Boii was Celtic tribe, Deserta Bojorum in Roman Pannonia.
15+ placenames Bajoru in Lithuania.
Bajorai was the richest social class of warriors and landowners in Lithuania also in all area from Serbia to Finland.
As far the rank Bojars in our language are concerned,it is coming from *Boj (battle,fight) i.e man for battle,OCS *Boi (battle,fight) Proto-Slavic *bojь,the same.
Some consider cognate the Illyrian proper name Boius.
Neris river flows through the capital Vilnius.
Nerius is listed between Celtic gods.
Proto-Celtic *dewo- 'god' = Olr. dia, OW duiu,
Dievas in Lithuanian, "Dievo rankose"-"in the hands of god".
Nereus is also god in Greek mythology,Neretva is river in Bosnia most probably same IE root.
Humm. Ok. late neolithic people in Iberia (up until 3500 bc) were extremely scarce and very homogeneous (as per Nm dental traits), suddenly a overload of arrows and carinated pottery people flooded into South Iberia and these were very diverse and heterogeneous populations some being clearly related to N.Africa (proto Berber) and other not (tallish brachy and Mesocephalic) but very establish and fortified by 3000 Bc. During the 4th millennia north Africa saw the vanish of a staggering amount of population (read Kate manning) at the same time south Iberia shows settlements of over 100 Ha and even over 300ha (Porto torrao) or a bit north in Zambujal, actually where by 2800 Bell beakers are seen arising... So.,, where is that you are not seeing the connection?

do you mean places like Los Millares, Zambujal and the like ?
dates are not sharp, but Los Millares I would guess 3100 - 3200 BC and Zambujal even a bit later
these newcomers knew about metallurgy
are there traces of metallurgy in N. Africa ?
you say 2 people , tallish brachy and Mesocephalic are more steppe-like and what traits have proto Berber?
Bell Beaker appears only few centuries after metallurgy and fortified places
do you mean places like Los Millares, Zambujal and the like ?
dates are not sharp, but Los Millares I would guess 3100 - 3200 BC and Zambujal even a bit later
these newcomers knew about metallurgy
are there traces of metallurgy in N. Africa ?
you say 2 people , tallish brachy and Mesocephalic are more steppe-like and what traits have proto Berber?
Bell Beaker appears only few centuries after metallurgy and fortified places

Hi Its a bit confusing how you put it.
a. Los millares, la conception, San blas, la pijotilla, Perdigoes, Porto torrão... and a couple centuries later Zambujal, Vnsp, leceia. But it does not matter. its just an explosion of settlements, some huge, huge, at a point populations are vanishing from north Africa... its a no brainer.

b. Mostly they did know how to make long blades. and also brought "tanged" arrows, since later copper Bell beakers daggers were "tanged".... and lots of lots of new traits. And yes. There are smelting of copper in early Zambujal. Lousy copper, but copper. but if you need something that works and is hard, them use Ampholite rock that they imported a lot from central Iberia. so copper was too poor to have any usage.

c. Also they brought a lot of Ivory from Africa. which later you would find as an elite V perforated buttons on bell beaker burials. and lots and lots of more stuff from Africa.

d . Overall there were too many different phenotypes. In Carenque you find skeletons and crania that were Hyper-Doly to Hyper Barchy. and some were small like Muge people and Hyper-Doly and others where bigger and extreme round-headsand taller (specially women) .
But most were Mediterraneans looking people like Capsians in N. Africa or late neolithic Iberians. we know they came from N. Africa mainly because some strontium does say so (they were actually born there!) and Nom metric Dental traits puts for instance Perdigoes populations (albeit the high Diversity) as "Europoid" but bordering North African... so. Makes sense.

Did I answers your questions?
Some pan'mediter' traits were common on the two sides of the mediterranean before the 5000 BC so it proves nothing without more details - what we have to verify is the origin of the metallurgic skills (perhaps more than ONE, I think : surely); demic attraction towards more skilled culture/economy or even slavery could explain the coming of PARTLY north-african newcomers; were they among the elites? I doubt but who know todate? What is sure is that BBs were only a kind of metallurgists among or rather aside other metallurgists, at least at the beginning, it's to say when archeologists begin to find distinctive cultural traits in Portugal.
Demic Attraction?

Some pan'mediter' traits were common on the two sides of the mediterranean before the 5000 BC so it proves nothing without more details - what we have to verify is the origin of the metallurgic skills (perhaps more than ONE, I think : surely); demic attraction towards more skilled culture/economy or even slavery could explain the coming of PARTLY north-african newcomers; were they among the elites? I doubt but who know todate? What is sure is that BBs were only a kind of metallurgists among or rather aside other metallurgists, at least at the beginning, it's to say when archeologists begin to find distinctive cultural traits in Portugal.

Hummm... No, no Moesan. Weird talk.
See Katie Manning Mp4 animation of North Africa disappearing people. There was no attraction. It was something like Hundreds of thousands crossing gibralter strait fleeing those aeloian winds. So that flood of people made Iberia Chalcolithic.
What as chalcolithic Iberia? - Highly diverse and heterogenous populations, like I said, from crania morpholofy to most important Nonmetric dental traits (see J. Desideri works) showing a very homogenous late neolithic Iberia and a very heterogenous iberia chalcolithic. So, no argument anymore.

Now, buckle up. Dont expect you to believe ( and dont care). Amongst those people fleeing the birth of Sahara was a Caucasian (literal) population that previous was in El omari and Merimde and those became the Bell beakers... but that would be a long story ...

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