How do I know if I have a mixed race ancestral marriage?


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Despite all of our ancestors coming from Europe, my cousin was curious if our family had a recent mixed race marriage in our family tree. How can this be proven/disproven? I want to have confidence in my genealogy and confide that I'm an average person and not a stupid grellie.
There might have been, and you just did not inherit any of the DNA. You get 50% from each parent, but you might get 80% of 1 grandparent and 20% of another on 1 side. So, an ancestor just 4 or 5 generations ago may have no presence in your genome.

We are all "mixed" at one point of another.

Try a few GED match tests, and look for a pattern.
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Maybe you should take a DNA test? I would recommend starting with 23andMe.
I took a DNA test on 23andme using my mom and three of her siblings. I also uploaded their kits to GEDMATCH. Would there be any way using these results to determine if we qualify as White Americans?
To qualify as White American, look at your reflection in a mirror. If you look like White American, then you are White American. Simple as that.

As for the trivia of DNA test, check for something African, East Asian or Amerindian coming around in about every test on gedmatch. If there is, check if it clusters in over 10cM chunks or if it's tiny bits all over the place. If the former, you probably had a ancestor from another continent 10 generations ago. If the later, it's probably background noise from prehistory.

Don't mind Middle East and Central Asia results, it's probably stuff from Neolithic expansion.

I hope this help.
Europe, Middle East, or North Africa, that is a rather liberal definition. I always thought it was someone of exclusively European ancestry. But how pure European most White Americans are I don't know. I also don't know if my level of purity in my family is average for Americans. What I would guess is, it is rather common for every ancestor to be from Europe, but maybe it is not uncommon to have a mixed race marriage somewhere in the ancestry (such as a German ancestor 7 generations ago marrying a Jew or Gypsy). What I want to know is if I'm affected by a mixed race marriage and if it is normal or extremely uncommon.
I think I'm more olive complexioned. I don't see skin that qualifies as Fair. Which is bizarre because I have only European ancestry and show 99.9% European on 23andme. I can be considered light skinned, but it is more yellowish rather than pink/rosy.
Being Northern European doesn't guarantee you'll be white as the moon with blue eyes and blonde hair. There are pale Greeks and olive skinned Germans.
Europe, Middle East, or North Africa, that is a rather liberal definition. I always thought it was someone of exclusively European ancestry. But how pure European most White Americans are I don't know. I also don't know if my level of purity in my family is average for Americans. What I would guess is, it is rather common for every ancestor to be from Europe, but maybe it is not uncommon to have a mixed race marriage somewhere in the ancestry (such as a German ancestor 7 generations ago marrying a Jew or Gypsy). What I want to know is if I'm affected by a mixed race marriage and if it is normal or extremely uncommon.
I think I'm more olive complexioned. I don't see skin that qualifies as Fair. Which is bizarre because I have only European ancestry and show 99.9% European on 23andme. I can be considered light skinned, but it is more yellowish rather than pink/rosy.

Your Question was if you “Qualify as a White American”.
For the USA Government You Do!
Minor Skin Tone fluctuation is irrelevant.

Just in case, Affirmative Action doesn’t apply to you (and me). No perks, You must Compete.

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