gay marriages


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hello everyone. some of you know that I am a american(but I prefer to be called hispanic) but something has been bugging for a while.

I was happy to see people(a man and a woman) getting married but I do really wanted to see gays and lesbians get married too. I always thought America is a free country but I was wrong. I am bisexual and I do support gay marriages......I mean what is a big deal?
YEAY FOR THE BISEXUALS!!! *waves around banner with the Bi Triangle on it*
There is nothing wrong with it. My favorite point for it right now is: If marriage is between one man and one women then divorce and re-marriage should not be legal. Because that would be a marriage of another man and one woman or another woman and one man. :)
Marriage does unfortunatly have ties to religon and that's the big issue now. Originally marriage had little to do with love at all. It was about making badies. So this has become a deep-rooted thing in Christians' minds, that marriage is for creating babies and obviously two people of the same gender cannot have babies (unless it's two women and they do an insimination using the sperm of a doner). However, by saying this, Christians are admiting that the last thing marriage is about is love. Some great moral high ground ya got there. Also the Bible says homosexuality is wrong...of course it also says people who're left handed are gonig to Hell which anyone with sense knows is not true at all. Christians have forgiven so many mistakes and misconceptions in the Bible already why does homosexuality have to be so different from being left handed? Like being left handed it is inborn, the person cannot help it. To say they're going to Hell for it is a bit harsh, ne? Also the Bible was written by men in a time when homosexuality, like left handed-ness, was greatly misunderstood and feared because humans fear what is different or what they do not understand. So the idea of two men/women together was greatly disturbing to their poor "pure" minds [insert big roll of the eyes here]. Also, Christians say that sexual intercourse outside of marriage is sinful but they have barred homosexuals the abiltiy to be "clean" in that manner by denying them marriage. Strange no? Yes, the Bible says homosexuality is a sin...and so is eating birds apparently. The problem is NOT ALL OF AMERICA IS CHRISTIAN. To pass laws based on faith is wrong. Church and Sate are supposed to be separate, guess Bush missed that memo. To deny a group of people something based soully on a faith not shared by the who country is wrong and unfair. Now yes, if every single human being in the United States of America was of the Christian faith then fine but as 'for mentioned that is not the case. Also, I would like to ask the Christians something: how does this effect you? How does two men getting married directly effect you? You are free to live your own life as you wish as are they. Your life style and theirs shouldn't effect each other so. Why is it that the idea of somewhere out in the cosmos two people of the same gender loving each other is so horrifying to you? It's love, love is beautiful and is not something to be feared, loathed, looked down upon or have bigotry directed towards it. That brings me to point B. I think Christians when you say the word "homosexual" only hear the "sexual" part. They seem incapable of believing that love could possibly have anything to do with it. Well, no wonder they find it disgusting! Plain lust can be just that; disgusting. But that is not the case with all homosexuals. Yes, there are some lascivious, sluty gays but the same is true for heterosexuals. You can't glump us all into one category, it doesn't work that way. We are individuals and each make our own choices on how to live our lives, just because a small percentage of us have not made "the right" choices in your eyes doesn't mean we all have. To many of us love is very important and is very much a part of the relationships we form with our partners. Oh, and don't give me the "it's alright to love another man/woman but that doesn't mean you have to act on it" BS, if I flipped that around and told you that just about someone of the opposite gender you'd go up in arms 'cause then you'd realize how unfair that is and how difficult it would be to do.
So to make some sense of this long-winded post: I support Gay Marriage.
As a Christian, marriage between two men wouldn't affect or offend me in the least. I cannot sanction such a marriage in my church because it would violate certain religious tennents and traditions, but there is always another church that would do it.

In California, we passed proposition 22 that prohibited the recognition of same sex marriages, however last year the State assembly approved gay marriage, but the bill lost steam and died before either the Governor or state senate could pass it. So right now, the state of California is the body that won't recognize it. If however, you want some equal protection, there are laws that allow you to name your significant other to certain legal roles and to collect certain limited benefits.

You don't need the approval of society or some legal document to prove you love someone. All you need is to care and to stay with them forever.
Hyde_is_my_anti-drug said:
YEAY FOR THE BISEXUALS!!! *waves around banner with the Bi Triangle on it*
There is nothing wrong with it. My favorite point for it right now is: If marriage is between one man and one women then divorce and re-marriage should not be legal. Because that would be a marriage of another man and one woman or another woman and one man. :)
Marriage does unfortunatly have ties to religon and that's the big issue now.

