gods odin,thor

Since Wotan/Woden/etc. all seem to have been the chief deity in their respective culture, Wotanaz likely replaced Tiwaz as chief deity back during the proto-Germanic period, or earlier.

Lugus is even more fascinating a mythological figure than Odin IMHO.

I've read that a possible pre-proto-Germanic form of Wotanaz as *Wātinos. This could refer to him as being god of poets or prophets... think of Celtic vates. And who would have been the god of the Celtic vates? Presumably Lugus.

Sparkey, do you happen to know which tribes/worshiping populations were associated with each particular variant? I've had trouble finding information on the subject. For instance, I've read that The Franks used the variant of "Wuotan" in their particular Germanic mythology, but I'm interested in tying in population/tribe groups to the other versions of the name.
Sparkey, do you happen to know which tribes/worshiping populations were associated with each particular variant? I've had trouble finding information on the subject. For instance, I've read that The Franks used the variant of "Wuotan" in their particular Germanic mythology, but I'm interested in tying in population/tribe groups to the other versions of the name.

I don't think I have an exhaustive list, and I believe it even varied within tribes. I have:

Alemanni: Wuodan
Anglo-Saxons: Wôden and Ƿōden
Lombards: Godan
Norse: Óðinn
Saxons: Wôden
Suebi: Wodan

There are plenty more variations...
Sparkey, is there a link between the lombard (what period?) GODAN and the pangermanic word 'GOD' ???
or is it a late local evolution in Lombardia (celtic gaulish influence?:W- >> GW- >> G(o)-???) not shared with other Germanics?
thank beforehand
Sparkey, is there a link between the lombard (what period?) GODAN and the pangermanic word 'GOD' ???
or is it a late local evolution in Lombardia (celtic gaulish influence?:W- >> GW- >> G(o)-???) not shared with other Germanics?
thank beforehand

The time period relevant to Lombards using "Godan" is the 7th century, most importantly in the Origo Gentis Langobardorum. As for connections to the word "God"... good question. I dunno.
Thank you sir, very helpful!
The time period relevant to Lombards using "Godan" is the 7th century, most importantly in the Origo Gentis Langobardorum. As for connections to the word "God"... good question. I dunno.

so, after colonization of N Italy - the continental celtic evolution W>GW seems sensible - so too, no link (apprently) with germanic general term 'god'

am I wrong?
In anglo saxon worship Tiw or Tyr was the god of war and Odin the all father but I am sure someone will enlighten me further.
so basically the start of Germanic paganism is when the i1 native religion blended with the indo Europeans religons.???????
did the ancestors of i1 worship the gods odin and thor(not sure where to post this),i read that on a diffrent site, folks here seem more knowledgeable.

thank you

no they did not the invading proto Germans whp had Y DNA r1b U106 and conquered native scandnavien I1 where the first people to worship oden and thor they also brought y DNA I2a2 but they got that after conquering native people in Germany they also brought red hair which only exists in the areas of R1b L11 and its descendants except for the udmurts and in Indo Iranien Indo Europeans who migrated to asia don't get confused just because the indo iranien name sound mid eastern the first speakers where European because we have their remains and because u see alot of European traits like blonde hair in Indo Iranien areas in asia

in Germanic tradition Thor has long red hair and a huge red hair and like i said red hair in almost all of Europe is from R1b L11 Indo Europeans so the whole Norse gods thing is not from native Scandinavians and norse mythology is in the Indo European religion family along with hinduism but many I1 people like Vikings did worship thor and oden
r1b u106 did not become Germanic until they mixed with r1a and i1,if they never mixed then it would mostly be some kind of celtic.
celtic as in the wrestler you have a pic of as your avatar fire haired...lol
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r1b u106 did not become Germanic until they mixed with r1a and i1,if they never mixed then it would mostly be some kind of celtic.

u would have to be a linguistic master to say that and it is not true the original r1b u106 people in Germany 4,000-5,000ybp would have spoken proto Germanic the ancestral language of Germanic then they mixed with native y dna i2a2 in Germany and migrated to Scandinavia and mixed with native y dna i1a2 then that is when the Germanic language probably began but the ancestral language came from r1b u106 people
celtic as in the wrestler you have a pic of as your avatar fire haired...lol

i choose him as my avatar because i have red hair and he actulley looks alot like me and because he is a total beast
whatever makes you happy.lol
odin is turkic shaman from tyrkland central asia
odin is turkic shaman from tyrkland central asia
Iron Man was chatting with the Hulk and said that Thor is from Asgard, and then Black Widow added that:
“ ... Asgard is a small planetary body that serves as home to the Norse gods such as Thor, and their ruler, Odin. It exists in another dimensional plane and is about the size of the United States. It is not round like the Earth, does not spin on its axis, and does not revolve around the sun. ...”


Iron Man was chatting with the Hulk and said that Thor is from Asgard, and then Black Widow added that:
“ ... Asgard is a small planetary body that serves as home to the Norse gods such as Thor, and their ruler, Odin. It exists in another dimensional plane and is about the size of the United States. It is not round like the Earth, does not spin on its axis, and does not revolve around the sun. ...”



careful , these gods might hear you , they must exist as we named wednesday from Woden, Thursday from Thor and Friday from Frida ...............stay low
did the ancestors of i1 worship the gods odin and thor(not sure where to post this),i read that on a diffrent site, folks here seem more knowledgeable.

thank you

No doubt many of the ancesters of Y I1 haplogroup, in Scandinavia did worship both Odin, and Thor. These mythical Gods were believed to of entered Scandinavia with the Battle Axe culture, between 2,800/2,500 B C.

There was a God called 'Allfather', who had existed forever in an endless space, known as 'Ginnungagap', then came an existance of 'Yggdrasil' the world tree, it is from the roots of this tree that all things exist. Odin was the son of Borr, and a giantess called Bestla, Odin built Asgard, the home of the Gods, and Thor was his son, by Fjorgyn, an earth goddess. ( Odin had three wives, the other two being Frigga, and Rind ) Odin has been, and is often spelt many ways, ie Odin/Wotan/Woden.

In the in the UK 'Wednesday' is Odin's day, 'Thursday' is Thor's day etc.)

Thor may be associated/linked with the battle axe/hammer culture,( and the culture is named after their use of stone hammer/axes ) Thor is armed with his famous hammer. There were possibly many differing haplogroupes that worshipped these gods, but the culture is believed to of arrived from the East and south east. Odin ,is spelt in many ways as the cultures spread throughout Northern Europe,most notably during the migration periods ie around fifth century period and earlier.
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careful , these gods might hear you , they must exist as we named wednesday from Woden, Thursday from Thor and Friday from Frida ...............stay low

My Kung-Fu is strong, let the Gods hear me. :)
Saturday - Saturn's day (Kronos)
Martedì - Mars’ Day (Ares)
Mercoledì -Mercury’s Day (Hermes)
Giovedì - Jupiter’s day (Zeus)
Venerdì - Venus’ day (Aphrodite)
Iron Man was chatting with the Hulk and said that Thor is from Asgard, and then Black Widow added that:
“ ... Asgard is a small planetary body that serves as home to the Norse gods such as Thor, and their ruler, Odin. It exists in another dimensional plane and is about the size of the United States. It is not round like the Earth, does not spin on its axis, and does not revolve around the sun. ...”



i am not kidding lol.






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