Have a guess where this guy is from


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turkey kurdish part
Pakistani minority or Iraqi Kurd.
the scarf on the neck?

in second pic he wears a scarf.
simmlar Palestinians whear.

I did not cheat.

is he connected with Palastine?
or generally Arabs?


offcourse there is chance to be a Greek, a PAOK fan



I think he looks German or Northern European in general.
Levantine, Lebanese maybe.
Well I guess the fact that this is surprising makes everyone guess Middle East, which is correct. He's a full-blooded Syrian from Homs, basically - but pretty incredibly he looks extremely similar to my grandpa. This guy is clearly a relic of a now lost Indo-European (or pre-Indo-European) population in the Middle East. I know such populations definitely existed, but I can't decide whether his phenotype in the Middle East descends from the Iranians or Hittites (or just red hair in the Near East is aboriginal (R1b clades almost all ultimately stem from West Asia)).

My point is, we need more ancient DNA! Where does this guy get his extremely light pigmentation from? He's pretty pale even by British standards!
Well I guess the fact that this is surprising makes everyone guess Middle East, which is correct. He's a full-blooded Syrian from Homs, basically - but pretty incredibly he looks extremely similar to my grandpa. This guy is clearly a relic of a now lost Indo-European (or pre-Indo-European) population in the Middle East. I know such populations definitely existed, but I can't decide whether his phenotype in the Middle East descends from the Iranians or Hittites (or just red hair in the Near East is aboriginal (R1b clades almost all ultimately stem from West Asia)).
My point is, we need more ancient DNA! Where does this guy get his extremely light pigmentation from? He's pretty pale even by British standards!
There is no need to invoke the indo europeans every instance we see a blonde middle eastern. The trait I suppose came from some branches of ANE tribes, and ANE ancestry is high in caucasus even before indo european languages were spoken in the area. Some of that ancestry moved south to the levant.

If ANE is the source of blond hair then theoritically the PIE speakers in yamnaya should have carried this trait. But they didn't. I think the didn't have the snp's associated with it
Well I guess the fact that this is surprising makes everyone guess Middle East, which is correct. He's a full-blooded Syrian from Homs, basically - but pretty incredibly he looks extremely similar to my grandpa. This guy is clearly a relic of a now lost Indo-European (or pre-Indo-European) population in the Middle East. I know such populations definitely existed, but I can't decide whether his phenotype in the Middle East descends from the Iranians or Hittites (or just red hair in the Near East is aboriginal (R1b clades almost all ultimately stem from West Asia)).

My point is, we need more ancient DNA! Where does this guy get his extremely light pigmentation from? He's pretty pale even by British standards!

Early IE were not so pale, white skin.
can he be from a later migration?

or a family devastation etc?
It is likely his pale skin is from his Neolithic farmer ancestry, which i believe is the dominant ancestry of middle easterners.
How can you equate those? Not all whites are IE, and not all IE are whites. Also, ANE probably had lots of languages instead of just one, so not even all ANE were IE.
This is a middle-eastern dude with light pigmentation, blonde hair blue eyes. This happens. If your grandpa looks “exactly” like him, all I can really say is congratulations on your blonde middle-eastern looking grandfather!

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