can speak it like usa english :) its diffrent littile bit from perfect english (uk)
English - 4 from 6 "im good in it but not perfect :p)
japanese 1 from 6
french 1 from 6

lol that was my scale :)
If we are taking programming languages into concideration...I shoot about 20.
Ahmed.M.K said:
lol .. i can speak also Eygiptian modern arabic its nice

I think most Arabs can handle the Egyptian dialect as Egypt is the largest producer of movies in the Arab world ("Hollywood on the Nile").

20 programming languages... wow, that's impressive. Wish I'd be literate in at least one, lol.
Oh gosh....


Even if my Best English can reach level 5(after three months in Ireland, graceful country), i found myself at level 3 some days ago, when a turist aske me how to reach the math department in the local univesity (Note: it's easy to get lost inside the campus)

(Some of you may notice this lack of english training in my posts or private message :p )

Other known languages? Let me see..
Well Italian ^____^ (supposed to be a level 5 )

When i was young (very young, like 8~10) years old i knew enough Slovenian to follow a conversation, but now i can't understand even the single word. :bluush:

Spanish, yes, a good level 1 :p

Uhm.. German maybe.. well just for ordering sausages and steaks :p

Nothin more i guess

Engrish = 20
English = 2
American Engrish = 100
Japanese = uh, someplace between 1 and 4, depending upon the subject matter and the kanji... :eek:

5 Portugue (native)
5 English (Poor victim of Western social corruption through the media :D)
2 French (Don't write or speak in years)
2 Spanish (I can survive in a tourist resort :D)

I have some basic knowledges of some languages but they wouldn't reach 1 whitout help.
German 2
English 6

thats it for me so far, i would like to add japanese to the list and italian
french : uh well, u guess :D
english : 5
german : 4
japanese : 0 :(
wow, i'm so so so impressed with everyone in this forum who can speak so many languages...

& mine...
5 - chinese mandarin + cantonese
4 - english
1 - japanese
0.1 - french (learn it couple years back, hardly remember any now...)
hmm...well I can speak a foreign language, but I'm not that good.

its better if I rate myself at the language.

10 English
1 French (I'm sort of good, but speaking it
Pidgin = well its kind of like broken up english and us locals where I live, speak it, more like slang kind of words

and that's about it, I do want to learn japanese, but its going to take a while til I can just concentrate on learning that, plus I do want to learn french as well. hehe.

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