That's as far as I made it before the lack of paragraphing made me give up.
Well, I am sorry if my post was too long or not structured in a way you find easy to read. However, there is such a thing as a word count limit on this site and I did not wish to go over it so I did not use paragraphs. :gomen:

sabro said:
If however, you want some equal protection, there are laws that allow you to name your significant other to certain legal roles and to collect certain limited benefits.
Yes, but do you not hear the "limited" in your sentence? Also, a major reason for gays wishing to be married is this (and this DOES happen and VERY often): if your partner is sick/in an accident/near death in anyway and is rushed to the hospital unless you are a family member or husband/wife they will not allow you into the room with them AT ALL even if they are DYING. So this person could have been your life partner for over 20 years but you do not get to be in the room in their final moments. Think about that, really think.

sabro said:
You don't need the approval of society or some legal document to prove you love someone. All you need is to care and to stay with them forever.
Yes, as far as emotions go that's just what people should do. However, the legal barriers make that very hard to do. Now I personally do not wish to be married because originally it had nothing to do with love and it is religious in origin and therefor I do not wish to take part in it. However, many gays/bis/lesbians do not feel the way I do about it and so, though I personally do not wish to marry, I still fight for their rights to do so.
You can get durable power of attorney and most hospitals should recognize domestic partnerships.
"Most" is the key word, note that it's not "all"
One of two things needs to change to resolve this particular issue: either the law banning gay marriage, or hospital policies regarding this matter.
But you have to be willing to pay the "marriage penalty" in income taxes and be subject to custody and property laws should the union be disolved.
Well, duh, we're not stupid. But to some people it's worth it.
If it bothers you come to the UK. We now have Civil Partnerships, in other words marriage in all but name only. It is open to gays, bis or ordinary people. In fact a couple of vicars have become 'married' and the most famous one was Elton John. While you have a narrow minded conservative Christian in the Whitehouse and in government, then not a chance in the US.
Hyde_is_my_anti-drug said:
Well, I am sorry if my post was too long or not structured in a way you find easy to read. However, there is such a thing as a word count limit on this site and I did not wish to go over it so I did not use paragraphs.

I only point it out because you obviously very strongly feel what you wrote and it is a shame when one's impassioned words go unread over something as trivial as the lack of a few line breaks. I'm positive I'm not the only reader on whom 90% of your effort went for nought.

The best way to ensure that the greatest number of people are fully exposed to your ideas and may be influenced by them is to keep posts short.

The second best way is to break up the post into paragraphs separated by blank lines. It isn't necessary to break them at some "correct" place.

Truly impassioned words should be given the greatest opportunity to reach out and influence others, and not be something merely to be scrolled past.
Well, I guess I'm different from "most readers" 'cause to me things like gaping spaces between paragraphs don't matter. I read people's posts regardless of how long or "un-spaced out" they are.
I have no problem with civil unions. Some dislike the use of the word marriage because they feel it dilutes the meaning. It is not just religion, but social norms and historical traditions. While I agree somewhat, it probably is less damaging than the serial, plural and phoney marriages that have become common. Anyone can have a ceremony and call it whatever they want, but getting the state to recognize it is a separate matter.
Hyde_is_my_anti-drug said:
Well, I guess I'm different from "most readers" 'cause to me things like gaping spaces between paragraphs don't matter. I read people's posts regardless of how long or "un-spaced out" they are.

There are indeed those sort of readers.

As I said, I only pointed it out because I thought you might want to influence the minds of as many people as possible since you obviously feel so strongly about the subject. In a visual (text-based) medium such as this it is impossible to reach a reader's heart or mind when we inadvertently make their eyes glaze over early on.
Well sorry but I had a lot to say and a limited word count to work with so I did not use spaced paragraphs.
Big blocks of words- sometimes I scan through them, occasionally I skip them altogether. I think Mike Cash is onto something here.
Hyde_is_my_anti-drug said:
Well sorry but I had a lot to say and a limited word count to work with so I did not use spaced paragraphs.

No need to get defensive, Mike is only trying to help.

I'm all for civil unions, as long as they're subject to any and all laws pertaining to marriage (I believe this point of view was posted already). If two people are committed to each other enough to enter the relationship in legal terms, I don't have any problems with them enjoying any of the benefits of married life.

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