Economy Goldman Sachs Rulling the world??????????????


Junior Member
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Katerini Pieria Makedonia
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Well mnaging the control of USA
Goldman sachs is now about to control EU

New president in ECB is Mario Draghi



Draghi was then vice chairman and managing director of Goldman Sachs International and a member of the firm-wide management committee (2002–2005).

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is an American bulge bracket investment banking and securities firm that engages in global investment banking, securities, investment management, and other financial services primarily with institutional clients. Goldman Sachs was founded in 1869 and is headquartered at 200 West Street in the Lower Manhattan area of New York City, with additional offices in major international financial centers.

what Europe and What European Union


We're all living in America,
Amerika is wunderbar.
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika.
We're all living in America,
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika

just ask your shelf.

in balkans we did not drink tsipuro, raki, we drink Bourbon+cola
we don't eat kiofte, we eat hamburger !!!!!!

maybe tomorrow we change the name of Gyros,
we will name it Donner and we say it is American use,
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goldman sachs.... what a bunch of criminals.

they are part of the mafia who ruined Argentina 10 years ago. A once rich country with a lot of natural resources... and now look at them:





This is the result of neo-liberalism. Enjoy it.
well there is a video in YT about an interview in BBC

but i can post link

so if someone can plz embed

Trying to be an economical power without being a political power is something really crazy. As they said, this is the product of neo-liberism. In Europe we would have the genes to take other ways, but until some years ago people were too busy with fake problems. Now we're discovering that we are living on a fake richness and populism is growing up all across this continent.
Trying to be an economical power without being a political power is something really crazy. As they said, this is the product of neo-liberism. In Europe we would have the genes to take other ways, but until some years ago people were too busy with fake problems. Now we're discovering that we are living on a fake richness and populism is growing up all across this continent.

Just out of interest,
What genes?
What other ways?
What fake problems?
Just out of interest,
What genes?
What other ways?
What fake problems?

1) Genes of various schools of thought and philosophies in politics and economy. European states didn't produce just one way to consider and build the current democracies.
2) The ways derive from point 1, but having a common economy without a common policy is the biggest European paradox, imo.
3) Substantially I refer to the fact that many people seem to wake up now from a long dream. We were well accustomed, now much wealth is flying away, like that dream...I see in the Italian families the awarness of having lived with a higher standard of life than they could afford. Consequently problems change too.

Sorry if in my answers I wasn't that brilliant or long, but it's really late and I'm sleepy. Maybe I made some grammar mistake too. I go to bed. ^^
The Bodyguards of Goldman Sachs in Europe

the source in Francais news papper Le Monde

Mario Dragi (ECB)
Mario Monti (Italy) President of Trilaterals
Loukas Papadimos (ex ECB, Pr Minister of Greece)

the source also mix the names of
Petros Christodoulou Greece (ex minister)
Joze Manuel Barozo !!!!!!!!!!

i could n't find it in net, but if someone can plz post link

the source is Greek language,



  • le+monde.jpg
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Couple of things I would add are in the English article it suggests that Barroso is a a lackey of GS.

Yet he's one of the main backers of a FTT in Europe, hardly in the interests of banks.

Another cog in the machine, is Henry Paulson, GS - U.S. government link under bush.

Henry Merritt "Hank" Paulson, Jr. is an American banker who served as the 74th United States Secretary of the Treasury. He previously served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs. source
And as expected, Goldman Sachs is not going to a trial (judgement)

The case is known as ABACUS, a project of loans and houses which acording Karl Levin (senator) cheated US Congress.

Well as always poor people in the whole of world even America, have to pay when a bank or an organisation falls with their taxes, but poor people never earn from the bank earns,
and that is not enough,
it seems that modern Bank-sters dictaorship is even above justice and not driven to Court of law,

What Free world and what peoples republicks

seems like the whole of world rulers kneal before Bank-sters,

Though you posted this thread last year, it bears to note that Goldman Sachs is hardly "American". International banks have no allegiance to any country and they do not represent American business interests.

I actually like the song "Amerika", but it's message is silly leftist nonsense with America being the bad guy. International banking and free trade fetishism is not even primarily American.

Though you posted this thread last year, it bears to note that Goldman Sachs is hardly "American". International banks have no allegiance to any country and they do not represent American business interests.

I actually like the song "Amerika", but it's message is silly leftist nonsense with America being the bad guy. International banking and free trade fetishism is not even primarily American.

I don't disagree with what you say,
infact I agree,
when lehman Brothers broke, it affected the world, not only US, 'Europen Crisis' it affects the world,
Mario Dragi was in High positions in Goldman sachs and now in ECB

But both the video and the posts show how powerfull become some organisations or corporations, that they do not afraid even Strong States-countries and sometimes they are even above law,

before 30-40 years we were speaking about the 'Free' western world. the 'humanity' and 'equality' of East world and a 3rd world who mostly was under its own culture, non west non east,
Today what we have?
China almost a looser in Cold war times, is the most Succeded country in modern 'Capitalism'
USA the once Free world dream is under the will of some Bank-sters who are above law (and not only, in my country happened something simmilar also and i posted last year)

I just wonder these phenomena are the effect of free transport of capitals? or Globalization phenomena,
I don't disagree with what you say,
infact I agree,
when lehman Brothers broke, it affected the world, not only US, 'Europen Crisis' it affects the world,
Mario Dragi was in High positions in Goldman sachs and now in ECB

But both the video and the posts show how powerfull become some organisations or corporations, that they do not afraid even Strong States-countries and sometimes they are even above law.

It is certainly troubling when banks find themselves so above nations as to be effectively governments themselves who have violated every principle of capitalist markets. As we say in America, banks have "privatized profit, socialized loss".

before 30-40 years we were speaking about the 'Free' western world. the 'humanity' and 'equality' of East world and a 3rd world who mostly was under its own culture, non west non east,
Today what we have?
China almost a looser in Cold war times, is the most Succeded country in modern 'Capitalism'
USA the once Free world dream is under the will of some Bank-sters who are above law (and not only, in my country happened something simmilar also and i posted last year)

I just wonder these phenomena are the effect of free transport of capitals? or Globalization phenomena,

Globalization certainly encourages such situations as it reducse all ties that an industry ought to have to the country and encourages a country like China to retain its horrible political system and conditions in order to have an insurmountable lead in economic affairs. G
What I have noted is that after the fall of the Berlin Wall, we have seen a shift of power from governments to the financial and business world. The notion of a politician having a clout on the international scene is now a thing of the past. Warren Buffett has more influence than the US president, and Draghi is the one dealing with Frau Merkel while Hermann writes poems in his office. The insane power some groups like Goldman Sachs and the rating agencies is due to damage the politicians credibility, it is just a matter of time, IMO, before the political world, especially in Europe, finds a way to muzzle down those groups.
What I have noted is that after the fall of the Berlin Wall, we have seen a shift of power from governments to the financial and business world. The notion of a politician having a clout on the international scene is now a thing of the past. Warren Buffett has more influence than the US president, and Draghi is the one dealing with Frau Merkel while Hermann writes poems in his office. The insane power some groups like Goldman Sachs and the rating agencies is due to damage the politicians credibility, it is just a matter of time, IMO, before the political world, especially in Europe, finds a way to muzzle down those groups.

Unlikely. The bankers own Europe even more firmly than elsewhere.

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