Animals Fighting Animal Exploitation/Cruelty

Tsuyoiko said:
I can think of more appropriate ways to promote those causes :eek:kashii:

What exectly are you referring to? The thread is long.

But, there are many ways to fight against animal cruelty and some may be more appropriate at different times in different places. However, I don`t see what you are referring to, or could be referring to in recent posts that should be put off the table for consideration and use.
Sorry - to clarify, I was referring to the posts immediately preceding mine.
Tsuyoiko said:
Sorry - to clarify, I was referring to the posts immediately preceding mine.

You mean the use of models baring skin for advertisements to catch eyes?

If so, and looking at your comment on that, then I would have to say, "well, gee, I guess there are always better ways to do something."

But so what!? When there is a mix of approaches it adds to the dynamics of any campaign. Like I said, some things in some places at different times strikes cords and causes discourse more than other places at different times.

You aren`t saying that ads like that shouldn`t be used, are you?
Taking a bite out of animal abusers, tax-paying citizens?f money is being used to protect and prosecute those who are cruel to animals by allowing the state of Maine in the the U.S. to include animals in protection orders of those issued by judges to those persons who are trying to leave spouses.

Mounting evidence is showing that animal abuse often preceeds violent crime, and in the case of domestic abuse, it may even be alarmingly high.

Abusive spouses often think that one of the best ways to intimidate and control their partner is to make threats on a cherished pet. Often these threats are made good on.

Excerpt of article:
Susan Walsh, whose dog and sheep were killed by her husband, said many victims stand to benefit from including pets in protection orders.

"I've heard so many horror stories from other women that I knew I was not alone," she said.

When the bill came up for consideration at a public hearing in January, Walsh recounted how she remained in an abusive marriage in part out of fear for what might happen to her pets and farm animals if she left.

Walsh said her husband shot two of her sheep inside their Ellsworth barn. Another time, when she was visiting her parents in Pennsylvania, he deliberately ran his truck over her deaf and blind border collie in their driveway, she said.

Walsh, who stayed in the marriage for more than 12 years before her divorce in 2001, said she would have left sooner had it not been for her responsibilities to the animals.

The article goes on to explain that 71% of women in one shelter for abused women reported that they had a pet threatened or abused by their partners.

The good thing about this news is that it reports on the link between cruelty to animals and violence to people. It also makes it quite clear that there is value in letting the legal system, paid for by tax money, work in a way that animals benefit from not being the target of inflicting pain. The more and more animals creep into the legal cases and decisions of judges and legislatures, the more and more they move to legal personhood.

But, it is a slow process.

Read full article here: New Maine Law Expands to Protect Pets
SVF...I'm just curious, do you own dogs, cats, birds, etc??? If so, how many do you have. Have you/do you volunteer time with shelters etc...? I apologize if you have mentioned this before, I skimmed this thread but didn't notice anything about it.
(just so you know, I have a Golden Ret., a rescued Golden, and two rescued turtles RES's)
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I had two hamsters, they died, a cat, she got old and didnt come home oneday, ive got a dog, the little bastard, but you cant help love his unique form of evil.

I've also got a resident mouse, he has evaded every attempt to catch him so far but i respect him as a worthy foe, as such ive never resorted to lethal means of getting him.

I think SVF once mentioned his list of pets, a reasonable number i think, though im not sure.
CC1 said:
SVF...I'm just curious, do you own dogs, cats, birds, etc??? If so, how many do you have. Have you/do you volunteer time with shelters etc...? I apologize if you have mentioned this before, I skimmed this thread but didn't notice anything about it.
(just so you know, I have a Golden Ret., a resued Golden, and two rescued turtles RES's)

Hi CC1, I answered your questions at the end of this thread HERE.
Talking of staying on topic, SVF please try and remain within the thread, and not drawing the threads to another one you have made for other pupouses, if you dont want to awsner points and questions within the thread their asked, then ignore them.
strongvoicesforward said:
Hi CC1, I answered your questions at the end of this thread HERE.
I actually felt that my question was on topic. Seeing as this thread deals with animal cruelty...I find it relevent wether or not you care for animals yourself! I would appreciate it if you would answer the question here rather than send me on a wild goose chase.
strongvoicesforward said:
Yes, I have 4 dogs. All rescued or pick ups.
I am active in some aspects of Animal 'Liberation' -- of which I will not go into detail. When opportunities present themselves to make a difference, or when I can create an opportunity, I act on that.
Bearing all for bears -- Peta U.K. is keeping the pressure on Buckingham palace to have bear fur discontinued for ceremonial hats worn by the famous red suited guards.

On Sunday, Peta members held a ?gdie-in?h at Parliement Square, spreading their naked bodies in a heap to bring more attention to the campaign to change to faux fur hats. The campaign is gaining momentum. As of now, 170 members of pariament have signed the petition directed to the Minister of Defense to make the switch. As the list of signatures grow, it will become more likely that the issue will eventually be debated within the House of Commons.

