Genomelink: Genetic Personality Trait Results

Viking Index reflection:

Though there were some Vikings in my region, it’s also likely that Genomelink has detected South-Europe Iron-Age genes carried by some Scandinavian Vikings.

If that wasn't the case, I would have been closer to the late British / Slavic Vikings, if any (I guess).

... the team found that from the iron age, southern European genes entered Denmark and then spread north ...
Viking Index reflection:

Though there were some Vikings in my region, it’s also likely that Genomelink has detected South-Europe Iron-Age genes carried by some Scandinavian Vikings.

If that wasn't the case, I would have been closer to the late British / Slavic Vikings, if any (I guess).

... the team found that from the iron age, southern European genes entered Denmark and then spread north ...

We can see it in the fact that all Northern European countries seem to have acquired more "farmer" ancestry as time went on, i.e. England.
Is this reputable? Or similar to The 100th percentile doesn't make any sense to me at all


Empathy and consciousness

I noticed both of yours were high. Did you score 100% on Empathy and consciousness?
I noticed both of yours were high. Did you score 100% on Empathy and consciousness?

yes I did, .. though I score 100% in Vengefulness too, ... my 100% Empathy and Consciousness will quickly turns into Vendetta if they do me wrong, ... :)
Empathy and consciousness

I also have 100% on both. I also have 100% neurotic lol. You know there is only three of us the last time I messaged genomelink. I've been looking for you. Haha, I got a 100% on looks too. So how is your intuition
Genomelink, Hoarding … :petrified:

… 23andme is more sensitive, lol
Neanderthal trait: having difficulty discarding rarely-used possessions.

I disagree, I'm not a hoarder, … and the few old things I keep are out of sight :)

Food and nutrition: The results of characteristics for which I have already done some clinical laboratory tests match those of the results below: interesting.

I was very allergic to eggs as a child. I'm not a big fan of eggs these days, but I eat when I want, just as I've never had reactions to vaccines where the chicken egg is part of the manufacturing process.

PS: I never used cannabis :bigsmile:
