Fruits and vegetables in Andalusia and the rest of Spain.

Now we are already half African?, Of course I like the appearance that the South American North African, South American sincerely appearance does not attract me sexually.
how childish... typical racist actitude with inferiority complex. yes you are half african... it's a fact... and you wish you were as beautiful as amerindian.
Why should I deny it, I'm not sexually attracted to Latin American people. In North Africa, Middle East, Turkey, people are much more appealing to me.
ANDALUSIA: world's leading exporter of olive oil and table olives.

They are the second most exported food product for our community, behind the hortofructícolas. They move huge tonnages generate many wages and most importantly, are exquisite!

In Andalusia, know well the nutrition and health products such as olive oil and table olives, therefore, are the first to take them. However, in the world is also beginning to know, judging by recent export data, which reflect indices year after year exponential growth. And it promises to penetrate new markets and giants like China or the United States.

When natural or food ingredient, versatility is certainly one of the most successful qualifiers to define the olive oil and table olives in Spain. Its various uses and forms of consumer tastes conquer increasingly attract the attention of chefs from around the world and help spread the name of Andalusia around the globe.

And, who can resist a good extra virgin olive oil-soaked piece of bread or a few green olives to accompany a cervezita? The good soon becomes known, more at a time like ours, economic globalization, but also social and morals.

In this context, the Andalusian products make the Americas by land, sea and air to the houses, bars and restaurants most remote planet. As shown, figures. In the case of olive oil, according to figures provided by the Trade Promotion Agency of Andalusia (extended), under the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science Government of Andalusia, the exports made by companies Andalusian olive oil in 2010 show an annual increase of 23% being the most exported autonomous community with 67% of total exports from Spain.

Also here, the trade surplus stood at 1,203 million euros, with a 2521% rate of coverage. Virgin olive oil is the most exported 1,010 million euros, representing 81% of exports in 2010. It is also the highest growth with 28%.

Italy and Portugal were the major export destinations Andalusian olive oil on the outside, with shares of 42% and 12% of the total, respectively, with growth of 47% and 10%. Also, a big increase in exports to the U.S., with 63% compared to 2009.

Extenda According to the report, most exports are concentrated in the Andalusian province of Seville with 38% of the total in Cordoba with 27%. Ç

These numbers give a good account of the weight is and has always had the olive oil in Andalucia. Antonio Avila already said Cano, Minister of Economy, last March during the presentation of the Foreign Trade Promotion Plan III of the Spanish Olive Oil, "Andalucia temple can not be understood olive oil, either now or over history. "

According to Avila, "We are world leaders in production, with about 40% of the global total and 80% of the Spanish, around one million tonnes on average per season, the 2009-2010 figure that rose to 1, 2 million tons. We are also leaders in marketing, with 67.3% of Spanish exports in 2010, reaching a value of 1,252 million euros, an increase of 23.4% over 2009. Or that is, that Andalusia alone sells more worldwide than Italy, the next country in turnover of its exports.

The counselor also provided data related to employment. Andalusian olive industry employs some 250,000 olive and determining activity in more than 300 people, which generated 22 million in wages and settle more than 1,000 companies (more than 800 mills and 200 ENTAM). "But if Spain and Andalusia is a world leader with her, Jaen is the capital of green gold," said Avila. Jaen province has nearly half the size of the farms and mills in Andalusia, to remove half of their olive oil extra virgin olive Andalusia. "This land sale 15% of our exports to the world.

Despite all this, the sector has faced some challenges especially relating to prices and marketing and is expected to be settled from the Law Olivar just enter parliament of Andalucia.

Olives from Spain.

In the case of olives, according to the Agency for Olive Oil, the latest campaign has registered a record production in Spain and Andalusia, the first autonomous production of table olives with 80% of the total. Thus, domestic production has touched the 600,000 tonnes of which 481,000 correspond to Andalusia, highlighting the provinces of Seville, Cordoba and Malaga. In the 2010 campaign were 395 companies engaged in the framework, of which 55% are Andalusian.

In terms of export, the Andalusian region accounts for 81% of Spanish, so that by 2010 the community has exported 250,864 tons. There are over 100 companies with export activity, although there is a group of 30 companies accounting for approximately 75% of exports.

In Andalusia there are the main varieties of table olives ENTAM once traded in many forms: boneless, whole, sliced, stuffed (with anchovies, peppers, tuna, ...). According Asemesa, the sector of table olives empelo generates about 8,000 direct, more than 6 million days of collection and cultivation of olive trees, which must be added those arising from subsidiary companies and factories.

Associated companies represents Asemesa from Andalusia, Valencia, Catalonia and Extremadura, which account for more than 70% of the sector's turnover. Specifically 76% of associates are Andalusians, and that most of the production and processing is done in Andalusia.

Source: Economic Andalusia.
hmm interesting word ENTAM, what does it mean?

A typo in the original, "entamado" framing "entramado" as the text is written in green had not noticed me.

  1. framework
  2. truss
Carlitos, guess what I bought yesterday! A Spanish cucumber!
I hope you are happy now! ;)


Thank you you do not know all that I am grateful for it to you. I will buy again in the Schlecker.
French farmers attack to a Spanish truck of vegetable next to La Junquera.

Mundo. A truck loaded with vegetable proceeding from Spain has been attacked by a picket of French farmers in strike in the proximities of the Spanish border of The Rush.

A truck loaded with vegetable proceeding from Spain has been attacked by a picket of French farmers in strike in the proximities of the Spanish border of The Rush, as there denounced the National Federation of Associations of Transport of Spain (Fenadismer), who makes sure that the assault has "destroyed" the load that was transporting the vehicle.

According to management this one, the attack has provoked that the Mossos of Square were closing to the traffic for trucks of the freeway AP-7 in direction of France.

Fenadismer has requested the Department of Promotion and the Department of Foreign Affairs that " acts with character of urgency " before the European and French institutions in order to catch the attacks that trucks that Spanish transport fruits and vegetables are receiving in France.

In particular, the management one has urged the Spanish Executive whom it requests before the EU that " model sanctions are imposed against the authors of the assaults to Spanish trucks ", having considered that they commit an outrage against the freedom of persons' circulation and goods for Europe that guarantees the Agreement of Schengen.

According to Fenadismer, these attacks take place annually in this epoch of the year, coinciding with the icy moment of the agrarian Spanish exports, " with the only purpose of harming the biggest competitiveness of the Spanish exports opposite to the agrarian products proceeding from the Gallic country ".

Very funny...

Do you know WHY the french farmers do that?
Of course your media don't talk about it...

The Spanish farmers don't respect the European laws, they sell their vegetables at any price and it's forbidden in Europe!!!

French farmers detain the trucks with fruit proceeding from Spain
0 ComentariosUn group of French farmers has managed to overturn a truck proceeding from Spain with a load full of fruit. As measurement of prevention the Mossos they have proceeded to close the traffic on the border for this type of vehicles. From France they complain about disloyal competition on the part of Spain for selling the products with very low prices. The Government affirms " not to be ready to withstand " the vuelco of goods and that will take measures

Yes we know about what the French farmers complain. But to throw the meal is not ways of protesting and any more with the famine that there is in the world, Europe needs these vitamins.
That lower the prices and raise us the salary.


The Index of Prices in Origin and Destination, a report published by COAG with the UCE and Ceaccu, spills a few numbers this year so worrying as in the previous ones. It has not stopped spending one year in which the distinguishing one between the price of the food between origin and destination rises, but in particular this year there are some products star that have multiplied even for 10 times his value.
Those that more have got dearer
Between the products that this March more have risen there finds the cucumber 9,10 times more expensive for the final consumer from his price of origin, the courgette 7,41 times, the tomato 7,19 times and the lemon 7,4 times.
The average
In whole, the average of the products of the agriculture that are increasing his price during the intermediaries, during this March, has been 4,23 times. The distinguishing one that for COAG is untenable and that of not stopping by means of the European legislation or the proper one of our country, will provoke a major abandonment of the field and a major food dependency on third countries.

Do the intermediaries steal us?

Habitually we can listen to the agrarian lobby to protest for the infladísimos margins of benefit that the intermediaries obtain, on having acquired his products at a few prices misérrimos and they be resold the most expensive to the consumer. This way, for example, the Coordinating State one of Organizations of Farmers and Stockbreeders (COAG) does not hesitate to declare: " The intermediaries' chains usually obtain, without scarcely assuming risks, a margin of benefit that often 450 % overcomes ", and Eladio Aniorte, president of Young Farmers (Asaja) of Alicante, it raised the bet on having affirmed recently that sometimes these margins reach " 6.000 % ".

With the accounts of 2008 in the hand, we see that the margins of benefit of the retailers (Mercadona, Eroski, Carrofour and El Corte Ingles) scarcely overcome 2 %; some of them, for example Eroski, lose money. The wholesalers (Mercamadrid and Mercabarna) present major margins of benefit (33 and 12 %), but in any case not too scandalous, especially when we put them as regards the capital that they use. And the fact is that, when we take the ROA, the authentic baremo of profitability of a business, we see that none is over 7,5 %, and that those of some, as Carrefour and El Corte Ingles, are very moderate (2,4 and 2,2 %).
Is there great a ROA of 7,5 %? Bearing in mind that the nominal average profitability of the American bag throughout the XXth century was 10 %, enough normalita talks each other about a number, not outstanding at all. In fact, at the end of 2009 approximately a third of all the companies quoted in the United States had a ROA superior to 7,5 %.
Finally, the profitabilities of the Spanish intermediaries are normal throwing casualties, and the extraordinary benefits do not appear by any side, unlike what the farmers denounce.


The demonización of the intermediaries is a strategy extended enough in the Spanish field to try to excuse the inefficiency of the proper sector. For years it turns out to be quite clear that in Spain farmers remain, which is translated in an excess of production and in a few low prices of selling. It is not a question of the intermediaries paying to them less than they should, in essence because they cannot pay to them much any more.

Considering the scarce margins and the scarce valuations of profitability of our intermediaries, there is no any possibility of raising significantly the offered prices that the farmers receive. Higher offered prices would lead to the progressive failure and decapitalization of our intermediaries, which in the mid term would mean a minor volume of deals, lower offered prices and higher asked prices.
Neither it seems possible that our intermediaries raise the prices for that they ask the consumers, in turn, to pay higher prices to the farmers. We have already seen that the prices do not depend on the costs, but the other way round, and that therefore it is not possible to raise in a supported way the price asked over the utility of the product.

The field, therefore, needs an urgent restructuring, which does not have to happen for stealing the intermediaries. The margins that are trying to arbitrate – between the offered price and the average costs of the agriculture – some time ago that became closer and that should have stopped being exploited. They realize activities that do not satisfy the needs of the consumers.

It is not a question of the farmers staying out of the society, but of any of them redeeming other functions, in those activities which margins are positive. Unfortunately, it seems that the strategy that they have adopted raisin for proclaiming that it departs from the margins of the intermediaries they belongs and, across so unjustified crying, to obtain all kinds of prebends. At least one notices that intervencionistas as Spanish have understood the functioning of political systems.
Yes we know about what the French farmers complain. But to throw the meal is not ways of protesting and any more with the famine that there is in the world, Europe needs these vitamins.
That lower the prices and raise us the salary.

The kids in Central Europe are starving on the streets. But each time the Spanish send their vitamine aids, those French veggy-vandals throw all the truck loads on the road...
And so that also poor people can afford these vitamines, the Spanish lower the prices, unlike the French, which makes the French jealous because they sell less...

The kids in Central Europe are starving on the streets. But each time the Spanish send their vitamine aids, those French veggy-vandals throw all the truck loads on the road...
And so that also poor people can afford these vitamines, the Spanish lower the prices, unlike the French, which makes the French jealous because they sell less...

The solution is that the French farmers lower the prices if they want to compete with the Spanish production, in prices, since in quality they cannot.

The solution is that the French farmers lower the prices if they want to compete with the Spanish production, in prices
It must be an European decision and not a Spanish one...
And the French farmers will can't live with this kind of prices...

since in quality they cannot
And after you say we are arrogant :giggle:
If they are exceptionals and better than ours, why they don't sell their vegetables at the same price than the French products?
Just give the price decisions in hands of free market. In most of the cases it works better than prices and decisions set by bureaucrats.
Great picture Carlitos, but it doesn't beat this one Brezhniev/Honecker.


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