In addition, the Peta Bear (as mentioned earlier in this thread) continues to stalk Prince Charles during his public functions and travels -- and the Prince knows it, having acknowledged the bear on several occasions.

There is no question as to the future success of this campaign. It is not a question of ?gif?h this indefensible policy of fashion cruelty is stopped by the Defense Ministry, but a question of ?gwhen?h they will stop at the point of victory for the bears and Peta.

It surely has more chance of success than the campaign that ended the stuffy old foggies who ran around the countryside having their dogs savage foxes to death by ripping them to pieces (riding so pompously high and self-rightiously proud in their red coats and high black boots). That in its past insipid form has been ended. Bear hats, too, will go the way of that tradition which died hard -- but will die, like sanctioned fox hunting by dogs did indeed die.

Here is a picture of the nude protest (all genetalia and breasts are slighly covered by limbs and posters [to me it looks almost like avante gard art):


Look here for full story: Nude PETA Members Tell the Naked Truth About Bearskins
Got To Love Those Brits!

More and more the non-human animals are getting their foot into the door of "personhood." When the issues of cruelty are being debated within the halls where laws are made by a country`s top politicians, "rights" are not too far behind. Until they are realized though, "welfare" is tackeled.

A new Animal Welfare Bill on the national level that could see owners are jailed and fined is going the rounds before Parliament. The interesting and unique thing about this Bill is that it states "Freedoms," a word often associated with altruistic ideas. Here are the 5 freedoms to be guaranteed to pets:

Freedom from thirst, hunger, and malnutrition
Freedom from discomfort
Freedom from pain, injury, and disease
Freedom to express normal behaviour
Freedom from fear and stress

Possible fine if owners ignore the above: 5,000 pounds or prison sentence.

After this bill becomes law, a secondary bill is in the makings to introduce a code of conduct for different types of animals.

The only thing that disappoints me is that all animals are not included. That leaves many battery hens, laboratory animals, etc... to languish in their horrendous conditions. But, things come slowly in steps at a time.

What was it that Willam Wallace said in Braveheart at the end? Oh, yeah. I remember now.

Oha Everybody!

What a glorious day it is today. I woke up to a morning of rain rain rain and for a minute I was thinking -- another day of rain -- just another day of rain.

But, NO! It is not just another day of rain and gloomy skies. This is the day The Polo Ralph Loren Corporation, one of the largest fashion company in the industry, publicly announced they would no longer use fur in any of its clothing fashion or home apparel collections!

They had been thinking about discontinuing these products for the last few months after meetings with PETA in February and March, but it wasn`t until recently after viewing undercover footage of fur farms(provided by PETA) in China that they made the resolute decision to put compassion above fashion.

After the meetings, the Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation sent PETA a signed statement of assurance acknowledging its intent to pull all advertising for fur, cancel all pending orders for fur products, and, beginning with its holiday 2006 collections, no longer sell any fur products. Twelve hundred of its brand-new fall 2006 fur-trimmed coats will be donated to charities in developing nations.

Full press release here: Ralph Lauren Drops Fur After Watching Chinese Fur-Farm Expose?L

Good on Ralph Lauren. Another victory for the animals, and PETA once again shows its effectiveness in dogged determination at getting results.

But the battle is not over, and many more languish in deplorable conditons on wire mesh encrusted feces exposed to the elements without bedding or proper nutrition.


T'is sad to see so many animals suffer because people like to wear 100 000$ fur coats :eek:kashii: I'd like to see them being stripped of their skin and see if they like it !
Oh! So funny!!!

R&B hip hop singer Beyonce allowed herself to be auctioned away for a dinner with fans. However, she didn`t know that Peta members put in the winning bid.

When they arrive at the restaurant they sit down and then the Peta members confront her about her wearing fur, explaining to her the cruelty that foxes are anally electrocuted for her fashion wear, which is designed by her mother. They tell her how beautiful she is and talented, and that her fans love her for that and not her death 'glamour' draping her body. They ask her if she would consider not wearing fur. They also put a portable video player on the table showing her a video narrated by Pamela Anderson depicting all the gruesomeness of the fur trade.

Basically, she just sits there mouth gaping, not believing she has been had, because for months now, Peta had been trying to contact her about her cruelty.

BUT, here is the great thing -- it was all caught on hidden video inside a bag placed on the table and YOU, TOO, CAN WATCH IT! It is about 1 to 2 minutes of Beyonce just being schooled on cruelty. Finally, her mother gets real upset and blows up and has the Peta members escorted out. Oh, so funny seeing the diva ambushed.

Oh, those waskily Peta members!

Go to to see it. Perhaps you don`t have to go there. Perhaps you can go directly to the video link Peta Gets to Diva Singer Beyonce
(you have to choose broadband or narrow band on the buttons and then wait about a min for the Quicktime to start).

If you haven`t seen Peta activists in action before, take a look.

Persistant Audacity defined.

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