Galician (NW of Spain) Y-DNA


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I guess Galicia is a region quite unknown in Europe. Located in the northwest of the Iberian peninsula shared culture with northern Portugal.
Most people will be surprised by the genetic data. As for the Y-DNA, atlantic component (R1b) is the most abundant 58%, but does not reach the level of 70% or 80% of the Basque Country and Wales. the Galician population is genetically more diverse than at first sight appears.

Galicia is paradoxical because it is reputed to be the most genuinely celtic region in Spain, and yet the percentage of haplogroup R1b is relatively low. It also has a reputation as the region of Spain with the highest percentage of light hair and blue eyes. Well, I can say that after traveling for the rest of Spain this is true, but the difference is very subtle.
In my opinion blondism is closely linked with haplogroup I than with haplogroup R1b, and in Galicia there is the highest prevalence of haplogroup I (M253). That might explain that light hair is slightly higher than in the rest of Spain, although I notice that most of the Galician are brown haired or brunette.

The second major haplogroup in Galicia is the E, something that will surprise some people.
The sum of the different subclades of E is 17%. Being the most abundant, as in the rest of Spain, the haplogroup E-M81 (haplogroup called Berber, due its origin).
Post the AUTOSOMAL DNA readings of samplings from the region. Who cares about E (M81) in NW Iberia, every bit of recent research points to most of it being Mesolithic / Neolithic. Don't you understand that you are not fooling anyone? Man, you are truly ill.
Post the AUTOSOMAL DNA readings of samplings from the region. Who cares about E (M81) in NW Iberia, every bit of recent research points to most of it being Mesolithic / Neolithic. Don't you understand that you are not fooling anyone? Man, you are truly ill.

Hahaha, someone who lives in the States is going to explain to me what is Galicia, hahahahaha. You, poor fool man.

This forum is about Y-DNA!!!
Hahaha, someone who lives in the States is going to explain to me what is Galicia, hahahahaha. You, poor fool man.

This forum is about Y-DNA!!!

You idiot...I've been to Galicia more times than you can imagine. You are a grade a T-R-O-L-L and a major league liar.
You idiot...I've been to Galicia more times than you can imagine. You are a grade a T-R-O-L-L and a major league liar.

Of course, You have been to Galicia a lot of times. Let's talk in Galician since now.

Imos ver, parvo, en que estás ti vencellado con Galiza para visitarnos arestora e antigamente?
You, fool, answer me in Galician, please.
In Portuguese, which is parallel:

Voce tem uma mentalidade de crianca. Es muito defeciente.

How freaking sad you are...
In Portuguese, which is parallel:

Voce tem uma mentalidade de crianca. Es muito defeciente.

How freaking sad you are...

Voce non existe en galego, é portugués, o mesmo que tem e uma. Hahaha.

Translation: Voce is in portugues, in galician would be Vostede. Words lasted in M are portugueses, don't exist in Galician.
Wrong try. Fool!!!
Voce non existe en galego, é portugués, o mesmo que tem e uma. Hahaha.

Translation: Voce is in portugues, in galician would be Vostede. Words lasted in M are portugueses, don't exist in Galician.
Wrong try. Fool!!!

I replied to you in PORTUGUESE (I specifically wrote that but, of course, you tend to ignore many things, don't you?). You can believe whatever you want, just like certain insane people do. Anyway, enough with the infantile games.
I'm still waiting for the correct answer to the question that I have made you in Galician. You have not even been able to translate it into English, so I deduce that you are neither Galician nor you have family in Galicia. So, you're a faker and an ignorant about Galicia.

Moreover, the phrase you put in Portuguese has no sense. Translators sometimes don't work. Ignorant too about Portugal.
Ferreiro, anyone can use a Galician / English dictionary online and translate. You're boring, fella.
Ferreiro, anyone can use a Galician / English dictionary online and translate. You're boring, fella.

Well, I'm still waiting for your answer in Galician.
But there isn't answer, because you can not say a phrase in Galician consistently, nor even in Portuguese.
Well, I'm still waiting for your answer in Galician.
But there isn't answer, because you can not say a phrase in Galician consistently, nor even in Portuguese.

Oh what a childish, childish mind. Look, spreader of nonsense, we have figured out who you are. You have zero credibility.

BTW, por desgraza, es unha persoa moi perturbada con nada mellor que facer moitas cousas absurdes.

If you like, I can give you the equivalent in Portuguese, French...:bored:

Conversation over, game over.
Oh what a childish, childish mind. Look, spreader of nonsense, we have figured out who you are. You have zero credibility.

BTW, por desgraza, es unha persoa moi perturbada con nada mellor que facer moitas cousas absurdes.

If you like, I can give you the equivalent in Portuguese, French...:bored:

Conversation over, game over.

Better try than the old one, but wrong again. Absurdes doesn't exist in Galician. I can understand the sense of the phrase, but it is wrongly constructed from the point of view of grammar. It is the fault of the translators.

In addition, it has nothing to do with what I had asked in Galician. I see you have not been able to translate it yet.
Better try than the old one, but wrong again. Absurdes doesn't exist in Galician. I can understand the sense of the phrase, but it is wrongly constructed from the point of view of grammar. It is the fault of the translators.

In addition, it has nothing to do with what I had asked in Galician. I see you have not been able to translate it yet.

Should be ABSURDAS. Just a typo little guy, just a typo.
Good luck with your own personal stupid thread about Galicians, Trolleiro.
Should be ABSURDAS. Just a typo little guy, just a typo.

Podes usar un diccionario, e asemade poder ir a unha web galega e copiar unha frase, mais endexamais serás capaz de respostar á miña pregunta correctamente.

yes, you can use a dictionary, and even you can go to a galician web and copy a phrase, but you never would be able to answer my question correctly. Because translators and dictionary do not construct sentences correctly.

It takes you an hour you get to write a sentence in Galician, and is not even grammatically well constructed.

4 hours later I'm waiting for your answer to my question in Galician.
The only truly stupid (parvo) person here is YOU! And the only one making connections to fantasy worlds (as you implied earlier as regards me) here is YOU!. Come on already, we know very well who you are from the other forums you've polluted. Don't you have better things to do?:useless:

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